
登录号:00000文件id:95121501。题目:美国希望各国普遍遵守反恐公约(也增加国际合作)大卫•皮特(660)美国新闻署特约撰稿人从华盛顿报道,美国正在寻求“普遍奉行“以世界各国说:“十一反恐公约,马克·肯农地区事务办公室主任在国务院办公室的反恐协调员。肯农12月15日在乔治华盛顿大学举行的反恐会议上说,七国集团最近在渥太华举行的部长级会议上“讨论了加强合作打击国际恐怖主义的步骤”。他说,部长们同意采取步骤“加强证据和情报交流以及执法合作”。“这一趋势是积极的,”肯农指出,政府比以前更倾向于引渡那些被指控从事恐怖主义活动的人。他说,“国际上的共识越来越多”,但“坏消息”是,“一些国家仍在坚持打击恐怖主义”。他提到了古巴、伊拉克、伊朗、朝鲜、苏丹、利比亚和叙利亚。“国际合作对击败恐怖主义至关重要”,肯农继续说道。他说,美国正在协助其他国家发展联邦一级以及美国联邦和地方一级之间的那种机构间合作。 According to a recently updated publication of the Congressional Research Service titled, "Terrorism, the Future and U.S. Foreign Policy," the State Department's anti-terrorism assistance program provides training and equipment to 83 countries. Training is provided in such skills as crisis management, VIP protection, airport security, and bomb deactivation and detection. "One significant change over the last decade is that terrorism" is increasingly seen as a law enforcement problem, Kennon said. "We have depoliticized the argument" by successfully combating the view of some that terrorists are freedom fighters if their cause finds favor, he added. Asked about so-called narco-terrorism, Kennon said the United States "does not see that as a trend. The scale of drug smuggling from terrorist groups is relatively minor," although the drug problem caused by drug cartels as distinct from terrorist groups persists. Kevin Giblin, chief of the terrorism and research and analytical center at the FBI, said that although the number of terrorist attacks overall "is down, they are becoming more deadly," and there is an increasing danger of non-conventional weapons being used. As far as the United States is concerned, "from 1982 to 1992 there were no incidents of international terrorism. Now that has changed," he added. He cited a list of incidents in 1995, most notably the Oklahoma bombing, which allegedly was orchestrated by domestic terrorists. "It is very important to concentrate on prevention, and not just reaction capability," Giblin remarked. He indicated a number of steps the FBI is taking to increase preparation: -- improving the ability to warn potential targets through acquiring better intelligence more quickly. "Minimum response time is being increased since intelligence is perishable." -- providing greater protection for "key assets" such as electrical and power systems, bridges and other infrastructure, and telecommunications. -- hiring 50 analysts for the Domestic Counter Terrorism Center "mandated by President Clinton." FBI agents also are being assigned to the center. Giblin pointed out that the FBI also is assisting in the investigation of terrorist incidents outside the United States, even when American citizens are not among the victims. For example, he said, at the request of the government of Pakistan the FBI assisted with the investigation of a terrorist incident in Islamabad which involved the targeting of Egyptian citizens. William Rosenau, an aide to Senator Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania), said that a congressional subcommittee on terrorism is studying the capability of different levels of government to deal with a terrorist attack that might involve "weapons of mass destruction." State and local governments all have disaster plans, but it is necessary to examine whether those plans take account of the new threats to security, he added. NNNN