
登录号:00000文件id:95100305。最新报告敦促美国在选择移民方面做出改变。TR95100305(旧系统称为无效)+如Eric Green(780),美国新闻署特约撰稿人从华盛顿报道,当前系统选择移民到美国已经失败,应该替换为一个程序,选择移民对美国经济的长期潜力,根据一项新研究的作者。在10月3日举行的论坛上,卡内基国际和平基金会的Demetrios Papademetriou和Stephen Yale-Loehr表示,他们的提议将通过取消劳工部接受选定经济移民的劳工认证程序,每年为劳工部节省约5900万美元,同时也为雇主每年节省了1.35亿至2.7亿美元。重申了他在《国家利益至上》中所说的观点:帕帕德梅特里欧曾是美国劳工部的移民官员,他说,他的前机构的认证程序“是一个残酷的骗局”,因为只有0.5%的美国工人被通过这个程序招聘到的职位真正被聘用,而超过99%的情况下是外国人得到了这份工作。他说,被雇用的外国人往往缺乏为美国经济做出长期贡献的教育和就业技能。他敦促废除目前的劳工认证制度,因为这一制度并不像预期的那样有效,造成了大量的延误,实际上没有为美国工人提供保护。他还敦促废除目前允许非熟练工人进入的移民签证类别。 Papademetriou said the current system for accepting what he called "economic stream" immigrants (permanent U.S. workers) is designed to admit foreign workers only in response to specific labor market shortages which, he said, does not make sense in a global economy. A system must be created, he added, that "harnesses the skills, intelligence and energies of the best workers around the world in pursuit of national economic goals." Under the present system, Yale-Loehr said, an immigrant is allowed into the country for a job "for a particular point in time, for the moment, when actually they will be working here for 20-30-40 years." "We think we should be choosing immigrants," he said, "based on their skills and characteristics that show their long-term, sustained contributions to the U.S. economy." The authors said the immigration system must help the United States remain competitive in a global economy that changes "relentlessly." The present system, which they say has not changed in 30 years, "simply does not make sense any longer." Their study, Yale-Loehr said, proposes a three-tier method for accepting foreign workers into the United States. The first tier would admit aliens of "extraordinary ability, the future (Albert) Einsteins," composed, for example of outstanding professors and researchers. Under the second tier, what Yale-Loehr called "selection criteria immigrants," would have to have a U.S. job offer and at least three years of specific work experience in the occupation for which they are being sponsored, and the sponsoring employer would have to agree to pay the immigrant the same wage as the employer pays other individuals working in the same field. Immigrants who satisfy these prerequisites would also have to have a well-rounded education, younger workers would be favored over older workers, and the immigrant would have to be able to communicate effectively in English. A third tier, similar to what is used in the present system, is designed to attract foreigners who will invest $750,000 in new enterprises that will create at least three full-time jobs for U.S.-based workers. Most economic stream immigrants, Yale-Loehr said, would fall under the second tier, with job sponsorship ensuring that most immigrants will be working as soon as they enter the United States. "That's the best guarantee that they will adapt quickly to the country," he said, "and adds a level of screening that will cost the government nothing. We're letting employers decide whether people fit our selection criteria up-front rather than having the government make the ultimate decision. For that reason, it will be less burdensome and intrusive than the current labor certification system." The authors propose a point-system, modified from immigration laws used in Australia and Canada, to determine which immigrants would be allowed to enter the United States as a legal immigrant. The system, which has a maximum of 23 points, with a passing mark of 15 points, would be based on factors in the second tier of accepting immigrants into the United States. NNNN