
登录号码:00000文件ID:95110701.POL日期:11/07/95标题:07-11-95国会报告,10月7日星期二文本:( INHOFE)(370)在波斯尼亚共和党参议员詹姆斯周末之旅中inhofe批评不变。参议院情报和武装部队委员会的奥克拉荷马州inhofe表示,周末到波斯尼亚的思想并没有改变他的思想,这些危险将面临着美国的基力,以帮助实施未来的和平协议。在10月7日的新闻发布会上,Inhofe报道了他的11月2日至5日的旅行,其中包括美国,北约和U.N.在德国和意大利指挥官的简报,并访问Sarajevo和Tuzla。Inhofe said he talked with "virtually every element of command" in the proposed mission under which U.S. troops would go into Bosnia for up to 12 months if a peace agreement is worked out, and he still believes that the deployment would be a serious mistake which the United States would live to regret. All the commanders, he said, agreed that Bosnia is a classic environment for military "mission creep," an environment in which an originally limited peacekeeping mission can change and expand over time. In addition, he said, the commanders stressed how difficult it would be to tell the difference between a random act, an attack by a rogue element, and an "authorized" or "systemic" breach of the peace agreement. "Bosnia is filled with a confusing array of factions, profiteers and bandits of all kinds," he said. "Many do not answer to the parties who may sign a peace accord." The commanders also agreed, he said, that a lasting peace in Bosnia could not be achieved "in anything close to 12 months." As for rules of engagement, Inhofe said it is clear from his visit "that common-sense combat-style responses to attacks would not be allowed. Instead, it was stated that NATO forces would seek to use the 'minimum reaction and minimum force necessary' to repel or deter attacks," he said. The mission and objective of U.S. and NATO forces have never been made clear, he said. Inhofe said "it is vitally important that Congress and the American people debate these issues fully and openly" before any commitment is made by the president to involve U.S. troops. NNNN