
登录号码:00000文件ID:95042703.nne日期:04/27/95标题:反恐立法获胜Bipartisan支持文本:(法律必须防范国内,外国恐怖主义)(590)由Rick Marshall Usia职员华盛顿 - 悲伤上周俄克拉荷马城市轰炸的悲剧增加了克林顿政府的驱动器的新的紧迫感,以通过新的全面反恐立法,并将双方召开,加上新的两党工具,打击国内外恐怖主义。一个包装的参议院司法委员会审理副委员会副司法部长Jamie Gorelick表示,4月27日,轰炸已在美国历史上的其他事件中测试了国家的决心。它“挑战我们所有人,”她说:“证明我们有意愿和力量在我们的宪法第一句中为我们提供了对我们的基本责任:”确保国内宁静“。”一些参议员作证在她面前,包括大多数领导者罗伯特·罗格(共和党,堪萨斯州),他谈到了“康复”,他和其他国会领导人在上一天与克林顿总统谈到了前一天,以绘制对俄克拉荷马城市灾难和工艺新的反恐立法的回应。Dole强调,Partisan政治应该在对抗美国公民的恐怖主义袭击中发挥作用。与参议院司法委员会议员奥林·帕特议员(共和党,犹他州)和俄克拉荷马的共和党参议员唐镍股,Dole向委员会提出了拟议的全面恐怖主义法案,这是在过去几天收到的许多此类条例草案之一。SEN. JOE Biden(Demolat)是委员会的排名民主党人,也参加了白宫会议,并预测委员会在委员会之前待的反恐票据,包括政府当局提交的综合行为,将纳入。他补充说,在会议上存在的人,所有人都同意仔细审议的必要性,以平衡既定美国公民自由的执法需求。一些美国团体,例如美国公民自由联盟,国家阿拉伯裔美国人协会和爱尔兰国家核心核心委员会反对政府的反恐计划,这可能会限制公民自由,特别是某些族裔。 Such fears about restrictions on civil liberties are unfounded, Gorelick said. "We can take decisive and forceful action against terrorism without sacrificing our nation's fundamental liberties. The choice between civil liberties and a safe society is a false choice. We need not -- and we will not -- trade off the guarantees of the Bill of Rights in order to uphold our duty to 'insure domestic tranquility,'" she stated. Her view was shared by Louis Freeh, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He stressed that "if the Congress confers additional authorities upon the FBI, they will be applied scrupulously." "They will be applied constitutionally," Freeh stated, "in the broad daylight of the peoples' oversight." Freeh noted that the Oklahoma City bombing had led U.S. authorities to be sure that American citizens were included in their definition of terrorism. "We cannot protect our country...if we fail to take seriously the threat of terrorism from all sources -- foreign and domestic," he said. "There is no real difference between attacks planned or perpetrated against U.S. citizens here or abroad. Our law enforcement must be the same." "For two decades the FBI has been at an extreme disadvantage with regard to domestic groups which advocate violence," Freeh continued. "We have no intelligence or background information on them until their violent talk becomes deadly action.... Law enforcement has to know something about those individuals and groups advocating deadly violence in the furtherance of their causes." NNNN .