
白宫新闻秘书办公室2月2日发布,1995年总统声明任命美国情报界作用和能力委员会成员我今天宣布任命国会授权的美国情报界作用和能力委员会成员。该委员会将由我的外国情报咨询委员会现任主席莱斯·阿斯平担任主席。前参议员沃伦·鲁德曼(Warren Rudman)将担任副主席,我已请小卢·艾伦将军、佐伊·贝尔德(Zoe Baird)、安·卡拉克里斯蒂(Ann Caracristi)、斯蒂芬·弗里德曼(Stephen Friedman)、安东尼·哈灵顿(Anthony S.Harrington)、罗伯特·赫尔曼(Robert J.Hermann)和保罗·沃尔福威茨(Paul Wolfowitz)大使也。这些杰出的美国人将加入第103届国会领导层任命的八名成员。他们是托尼·科埃略、大卫·德赫斯特、众议员诺姆·迪克斯、参议员詹姆斯·埃克森、前参议员怀切·福勒、众议员波特·戈斯、罗伯特·普斯利将军和参议员约翰·华纳。情报仍然是我们国家实力和影响力的关键因素。40多年来,两党对美国情报部门工作的支持对于建立首屈一指的情报能力至关重要。虽然世界发生了巨大的变化,但我们仍然需要保持美国情报部门为我们国家提供的优势。随着冷战的结束,我们必须重振两党的支持。这一支持的基础必须从对我们应对未来安全挑战所需的情报群体的全面评估开始。我们的目标是加强美国情报部门,确保其拥有必要的管理、技能和资源,以便在未来十年乃至更长的时间内成功追求我们的国家安全利益。这是我个人最重视的一项工作。我相信,莱斯·阿斯平、沃伦·鲁德曼和该委员会的其他杰出成员将与情报界和国会领导人合作,确保两党继续支持这一关键任务。我知道,他们的努力将确保美国人民继续信任美国情报部门的男男女女所做的杰出工作,这些工作往往是不为人所知的附件:总统任命的美国情报界成员的角色和能力委员会的简历尊敬的莱斯·阿斯平先生,主席。阿斯平先生来自威斯康星州密尔沃基,是马奎特大学国际政策的杰出教授,也是战略与国际研究中心的顾问。1993年至1994年,他担任国防部长。作为威斯康星州第一选区的美国代表,他的国会生涯长达22年。1985年至1993年,他担任众议院军事委员会主席。在1970年当选美国国会议员之前,阿斯平先生是肯尼迪总统经济顾问委员会主席的工作人员助理。他还担任总统外交情报咨询委员会(PFIAB)主席。沃伦·鲁德曼,副主席。来自华盛顿特区和新罕布什尔州曼彻斯特的参议员Rudman是Paul、Weiss、Rifkind、Wharton&Garrison华盛顿律师事务所的合伙人。1980年至1992年,他担任美国参议员,是情报特别委员会的成员。他以前是新罕布什尔州的总检察长。他还担任PFIAB的副主席。小卢·艾伦将军,美国空军(Ret.)。来自加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳的艾伦将军曾担任空军参谋长和国家安全局局长。1991年,他作为加州理工学院副院长兼喷气推进实验室主任退休。他曾是布什总统的PFIAB成员,现在也是PFIAB成员。佐伊·贝尔德。拜尔德女士来自康涅狄格州哈特福德,是安泰人寿保险公司的高级副总裁兼总法律顾问。她是通用电气公司的前顾问和高级职员执行官,曾是华盛顿特区O'Melveny&Myers律师事务所的合伙人,也是卡特总统的前助理律师。安·卡拉克里斯蒂。来自华盛顿特区的Caracristi女士是国家安全局的前副局长,在40年的职业生涯中,她在该局担任过各种高级管理职位。她最近主持了一个DCI情报培训工作组,是DCI/国防部长联合安全委员会的成员。她是PFIAB的现任成员。斯蒂芬·弗里德曼。弗里德曼先生来自纽约市,是高盛公司(Goldman,Sachs&Co.)的高级主席和有限合伙人,他最初于1966年加入该公司。1992年12月至1994年11月,他再次担任董事长和高级合伙人tired from active management of the firm. Anthony S. Harrington. Mr. Harrington, of Washington, DC, is a partner in the law firm of Hogan & Hartson. He is a former General Counsel to the Democratic National Committee, the former General Counsel to the Clinton/Gore Campaign, a founding Director of the Center for Democracy, and a former Assistant Dean of the Duke Law School. He is a current PFIAB member. Robert J. Hermann. Dr. Hermann, of Hartford, Connecticut, is the Senior Vice President for Science and Technology of the United Technologies Corporation. He is a former Director of the Defense Department's National Reconnaissance Office and a former senior official at the National Security Agency. He is a current PFIAB member. Paul D. Wolfowitz. Dr. Wolfowitz, of Chevy Chase, Maryland, is the dean of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at The Johns Hopkins University. He served as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy from 1989 to 1993 and has held a variety of positions in government beginning in 1966. Members Appointed By Congress Honorable Tony Coelho. Mr. Coelho is President and CEO of Wertheim Schroder Investment Services, Incorporated, and a Managing Director of Wertheim Schroder & Co, Inc. He a former US Representative from California and a former Majority Whip of the US House of Representatives. David H. Dewhurst. Mr. Dewhurst is Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Falcon Seaboard Resources, Inc., a Houston- based, integrated energy company. He served as a Case Officer with the Central Intelligence Agency in the early 1970s, and was recently elected to the National Board of Directors of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. Mr. Dewhurst served as Chairman of the Texas Product Development Advisory Board. Representative Norman D. Dicks. Mr. Dicks, of Washington, was first elected to the House in 1976. He has served on the Appropriations Committee since his freshman term, and currently sits on three subcommittees -- Defense, Interior and Military Construction. He currently is the ranking minority member of the Select Committee on Intelligence. Mr. Dicks also was an Administrative Assistant to Senator Warren Magnuson from 1973 to 1976. Senator J. James Exon. Senator Exon, of Nebraska, was elected to his first term in 1978. He currently is a member of the Armed Services Committee (where he chairs the Subcommittee on Nuclear Deterrence, Arms Control & Defense Intelligence), the Committee on Commerce, Science & Technology and the Budget Committee. He is a former two-term Governor of Nebraska, and a World War Two veteran of the US Army Signal Corps. Honorable Wyche Fowler. Mr. Fowler is a partner in the law firm of Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy. He served 16 years in the US Congress. Elected to the Senate in 1986, he was Assistant Floor Leader and was a member of the Appropriations, Budget, Energy and Agricultural Committees. During his nine years in the House, he served on the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Foreign Relations and Ways and Means Committees. Representative Porter J. Goss. Mr. Goss, of Florida, was first elected to the House in 1988. He currently is a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Ethics Committee and the Rules Committee, where he chairs the Subcommittee on the Legislative Process. He is a former Clandestine Service Officer with the Central Intelligence Agency, where he served for ten years. Mr. Goss is a former Councilman of Sanibel, Florida, where he also was elected the city's first mayor. Lt. Gen. Robert E. Pursley, USAF (Ret.) General Pursley is President of the Logistics Management Institute, and a former Vice Chairman of USAA, a private financial service company, and a former Executive Vice President of Insilco Corporation. In twenty five years of military service, he served as Military Assistant to Secretaries of Defense Laird, Clifford and McNamara, and was Commander of US Forces Japan and the Fifth Air Force. Senator John Warner. Senator Warner, of Virginia, was elected to his seat in 1978. He is the second most senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Environment and Public Works Committee. He served as Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence from 1992 to 1994. He also is a former Secretary and Undersecretary of the Navy. Senator Warner sponsored the legislation creating this commission. # # # .