


在巴基斯坦杀害巴基斯坦的两个美国雇员雇员杀害后一周后,外国评论员继续令人遗憾地遗忘,而且还研究了对美国 - 巴基斯坦关系的影响和战斗恐怖主义的国际努力。在巴基斯坦,编制主义者承诺,该袭击将受到当局的“最大”的勤奋,而是在检察案件中迈出了“国际合作与外语”之间的精细路线。卡拉奇的中心科斯特·黎明拒绝了美国大使约翰·蒙古大使的论点,因为谋杀美国人海外犯罪是美国法律下的犯罪,肇事者应该在美国进行审判。这篇论文说,引渡嫌疑人意味着“对巴基斯坦的大量尴尬”。伊斯兰堡的激进穆斯林对解除案件的援助提供了对我们的援助,称“这种合作的参数应该清楚地阐明,以便我们的主权既没有受到影响也不是目标。”在其他地方,通过既定刑事司法程序而不是通过恶劣的不民主措施处理案件的坚实支持。达卡的独立日明星表示,“美国向追逐攻击者提供联营联盟援助的事实是令人鼓舞的。”香港的独立标准判断出对伊斯兰自由基的镇压是“可能激进已经受到豁免群体”,实际上促进了更多的极端主义。一本印度纸说,对巴基斯坦的新制裁施加迫使是无用的和反驳。观察员还试图评估杀戮损坏美国的损坏程度。 Some noted the belief held by the Benazir Bhutto government that the attack was part of a sinister design by extremists to bring an end to her government's initiative to improve ties with the United States. Most analysts concluded that in fact, the incident will seriously hamper Prime Minister Bhutto's efforts to get the U.S. Congress to lift the ban on aid to Pakistan imposed in 1990 because of the country's refusal to halt its nuclear arms program. But writers also concluded that while Mrs. Bhutto "may be given the cold shoulder" by American investors during her upcoming trip to the United States, the fact that First Lady Hillary Clinton's trip to Pakistan has not been cancelled indicates that bilateral relations have not been seriously "impaired." Journalists in Pakistan, Bangladesh and France expounded on the dangers of the spread of extremist violence. But these writers also blamed the United States, in part, for this situation, saying that the Karachi attack is the legacy of huge amounts of money and arms distributed by the U.S. to anti-Communist guerrillas during the Afghan war. In Paris, economic Les Echos hoped that the incident would open the eyes of U.S. officials to the existence of an international Islamic terrorist network, and, in an oblique reference to Algeria, make the U.S. "more circumspect about the radical Islamic movements which they sometimes treat with kindness." This survey is based on 34 reports from 10 countries, March 9-15. EDITOR: Gail Hamer Burke SOUTH ASIA PAKISTAN: "A Judicious View" According to Karachi's centrist Dawn (3/15), "The opinion expressed by Justice (retired) Dorab Patel, a former Judge of Pakistan's Supreme Court, that any move to try outside Pakistan the persons suspected of the murder of two American nationals in Karachi the other day would be inconsistent with the laws and constitution of this country merits strong endorsement.... "U.S. Ambassador John Monjo's contention that since the murder of Americans overseas is a crime under American law, the U.S. government would have the powers to pursue the perpetrators of the crime for the purpose of a trial in an American court appears to be based on a misunderstanding.... The other part of Ambassador Monjo's reported statement that the suspect persons could be brought to justice in the United States in addition to whatever measures the Pakistan government may take for their trial appears to be even more problematic. If such a thing happened, it would in effect amount to a second trial of the suspects, something that is specifically barred under the fundamental rights provided in the Constitution.... Ambassador Monjo should feel reassured by the fact that the murder of the two American nationals in Karachi has been universally condemned in Pakistan. There is no question of the crime being viewed except with the utmost sense of compunction. There should be no reason for the ambassador, or any other American dignitary, to believe that the demands of justice would not be fully met if the trial of the suspects in the case is held in a Pakistani court of law. On the other hand, it would be a matter of a great deal of embarrassment for Pakistan if the American authorities were to insist upon the suspects being sent outside the country to face a trial in the United States as in the similar case of the trial of a Mexican national cited by Justice Patel in his statement." "Karachi: Cause And Effect" Karachi's centrist News opined (3/15), "Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has blamed the West for its role in creating the present conditions in Pakistan. The Afghan war brought the Western nations in droves to Pakistan to assist in the 'holy war' against the Soviet Union. But when the war ended, the West withdrew, leaving Pakistan to reap a rich harvest of problems." "U.S. Contribution To Extremism" Peshawar's pro-opposition Frontier Post editorialized (3/15), "Quite apart from the U.S. policies toward Pakistan, extremism here is also fueled by the perception that the West is actively engaged in targeting Muslims be they in Bosnia, Kashmir, Chechnya or Palestine. Given that perception, any government that seeks to maintain friendly or even normal relations with the West and particularly the United States--still seen to be running the show in a political and military context-- confronts an uphill task in combating extremism.... If the issue of extremism is to be tackled effectively, not just in Pakistan but in the broader context, the United States and the West generally will have to