
美国支持联合国继续对利比亚实施制裁的决定格内姆对安理会的讲话(800)联合国——11月22日,美国敦促联合国安理会继续对利比亚实施为期三年的经济制裁,并呼吁其他国家加紧对的黎波里实施制裁。在审议对利比亚制裁的安理会非公开会议上,美国大使爱德华·格内姆(Edward Gnehm)说,“美国比以往任何时候都更有决心打击恐怖主义,并让恐怖分子为他们的罪行承担责任....。恐怖主义威胁着整个国际社会。必须集体应对。”根据美国驻联合国使团在会议结束后发布的格内姆的讲话文本,格内姆说:“在利比亚政权采取行动,使其再次加入守法国家的大家庭之前,绝不能解除对利比亚的制裁。”在每120天举行一次的审查结束时,安全理事会对强制性制裁没有作出任何改变。1992年4月安理会制裁切割空气与利比亚,因为利比亚领导人穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲未能配合美国和英国两个引渡的利比亚人疑似在泛美航空公司103航班爆炸案和与法国调查的轰炸UTA飞行。在利比亚与这三个国家合作,同意支付赔偿,并以“具体行动”证明它已经彻底结束了所有恐怖主义行为和对恐怖组织的援助之前,制裁将继续生效。1993年11月,安理会在原有制裁的基础上,冻结了的黎波里的资产,并封锁了利比亚石油工业所需的设备。下面是大使的言论的文本:文本(开始)11月3日,克林顿总统加入了泛美航空公司103名受害者的家人和朋友,以及其他贵宾在阿林顿国家公墓把一座纪念碑来纪念259名乘客和11名苏格兰村民死于轰炸。 That simple monument, in the form of a cairn, is built of 279 stones, each of which, as the president said, "Tells of a loss beyond measure -- a child or a parent, a brother or a sister, stolen away through an act of unspeakable barbarism." The ceremony served as a poignant reminder of why we are here today. And why we should determine -- once again -that there is no reason to change the existing sanctions imposed on Libya. 441 innocent people died aboard Pan Am 103 and UTA flight 772, the victims of unconscionable acts of terrorism. After the most painstaking investigations, charges were brought in both the U.S. and the United Kingdom against two Libyan intelligence agents for their role in the Pan Am 103 disaster. The international community has demanded that justice be done, and has required Libya to ensure that these two individuals are brought to trial either in the United States or United Kingdom, and required Libya to satisfy French judicial authorities charged with the investigation of the UTA 772 bombing. Libya continues to defy the international community by refusing to comply with these simple requirements. As President Clinton has affirmed, the United States is more determined than ever to fight terrorism and to bring terrorists to answer for their crimes. Jointly combating terrorism will be a critical task for the United Nations as it shapes its agenda for the coming decades. Terrorism threatens the whole international community. It must be dealt with collectively. The Libyan regime must not be given any relief from sanctions until it carries out the actions that will allow it once again to join the family of law-abiding nations. The United States has the tightest unilateral sanctions against Libya of any nation. We call on other nations to tighten enforcement of their sanctions regimes against Libya and to consider means of expanding sanctions as well. We cannot maintain a business-as-usual approach while Libya refuses to comply with its international obligations. Libyan efforts to dilute the resolutions through offers of compromise must be rejected. There will be no compromise with the demands of justice. Libya should not believe that it can gain advantage through these propositions or the use of intermediaries. Mr. President, Libya should know that the international community remains resolved to see that the requirements contained in all relevant UNSC resolutions are met. Absent such a development, there is no cause for reduced pressure on Libya. On the contrary, if Libya continues to defy the demands of justice and the will of the international community, the Council should begin to consider further measures. (end text) NNNN