
白宫新闻秘书办公室  ________________________________________________________________________ 立即释放1995年2月8日发表的声明,克林顿总统在今晚涉嫌恐怖主义的担忧,在纽约,拉姆齐·艾哈迈德·优素福的一个世界上最可疑恐怖分子的追捧,被联邦拘留尤瑟夫被指控是1993年纽约世贸中心爆炸案的关键人物。他在FBI的头号通缉犯名单上。优素福最近被巴基斯坦逮捕,并根据国际法的要求被移交给美国当局。我特别要感谢参与这一重要进程的所有人。这次逮捕是打击恐怖主义的重要一步。恐怖主义不会付出代价。恐怖分子将支付。我们将继续与其他国家合作,挫败那些为了实现自己的政治目标而杀害无辜公民的人。 The Executive Order I signed last month to stop fund raising for Middle East terrorist groups and my proposed Omnibus Anti-terrorism Act will greatly strengthen our abilities to act quickly and decisively against this threat to peace. The budget I submitted earlier this week maintains the vigorous law enforcement, intelligence, and diplomatic capabilities the United States requires to act effectively against terrorism on all fronts. We and other members of the international community will continue to dedicate ourselves to the cause of peace and to unite against those who threaten innocent lives. .