
内阁委员会国家调查委员会以色列线1995年11月9日星期四据以色列广播电台KOL YISRAEL报道,内阁周三决定成立一个国家调查委员会,调查总理伊扎克·拉宾遇刺案。该委员会将负责评估有关保护权贵和上周六晚间和平集会上保护政府官员的安全和情报准备工作。委员会为了不让事件具有政治性,决定不调查导致该事件发生的政治氛围。该委员会还将对右翼极端团体的情报监视进行调查。司法部长大卫·利拜已经要求最高法院院长阿哈龙·巴拉克任命委员会成员。DAVAR riishon报道说,周三,总安全部门向政府提交了其内部调查报告,调查涉及总理伊扎克·拉宾(Yitzhak Rabin)遇刺事件的安全漏洞。该委员会将安全失败的责任推给了GSS的政要保护部门、行动处负责人和活动的首席安全官。KOL YISRAEL报道称,高官保护部门的负责人辞职。该活动的运营部负责人和首席干事被停职。根据GSS的调查,计划和行动的失败造成了安全漏洞,让刺客得以接近总理。 The committee concluded that the bodyguard who jumped on the assassin exercised correct judgement in not firing at him. It also commended the performance of the bodyguard who was injured in the incident. GSS CONTINUES INVESTIGATION OF AMIR The General Security Service believes that Yigal Amir, the man who assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, did not plan the murder on his own, HA'ARETZ reported. The police are also investigating the possibility that before the murder, Amir received a "religious permit" from rabbis. Rabbi Yoel Bin Nun of Ofra said that following the seven days of mourning, he will reveal the names of the rabbis who permitted the spilling of the blood of the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, Israel Radio, KOL YISRAEL, reported. Bin Nun said he would fight the rabbis even if it meant paying with his life. Meanwhile, police and the GSS continue to question Amir. Authorities searched a warehouse at the Amir residence in Herzliya that was converted by Hagai Amir, Yigal's brother, into a mini-weapon factory. The GSS arrested on Wednesday Avishai Raviv, the chairman of the right-wing extremist group Eyal, DAVAR RISHON reported. According to information obtained by the investigators, the assassin was in contact with Raviv, who provided him with a moral justification for the act. YEDIOT AHARONOT reported that Attorney General Michael Ben Yair ordered on Wednesday the investigation of extremist right-wing speakers who expressed joy over the assassination of the Prime Minister.以色列行