credibly demonstrate a different, much more even-handed approach." "Targeting Diplomats" According to the Frontier Post (3/12), "Although the United States has reacted to the killing of the Americans in Karachi with restraint and a sense of realism, the tragedy may well have adverse implications for the prime minister's forthcoming tour of that country. In a crucial sense, Wednesday's violence will almost certainly reinforce the current international perception about Pakistan being a society at war with itself." "Who Should Tackle This Problem?" Islamabad's radical Muslim held (3/12), "Terrorism at all levels and in every region deserves to be eliminated and condemned but the situation in Karachi is our problem and while we can seek help in better methodology and skill from those who have effectively overcome this problem, we will have to be very careful in handling the affairs of Karachi especially when there is evidence that foreign hands are involved in creating the law and order situation. The parameters of such a cooperation should be clearly spelled out so that our sovereignty is neither compromised nor targeted. We have already become a laughing stock for the rest of the world in not understanding the delicate difference between international cooperation and foreign dictation." "Fighting Out Terrorism" Lahore's opposition, right-of-center Nation remarked (3/12), "While the killing of two U.S. Consulate employees in Karachi has evoked widespread indignation from Washington to Islamabad, and it seems as if the entire state apparatus in Pakistan has been jolted into action, the track record of our intelligence agencies in tracing culprits involved in acts of terrorism has been so outrageously poor that even vows of decisive action by the President and the Prime Minister do not inspire much confidence. And it would be a matter of shame if 'experts' were to be flown from Washington to investigate the crime.... Whether it is sheer incompetence or lack of political will to confront the prophets of terror, the government's credibility to meet the challenge of violence has slumped to an all-time low, raising serious doubts about its ability to salvage a modicum of law and order in the country." "Pakistan Nation Insulted" The sensationalist, right-of-center Pakistan Observer asserted (3/12), "There seems to be no end to the humiliation handed out to our nation from Washington. The latest in the series is the fast dispatch of a large contingent of detectives, forensic experts and ID kit makers subsequent to the murder of two Americans in Karachi.... By this heavy- handed and high-pressure approach, the United States has condemned this nation, its institutions, and its integrity in one go. Washington appears to believe that we are a lesser breed, with no competence to probe crime, no knowledge of the due process of law and no idea what the concept of justice means." INDIA: "Pakistan's Woes No cause For India To Gloat" An analysis in the independent Times Of India (3/13) by contributing editor of the Economic Times Swaminathan Aiyar stated, "If Islamic terror spreads in Pakistan, it will spread to India too.... India can do little to curb the rise of Muslim militancy in Pakistan. That country claims that Indian intelligence agencies have caused the sectarian mayhem in Karachi, a claim the international community does not take seriously.... "Many Indians want the United States to declare Pakistan a terrorist state and impose sanctions on it. There is a small chance this could help us, a bigger chance that it will be counterproductive. We must distinguish between terrorism sponsored by the state (as in Kashmir) and terrorism that undermines the state (as in the Shia-Sunni shootings and the murder of U.S. diplomats). It would be extremely gratifying if U.S. pressure could end Pakistani state support to Kashmiri militants.... Declaring Pakistan a terrorist state will not harm or deter killer groups, and will weaken those elements in the administration (admittedly not all) who want to control extremism.... Instead of depending on U.S. pressure, we need to focus on winning over the alienated people of the Kashmir valley. This will take time, a decade or more, but there is no obvious alternative.... "Instead of gloating over Pakistan's travails, we need to see it as a bell that tolls for us too. When the state is unprincipled, it created major problems for itself.... We cannot be saved from the consequences of such folly by asking for U.S. sanctions: We must put our own house in order." "Price Of Riding Tiger Of Terrorism" The United States, declared an editorial in the independent Times of India (3/10), "has had to pay with American blood for its policy of selectively riding the tiger of terrorism." "U.S. Should Reassess Ties With Pakistan" An editorial in the independent Indian Express (3/10) judged that the incident "should serve as an eye-opener to the United States, which has been showing Pakistan considerable indulgence over the years." Noting that despite