
登录号:00000文件id:95060602。参考译文:(古巴,哈伯里,伊拉克/美国人,中东)(760)新闻发布会——代理发言人克里斯汀·谢利讨论了以下话题:美国“非常感兴趣地倾听”美洲国家组织秘书长特鲁希略的讲话,代理发言人对一个提提者说,第25届美洲国家组织大会于6月5日在海地开幕。戈维利亚批评美国对古巴的政策。“我们完全同意秘书长的观点,即古巴必须有更大的经济自由,建立一个具有政治自由和尊重人权的多元化民主制度,”谢利说。她说:“但我们认为,只有到那时,才有可能开启西半球与古巴关系的新阶段。”代理发言人说,国务院官员已经竭尽全力,试图让詹妮弗·哈伯里了解美国情报部门就她丈夫、危地马拉游击队领袖埃弗瑞恩·巴马卡命运得出的结论。哈伯里指控说,她通过信息自由要求获得的国防情报局(DIA)文件显示,奥巴马政府早在1993年9月就知道巴马卡死于囚禁之中。她说,国务院直到1994年11月才告诉她这一结论。Shelly指出:“如你所知,法律限制了敏感信息不能直接传递给普通公民。” "Despite those regulations, State Department officers, in their meetings with Ms. Harbury on numerous occasions, have gone to great lengths to try to provide her with the conclusions that the intelligence community drew from the information available at any given point in time." Noting that the matter is the subject of a Presidential Intelligence Oversight Board review, Shelly said it would be "inappropriate to comment further," except to point out that Secretary of State Christopher has repeatedly said the Department of State supports "the fullest possible disclosure to the American people of the facts surrounding the deaths of Michael DeVine and certain other Americans as well as that of Efrain Bamaca." DeVine, an American who operated an inn in Guatemala, was killed in 1990. IRAQIS STILL DENYING ACCESS TO IMPRISONED AMERICANS The acting spokesman said Iraqi authorities are still denying consular access to two Americans imprisoned for illegally entering Iraq. Ryszard Krystosik, the Polish diplomat who heads the U.S. Interests Section in Baghdad "has still not been permitted to resume his regular visits" with William Barloon and David Daliberti, Shelly said. The last time Krystosik was allowed to see them was on April 11, eight weeks ago. "He continues to press on a daily basis for access to the two men," the acting spokesman said. "We are deeply concerned about their health. We call on the Iraqis to allow a visit so we can continue to monitor their condition, and we fully expect the Iraqis to meet their obligations under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations which would permit Mr. Krystosik to resume his regular visits with the Americans." The wives of the two men went to Iraq in late April and were allowed daily visits with their husbands, but the Polish diplomat was not permitted to accompany them into the prison. U.S. ENVOY MEETS WITH SYRIAN PRESIDENT IN DAMASCUS Dennis Ross, the U.S. coordinator for the Middle East peace process, met June 6 with Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad in Damascus in preparation for a trip to the region later this week by Secretary of State Christopher. Shelly said Ross was in Israel June 5, in Syria June 6 and will move on to Egypt on June 7. Christopher leaves Washington June 7 on a five-day trip to the region. His first stop will be Israel where he will meet with Israeli officials in Jerusalem, the acting spokesman said. "I have really no other details related to the substance of what is being discussed," she said of the Ross-Asad talks. "We simply feel that we can play our role most appropriately by not getting into a detailed discussion of the exchanges that we're having." In addition to visiting Israel, Christopher will visit Syria, Jordan and Egypt, and he plans to meet with leaders of the Palestinian Authority during his stop in Israel. The secretary is expected to focus on continuing efforts to make progress on the Syrian-Israeli track of the peace negotiations. NNNN