
登录号:377300文件ID:POL402日期:02/02/95标题:白宫报告,2月2日星期四(02/02/95)文本:* 95020202.POL白宫报告,2月2日星期四(赤字/兴趣)汇率,中国/权利,情报研究)(600)1EWS简报 - 新闻秘书Mike Mccurry讨论了以下主题:利率徒步旅行将影响克林顿'96预算McCurry表示,他不知道联邦储备的徒步旅行股权是否强迫诉讼克林顿回到“更多程序削减”的预算。McCurry告诉一个提问者,“这是一个很好的问题。我不知道他们是否必须根据昨天美联储的行动调整他们的任何基线计算。我必须将那些将在下周介绍的人”在1996年的联邦预算。麦库利表示,作为预算计算的一部分,政府将不得不确定“更高率的影响”是“在联邦预算上。您如何计算出来,您如何预期将增加联邦债务的利息在某种意义上,在联邦预算赤字中,他说,是由预算专家的决定,他们将在2月6日回答问题。克林顿,与记者交谈,同时向记者讨论他的外科医生将军,告诉提问者他将无法做到由于美联储的行动,尽量减少他最初计划的赤字。总统再次说,他在中产阶级权利法案中的税收减少时,他计划两倍的支出。“我们将严格地加强预算赤字,”他说。“我们无法控制的一件事,”克林顿指出“是更高利率的影响。美国人民应该知道,每当美联储提出利率,其中携带国家债务的成本上涨。我们对此无论如何都不做。从这种意义上讲,赤字不会像我希望的那样下降,因为利率已经上涨了。我们不能完全弥补这一点,没有什么可以做到的。“ OTHER DEVELOPMENTS: CLINTON SAYS CHINA TREATED FAIRLY IN HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT President Clinton rejected China's claim that the State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1994 treated it unfairly, noting, "That's always been their defense; we disagree. We believe that there are international standards of human rights. The assistant secretary is charged by law with submitting a report every year. All he did was fulfill his legal responsibility to tell the truth as he saw it, and that is what he did. I think Mr. Shattuck has done a good job." The president called this year's report "the most comprehensive report ever filed by the State Department and it covers far more than China. China was not singled out. We evaluated every country in every part of the this regard." CLINTON NAMES INTELLIGENCE COMMISSION MEMBERS President Clinton named Les Aspin to head the Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community and former Senator Warren Rudman as co-chairman. Aspin, the former congressman and former defense secretary, is chairman of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. In a written statement, Clinton said intelligence gathering and analysis "remains a critical element of our national power and influence," and he called for a renewal of bipartisan support for intelligence operations. Clinton also named to the commission Zoe Baird, Ann Caracristi, Stephen Friedman, Anthony Harrington, Robert Hermann, former ambassador Paul Wolfowitz, and retired General Lew Allen. Congress selected former Congressman Tony Coelho, David Dewhurst, Congressmen Norman Dicks and Porter Goss, Senators James Exon and John Warner, former Senator Wyche Fowler, and retired Lieutenant General Robert Pursley. 1NNN .