
登录号:00000文件id:95082208。WWE日期:08/22/95标题:22-08-95吉尔吉斯官CN95值美国对他的军队的训练文本:新闻稿(文字:8/21)(440)(以下新闻稿发布的新闻信息中心联合准备训练中心波尔卡堡路易斯安那州,8月21日)。路易斯安那州波尔克堡——就在几年前,他们还在接受与美国军队作战的训练。今天,在这里进行的具有历史意义的训练中,吉尔吉斯士兵与美国军队并肩作战。具有讽刺意味的是,曾在吉尔吉斯斯坦军队服役12年的Stanislav Kholodkor上尉也意识到了这一点。“我在冷战时期长大,当时美国是我们的敌人;现在,我们像兄弟一样做事,”他在训练间歇时说。科罗德科指挥的一支特种部队被他的政府挑选到波尔克堡参加训练。他的部队里有些士兵是义务兵,必须服一年半的兵役。他们是一支纪律严正、关系紧密的部队。”驻扎在波尔克堡的吉尔吉斯斯坦陆军部队中,卡瓦尔斯基担任翻译。 "Their captain (Kholodkor) is with them constantly. They won't do a thing unless he tells them to," she said. Kholodkor said he does not let politics interfere with being a soldier. "If I was a good soldier during communism, I can be a good soldier now." He felt that excercises like CN95 helped to improve relations between the participating countries and hoped it would have a positive effect on world affairs. "The best thing is not that we are running and shooting and fighting, it's the warmth, the happiness and brotherhood," he said. "As an officer, I would like these relations to continue into the future. I have heard a lot about American Special Forces, and I would like my platoon to take part in more American training," Kholodkor said. The aim of CN95 is to foster the ability of participating forces to work together in combined peacekeeping and humanitarian relief operations. Tactics, techniques and communications procedures are practiced at platoon and company level. The excercise underscores the U.S. commitment to the North Atlantic Alliance. "This will make things better and better," he said, adding that he hoped soldiers will only have one mission, to prevent wars. In addition to Kyrgyzstan, other PFP nations include Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lativia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and the NATO countries of Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Cooperative Nugget 95 continues through August 26,1995. NNNN