
登录号:00000文件id:95092812。会议日期:95年9月28日标题:95年9月28日国会警告新半球恐怖主义华盛顿——美国官员和私人团体告诉国会,由伊朗支持并威胁西方的真主党恐怖组织正在阿根廷、巴西和巴拉圭的三边地区溃烂。国务院和联邦调查局(FBI)的官员以及非政府组织的代表9月28日在众议院国际关系委员会上作证,警告说,一小部分恐怖分子隐藏在不断壮大的中东地区,偏远的三边地区的伊斯兰人口。美国联邦调查局助理局长罗伯特·布莱恩特警告说:“我们面临的是一种新的、日益增长的国际恐怖主义形式。”“该组织结构松散,由许多使用暴力来促进个人、政治、社会或经济信仰的团体和个人组成。”他说,拉丁美洲长期以来一直是恐怖主义活动最活跃的地区之一,但现在它是一个新的恐怖主义品牌——国际激进分子的东道国。他补充说,这种类型的恐怖主义应该为1992年3月17日摧毁以色列驻布宜诺斯艾利斯大使馆的汽车爆炸事件负责,真主党声称对该事件负责。他说,真主党在三边地区“存在”,那里非法筹款、走私、军火走私和毒品走私猖獗,而且这三个国家的政府都没有强大的力量,因此“真主党的活动很容易被忽视”。 Although the vast majority of persons of Middle Eastern extraction in the region are law-abiding, their concentration there enables terrorists to blend into the population, Bryant told the panel. This transnational criminal threat "requires a concerted response from the international law enforcement community. The FBI is pledged to share counterterrorism intelligence, training, and techniques with our counterparts" in the Western Hemisphere, he asserted. The FBI has agents assigned to many U.S. embassies throughout the region and others serve as attaches to law enforcement organizations of those countries, he said. State Department counterterrorism coordinator Philip Wilcox said the 1992 Israeli embassy bombing, the 1994 bombing of a Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires, and the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York "brought us home to the truth that our hemisphere is also vulnerable to international terrorism." Hizballah "is now the major international terrorist threat in Latin America," he said. Wilcox supported the FBI's contention that Hizballah has an extensive network of cells in the tri-border area, as well as in Colombia and Venezuela. Ruben Beraja of the Argentine Jewish Association said that terrorist acts can be linked increasingly to drug trafficking. "We are ... struggling ... to protect our future from the threat of narcoterrorism, whatever its ideological affiliation," he said. Barry Mehler, national commissioner of the Anti-Defamation League, called for the establishment of a commission among the three governments of the tri-border region "to help control the porous border." He said Washington should call upon Buenos Aires to support such a commission and to step up investigations of the embassy and cultural center bombings. Committee Chairman Ben Gilman echoed the concerns and statements of the witnesses. "It is an unsafe world out there, particularly in the Americas, where we have become the newest targets of these cowardly terrorists.... "It threatens all of us, our way of life, and our fundamental freedoms. We must all battle this scourge together in the Americas. Not to do so serves merely to reward terrorists and encourages more of the same, whether abroad or here at home." NNNN