
登录号码:379013文件ID:日期:02/10/95标题:国会报告,2月10日星期五(02/10/95)文本:* PO5504 02/10/95国会报告,2月10日星期五(恐怖主义,Yousef),克罗地亚)(650)拟议的法案将使恐怖主义成为联邦罪行,作为Bipartisan努力破解国际恐怖主义的一部分,三位参议员2月10日介绍了“1995年的综合反恐法”,由克林顿管理制定的立法。在联合新闻发布会上,参议院委员会委员会主席和民主参议员约瑟夫拜登和草本科尔的共和党参议员Arlen Specter描述了立法。Kohl表示,一项立法将于有史以来第一次使其成为美国犯罪,以代表从事恐怖活动的组织筹集资金。“我们不能 - 不会 - 容忍恐怖主义者在我们的边境外,接受他们内部的援助和舒适的事实,”他说。他说:“对希兹巴拉赫和克拉等群体的筹集筹款,他说,不能以任何方式,形状或形式允许恐怖和暴力。”他补充说,立法也创造了一个重​​要的新机制,将促进目前在美国的外国人开除,他们或已经从事恐怖活动。幽灵称赞克林顿总统和·······秘书长珍妮特·雷诺准备立法。幽灵表示,在我们对恐怖主义中的额外武力至关重要的需要。““正如现在所说的那样,”他说,“在反恐法律中有漏洞,阻碍了国际恐怖分子的调查和起诉。” The bill, he said, "will define for the first time acts of terrorism committed in the United States to be in violation of our federal laws." It will create a new federal statute and establish stiff penalties for acts of international terrorism including murder, kidnapping, maiming, assault, or the destruction of property within the United States. The bill would also create a special court to handle deportation actions relating to terrorist activities, improve the detectability of plastic explosives, and expand prohibitions on the sale of nuclear materials. The incomplete system of anti-terrorism laws that now exists in the United 1tates hinders the investigation and prosecution of terrorists, the three Senators said. GILMAN HAILS CAPTURE OF ALLEGED WORLD TRADE CENTER BOMBING MASTERMIND House International Relations Committee chair, Benjamin Gilman of New York, hailed the capture this week in Pakistan of Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, alleged mastermind of the February 1993 bombing of the New York World Trade Center that killed six people and injured 1,000 more. In a February 9 statement, Gilman said the capture and extradition of Yousef from Pakistan demonstrates that the United States "will not tolerate, nor let go unpunished, acts of terrorism against our citizens, property and internal security." Gilman commended the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Louis Freeh, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service, and the government of Pakistan for "outstanding coordination and cooperation in tracking down and extraditing this alleged terrorist from abroad." "This successful mission," he said, "reinforces the need to make counterterrorism a high priority in our foreign policy." PELL SPEAKS OUT ON THE DANGER OF RENEWED WAR IN CROATIA Senator Claiborne Pell, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, says he is "very concerned about the situation in Croatia, where the Krajina Serbs have refused to consider an international peace plan for the country, and where President Tudjman has indicated that he will ask UNPROFOR (U.N. Protection Force) troops to leave when their mandate expires in March." Speaking February 9 on the floor of the Senate, Pell said, "Frankly, I am concerned that the U.N. withdrawal will precipitate renewed fighting between the Serbs living in Croatia and the Croatian government, and indeed, even between Serbia and Croatia. UNPROFOR's presence there since early 1992 has prevented the re-emergence of full-scale war, Pell said. "Without UNPROFOR to patrol the demilitarized zones," he added, the current cease-fire "is likely to collapse." NNNN .