hard evidence of Pakistani support to terrorists in the Kashmir valley, Washington "has been fighting shy of declaring Pakistan a terrorist state," the editorial found it "surprising that there is a body of opinion-makers in the United States who continue to view Pakistan as a trusted ally.... The killings should make Washington reassess the emerging scenario in Pakistan and its relations with Islamabad." "U.S. And The Subcontinent" An editorial in the pro-Congress Daily (3/10) opined, "Now, when American lives have been lost in Pakistan, the U.S. secretary of state...has realized the 'dangers (the Americans) confront in the worldwide struggle against terrorism.' The U.S. administration needs to be reminded that what is happening in Karachi is exactly what happened in Punjab some years ago and continues to occur sporadically in Kashmir." BANGLADESH: "We Condemn" The independent Daily Star opined (3/10), "Whether the aim of the attack on the Americans in Pakistan is to hamper the process of improvement in the U.S.-Pakistan relations is not yet clear. But the government of Benazir Bhutto would like to believe that it was part of a sinister design to bring an end to her government's initiative to improve the bilateral ties. The fact that the U.S. First Lady's visit to Pakistan later this month will go ahead as planned shows that America has confidence in the host country. However, Benazir's visit to the U.S. next month with the aim of inviting American investors to her country may be given the cold shoulder. "To know that the United States has offered FBI assistance to track down the assailants is encouraging. The involvement of the U.S. intelligence might add sophistication to the process of investigation hopefully leading to an apprehension of the assailants. We sympathize with the bereaved families of the victims and express our outright condemnation of such an act of terrorism." "Killing Of U.S. Diplomats Strongly Condemned" Independent Banglabazar Patrika (3/9) commented, "Armed attacks are not usually made on diplomats even during wars.... Yet we had to watch the brutal killing of two diplomats.... The incident is a violation of all international conventions and practices. We strongly condemn the incident and hope that violence and barbarism will decrease in Pakistan. We also hope that Pakistan will be able to uphold its position as a civilized nation, not a militant one." EUROPE BRITAIN: "Alarm" The conservative Times (3/9) editorialized, "The murder of two American diplomats in Karachi yesterday has sown alarm in the government of Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's increasingly unconvincing prime minister. Ms. Bhutto is due to visit America next month and the killings, coming in the wake of the widely-publicized trial for blasphemy of a teenage Christian boy, are bound to ensure that her welcome in Washington will be much less effusive than she would like. "The murders are accounted to be in reprisal for the extradition from Pakistan to America of Ramzi Ahmed Yusuf.... Ms. Bhutto has condemned the killings as part of a 'well-planned campaign of terrorism,' designed to 'create fear and harassment' in Karachi. What she has not done, however, is to explain how she proposed to check the descent into anarchy of her country's commercial capital. Karachi is now an urban battleground whose resemblance to Beirut increases with each passing month.... Cynics have suggested that the government in Islamabad would do well to redeploy in Karachi those Pakistani UN peacekeepers who were recently withdrawn from Somalia.... The collapse of Karachi would be an economic catastrophe for Pakistan.... Karachi--like the rest of Pakistan--needs more democracy, not less." "Deplorable" The liberal Guardian (3/9) opined, "In April, Benazir Bhutto makes an official visit to the United States.... She wants the U.S. Congress to lift the ban on aid to Pakistan imposed in 1990 because of the country's refusal to halt its nuclear arms program. The administration supports Ms. Bhutto's plea on the grounds that U.S. business in Pakistan is being hampered by the congressional ban. Their analysis is only partially right. U.S. investment, and above all the welfare of Pakistanis, is being undermined by extremism and violence, which the elected government is failing to curb. The international community should be putting much greater pressure on Benazir Bhutto to confront the insidious enemy within before the country explodes." FRANCE: "Boomerang" Renaud Girard concluded in an editorial in conservative Le Figaro (3/10), "The United States should do well not to forget the role it played in the Afghan war against the Soviets. Pouring billions of dollars, the CIA blindly gave its support to the mujahideen and to the most fundamentalist Pakistani factions. This money is boomeranging against the Americans today. The West, too, bears responsibility for the evolution of the Islamist cancer." "A Reprisal Operation?" Economic Les Echos (3/9) said in an editorial, "The