
登录号:00000文件id:95120407。鲁宾呼吁打击洗钱是“重要的里程碑”鲁宾语句关闭会议上)发表的公报(770)布宜诺斯艾利斯——部长级会议的34个国家参与洗钱”标志着一个重要的里程碑在我们努力保护的完整性我们的经济和我们的社会的健康,”美国财政部长罗伯特•鲁宾说。鲁宾12月2日在为期两天的会议闭幕新闻发布会上说:“今天,这个半球的国家已经宣布,洗钱者没有避难所。”“我们正在告诉这些毒枭,西半球的每个民主国家都打算加强法律和法规,使洗钱成为一种犯罪,并使侦查、起诉和惩罚洗钱者更容易。”鲁宾主持会议,由阿根廷和是一个一系列的会议,讨论如何的34个国家参加美洲峰会一年前可以一起工作在峰会上所设定的目标制定的原则宣言和行动计划。以下是鲁宾的声明:一年前在迈阿密,西半球民主国家的领导人指示他们的政府制定一项合作计划,以应对日益严重的洗钱经济和法律问题。他们正确地认识到洗钱对我们的经济以及对我们的私营和公共机构都具有非常危险和破坏性的影响。洗钱是毒品交易中获利的关键。这份公报标志着我们保护经济完整和社会健康努力的一个重要里程碑。 Today, the nations of this hemisphere have declared there can be no sanctuary for money launderers. Today, the nations of this hemisphere are telling organized crime that we will work together to make it harder for criminals to legitimize the proceeds of crime. We are telling the drug lords that every democratic nation in the hemisphere intends to strengthen its laws and regulations to make money laundering a crime, and to make it easier to detect, prosecute, and punish money launderers. This communique provides the countries of this hemisphere a powerful vantage point to attack the drug trade by denying a haven for its profits. Profits that can't be spent are not profits. The plan of action adopted today contains a detailed set of goals, recognizing that different nations have different levels of legal structures on financial crimes in place at the moment. To sum up the major elements, first, the participants have agreed that laws to criminalize the laundering of money from illicit drugs and other serious crimes should be enacted. Second, because laws and regulations must deny criminals unfettered access to our financial institutions, countries should establish systems that the United States and other nations have to report possible criminal financial activity. We believe that countries should also create financial intelligence units which can help spot money laundering crimes and support the prosecution of financial crimes. And, third, nations should expand the tools available to law enforcement personnel in fighting financial crimes, including making financial transactions more transparent, and providing for the forfeiture of assets. Finally, the ministers of the hemisphere here this weekend have agreed to ask the Organization of American States to undertake candid assessment of the compliance of individual nations with the principles delineated in the communique. In closing, let me say that President Clinton has demonstrated a clear and very vigorous commitment to countering organized crime and the drug sellers of the world. He is striving at home to reduce demand for illegal drugs, especially through treatment and prevention programs, and to step up enforcement by deploying more police. We know we must do a better job in this regard. At the same time, the President has directed me as Treasury Secretary, and the Secretaries of State and Justice, to take a number of steps that will be complementary to the broader hemispheric plan of action we have agreed to today. As he made clear at the United National General Assembly in October, money laundering is a problem of global proportions. In a truly international economy, when technology allows the rapid movement of large sums of money around the world, we must not -- as the President said -- allow criminals to wash the blood off the profits of drug sales, or finance terrorism, or underwrite all manner of crime, by leaving open avenues for the laundering of the proceeds of crime. Thank you. (end text) NNNN