
登录号:00000文件id:95042009。95年4月20日标题:国会加强反恐立法国会议员对俄克拉荷马城爆炸事件表示愤慨美国国会事务作家Wendy S. Ross华盛顿—国会主要议员表示,鉴于俄克拉荷马城爆炸事件,他们希望与克林顿政府密切合作,加强联邦反恐立法。参议院共和党领袖鲍勃·多尔4月20日说,参议院“随时准备与政府密切合作,尽早通过最严厉和最有效的反恐法案”。参议院休会两周后将于4月24日返回;众议院将于5月1日返回。多尔说:“克林顿总统向犯下这一恶毒罪行的人发出了正确的信息:他们会被抓住,他们会受到惩罚,美国人民不会被吓倒。”司法部长珍妮特·雷诺公开表示,一旦恐怖分子被捕,司法部将寻求判处他们死刑,多尔对此表示赞赏。“如果有什么罪行应该被判死刑,那就是这个,”他说。参议院民主党领袖汤姆·达施勒(Tom Daschle)说,“应对这次恐怖主义行动负责的懦夫应该被追捕,并在法律的最大范围内起诉。” The bombing of a building containing hundreds of innocent people -- some of them only children -- "is shocking and reprehensible," he said. Representative Benjamin Gilman, chairman of the House International Relations Committee, said the bombing of innocent children and civilians in the heart of a city "is an act of abominable, cowardly terrorism that strikes at the very foundation of civilized society." "Coming barely two years after the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York, this incident further demonstrates the necessity of strengthening our ability to prevent terrorists from reaching our shores and inflicting their violence upon our citizenry," Gilman said. He said his panel would "favorably consider any administration request to increase funding to help combat international terrorism," despite severe constraints in federal spending for overseas activities brought on by the deficit. Representative Henry Hyde, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, held a press conference April 20 to denounce the bombing. He said his panel will continue holding hearings on anti-terrorism legislation. Earlier this month, prior to the Oklahoma City bombing, the committee began an examination of the issue with a hearing that included testimony from officials with the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the departments of State and Justice. Hyde said his staff is completing work on draft legislation that includes new restrictions on the granting of U.S. visas to aliens linked to terrorist activities. It also includes provisions to curb the fraudulent manipulation of lax U.S. immigration laws, including the political asylum process. Hyde said "America is vulnerable. It's like a hotel lobby. It's easy to get in and easy to get out." He said any legislation must give law enforcement agencies the necessary resources to curb terrorist activities and prevent the entry of foreign nationals who pose a risk to America's security. Senator Arlen Specter, chairman of the Senate Terrorism, Technology and Government Information Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has scheduled a hearing for April 27 on separate anti-terrorism legislation that was introduced in February at the request of the Clinton administration. That proposed legislation would make political terrorism a federal crime and increase punishments up to and including the death penalty -- already available for some types of federal terrorist acts. It would let the government prohibit fund raising in the United States on behalf of known terrorist organizations. It would also make it easier to deport aliens living in the United States who engaged in terrorism in the past or are presently engaged in terrorist activities. One of the more controversial aspects of the measure would give judges power to review and use classified evidence that might not be provided to the accused. NNNN .