
登录号:00000文件id:95082403。日期:2008年8月24日标题:美国SARGENT雷切尔·卡瓦尔斯基从审问者变成翻译原文:8月23日新闻稿以下新闻稿是8月23日由位于路易斯安那州波尔克堡的联合准备训练中心新闻信息中心发布的。路易斯安那州波尔克堡——康涅狄格州沃特伯里第338军事情报连军士雷切尔·卡瓦尔斯基(Rachel Kavarsky)接受过审讯苏联士兵的训练。所以,有点讽刺的是,她曾帮助前苏联国家吉尔吉斯斯坦的士兵教授军事战术。卡瓦尔斯基被派到这里担任北约/和平伙伴关系演习“合作Nugget 95”的翻译,该演习有17个国家参加,包括几个前苏联集团国家,参加联合维和和人道主义援助演习。这次演习由北约大西洋盟军司令部安排,由美国大西洋司令部总司令代表美国主持。这是和平伙伴关系的第六次演习,也是首次在美国举行。在演习中,卡瓦尔斯基与美国特种部队合作,为一个说俄语的吉尔吉斯斯坦士兵排翻译训练课程。卡瓦尔斯基是耶鲁大学俄罗斯和东欧研究专业的研究生,她说,这次训练对她和外国军队都有好处。“这是伟大的。他们非常渴望向我们学习,不断地问问题。 She said during a break in training centered around how to deal with the press in the field. "My Russian has been improving a lot because of this training." Kavarsky said that the members of her unit, a part of the 94th Army Reserve Support Command at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, were assigned to CN95 because of the need for interpreters. "This is excellent training because I'm getting real, practical experience." she said. The aim of CN95 is to foster the ability of participating nations' militaries to work together in combined peacekeeping and humanitarian relief operations. The soldiers practice tactics, techniques and communications procedures at the platoon and company level. NATO's PFP program assists the military forces of partner nations to emerge from the Cold War as positive non-political, defense-oriented elements of their societies. Along with Kyrgyzstan, PFP nations participating include: Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lativia, Lithuania, Poland, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Participating NATO countries are Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Cooperative Nugget 93 continues through August 26, 1995. NNNN