assassination of two U.S. diplomats in Karachi yesterday seems to be a reprisal operation.... The deaths of the two diplomats should incite U.S. leaders to open their eyes to the existence of an international Islamic terrorist network, and make them become more circumspect about the radical Islamic movements which they sometimes treat with kindness. The fact that this happened precisely in Pakistan makes us wonder about the danger of manipulating such groups. "One thinks that the United States is reaping, although unjustly, what it had sowed during the Afghan war against Soviet occupation. In the '80s, Washington supported...the most reactionary Islamic resistance movements. Today, these 'Afghans' are back in their homeland...and they often show violent opposition to those regimes who get along well with the West and America in particular." ITALY: "Fundamentalist Spoilers" Economic Il Sole-24 Ore (3/9) contended, "The death of the two American consular employees in Karachi is a triumph for those who want to restore isolationism and obscurantism in the 'country of the pure.' No symbol could have been more immediate and effective or have an equally resounding echo in the world. The reason for the terrorist attack is probably a reprisal for the arrest and the handing Pakistani authorities of Ranzi Ahmen Yousef, the alleged organizer of the '93 World Trade Center terrorist attack.... Pakistani leader Benazir Bhutto is scheduled to visit the United States in less than a month. The fundamentalists have spoiled what was to be the most important trip abroad by Bhutto, the time to reassure the United States about the nuclear issue and to firm up contracts with American firms." RUSSIA: "One Of The Assassinated Diplomats Was A Spy" Under the headline above, Maria Smirnova and Andrei Smirnov observed in reformist, business Kommersant-Daily (3/10), "Following the American diplomats' slaying, the strife between the Sunni and Shiite communities has gone beyond the framework of an internal conflict, assuming an international character. Even so, the assassination of the Americans will hardly impair the relationships between the United States and Pakistan any further. In any case, Hillary Clinton is not going to cancel her visit to Pakistan this month." EAST ASIA JAPAN: "Potential Damage To Pakistan" Liberal Mainichi's New Delhi correspondent Kojima wrote (3/10), "The killing of two U.S. consulate officials in casting a dark, long shadow over the Bhutto government's ability to maintain law and order in Pakistan. The attack is also adding a new twist to violence sapping Prime Minister Bhutto's bid to portray Pakistan as a moderate, Islamic nation open to Western investment. If terrorist attacks against Westerners continue, U.S. and European investment will decline sharply, throwing the female prime minister's economic growth program into jeopardy.... "The ambush occurred at a sensitive moment for Bhutto, who is visiting Washington in April to promote efforts by the United States and Pakistan to put their nuclear dispute aside and build a new relationship based on economic ties. Using her status as a female prime minister of an Islamic republic, Mrs. Bhutto is also trying to foster the image of Pakistan in the Western world as an outward-looking, stable democracy." HONG KONG: "Shockwaves" The independent Hong Kong Standard opined (3/10), "The shockwaves from this affair will reverberate far beyond the borders of Pakistan. Fundamentalism is a threat to more secular Islamic regimes in, for example, Egypt and Algeria, which are cracking down on fundamentalists for self-preservation. But drastic repression is not only an affront to democracy, it is, ironically, likely to radicalize already aggrieved populations and promote the very Islamic extremism that rattled regimes' military backers seek to contain. "There is irony, too, in the fact that Washington reacted to the World Trade Center bombing by showing Americans that it protects them and puts their anxieties above foreign criticism. By doing so, however, it may have put other U.S. citizens around the world at risk." THAILAND: "Pakistan Deserves Support" The lead editorial of the top-circulation, moderately conservative Bangkok Post held (3/13), "Pakistan and its terrible killings in Karachi are at the center of the world's eyes at the moment. But the threat of terror is not restricted to any nation or area. It can strike from anywhere at any time. Pakistan deserves full support from our country and others, not least because terrorism worries us all." "Bhutto Government Has To Bear Repercussions Of Zia Regime" Noting that the current situation could create hurdles for further U.S. commitments to invest in Pakistan, the independent Nation told its readers (3/11), "The dictatorship of Zia ul-Haq was blindly supported by the West during the Cold War because it was fervently anti-Communist. Sadly, the repercussions in the post-Cold War are being borne by a democracy in Pakistan trying to instil law and order in the country." ##