
Accession number:379255 file id: po5207 date:02/14/95 title: congressional report,星期二,February 14 (02/14/95) text:*95021407。美国国会报告,星期二,2月14日人道主义援助,国家安全法案(700)人道主义援助走廊法案在2月14日的联合新闻发布会上提出。众议院的共和党和民主党议员讨论了他们提出的一项立法,这项立法将禁止美国向任何禁止或限制美国向其他国家运送或运送人道主义援助物资的国家提供援助。美国众议院国际关系委员会(House International Relations Committee)国际行动与人权小组委员会(Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights)主席克里斯托弗·史密斯(Christopher Smith)说:“美国人对生活在不如我们国家的难民和流离失所者敞开了心扉。”第三国阻碍这种援助的提供是不能接受的;不让美国人道主义援助到达第三国的国家不应该得到美国的援助或其他支持,这应该是美国外交政策中一个显而易见和无可非议的原则。”史密斯是这项立法的主要发起人之一。他说,尽管这项法案的语言不是针对特定国家的,但众所周知亚美尼亚和土耳其将受到影响。他说,土耳其正在阻止美国政府通过土耳其向在亚美尼亚的30多万难民提供援助。他说:“不幸的是,土耳其拒绝允许在其领土内转运货物,这需要在格鲁吉亚境内改道,代价昂贵,而且并不总是可靠。”史密斯说,安卡拉方面认为,纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的亚美尼亚人占领了阿塞拜疆的领土,这是拒绝的理由。 "Turkey, however, is not a party to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. There is no reason for Turkey, whatever its ties to Azerbaijan, to block the delivery of U.S. humanitarian aid to Armenia," Smith said. Smith said he thinks the Clinton administration opposes the proposed legislation, but he said he still plans to hold hearings on it soon. Accompanying Smith at the news conference were House Democratic Whip David Bonior and Democratic Representatives Joseph Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy and Frank Pallone, co-chair of the newly-formed Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues. 1One of the key goals of our caucus," Pallone said, "is to maintain strong U.S. support for the people of Armenia as they make the transition to a democratic society and a market economy." Turkey, he pointed out, "continues to receive huge amounts of U.S. aid while brazenly blocking our efforts to help the Armenian people get on their feet and become a strong self-sufficient nation." Joseph Kennedy said, "We are here to say, 'enough is enough.' It is important that the United States assert its moral leadership." The legislation is identical to a Senate bill that was introduced earlier this year Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole and Democratic Senator Paul Simon. HOUSE TO DEBATE NATIONAL SECURITY REVITALIZATION ACT The House Rules Committee February 13 granted a modified open rule for debate on the National Security Revitalization Act, the part of the Republican Contract With America dealing with defense, foreign policy and intelligence-sharing. The legislation is scheduled for floor action February 15 and 16. The Rules Committee decided to permit two hours of general debate on the bill, and an additional ten hours of debate on amendments to it. The three committees that share jurisdiction over the legislation -- International Relations, Intelligence and National Security -- earlier had approved their parts of the bill by mostly party line votes. The Clinton administration opposes many parts of the legislation. House Democratic leaders reacted strongly to the short time the Rules Committee is allowing for debate on the complex and far-reaching legislation. "America's foreign policy has developed over 200 years -- through the dedication and cooperation of both political parties. But now, the Republicans want to deform and distort those policies in a ten-hour rubber-stamping frenzy," House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt told reporters. Declaring that "this isolationist, extremist package of foreign policy slogans would ravage our national security," Gephardt said, and "we won't stand for it." House Minority Whip David Bonior said, "The Republicans are in such a hurry to punch another hole in their contract that they're willing to blindly rush through a bill that will punch a gaping hole in our national security. "This mad rush to fulfill the Republican contract is going to weaken America's defenses and weaken our military readiness." NNNN .