
登录号:00000文件id:96050902。标题:国会听证会上党派之争关于麻醉品的文本:美国国务院国际信息局《美国参考》特约记者华盛顿——克林顿总统提出了创纪录的15亿美元预算,以打击非法毒品的扩散,但他在国会的对手们对他计划的战略和重点提出了挑战。在这个总统和国会的大选年里,几乎没有政府项目能逃脱克林顿总统和他的民主党以及控制国会两院的共和党领导层的仔细审查。双方一致认为,打击毒品是该国面临的最重要问题之一。金博宝正规网址他们在如何做以及问题是否急剧恶化的问题上意见不一。克林顿总统提出的从10月1日开始的财政年度预算比目前的预算高出9.3%。和今年一样,提案中最大的一项预算是29亿美元,用于帮助瘾君子戒除毒瘾的治疗项目。众议院政府改革和监督委员会国家安全小组委员会主席、众议员比尔·塞里夫(Bill Zeliff)在白宫毒品办公室主任(已退休)巴里·麦卡弗里上将(Barry McCaffrey) 5月8日出现在小组委员会面前时,就把这个问题作为首要任务。“可悲的事实是,这位总统似乎仍然认为治疗伤员是赢得这场战争的方法……泽里夫在美国政府1996年毒品控制战略计划听证会开始时说。 He called for shifting priorities to several other programs in the proposed budget -- U.S. and international efforts to reduce illegal drug crops in Latin America and Asia; tightening controls at U.S. borders to stop drugs from entering the country; and education and other measures that would help prevent youngsters from starting to use narcotics. "We have a major policy failure," Zeliff charged. McCaffrey replied that the crop destruction and interdiction programs could use some more money but pointed out that the proposed budget was a "dramatic" increase over current spending. Nevertheless, it is a "lean budget" that meets today's realities, he said. He defended the emphasis on treating drug offenders by saying that almost 1.5 million are arrested a year for narcotics violations by local, state and federal officers at a cost of thousands of millions dollars to taxpayers. He estimated that the social costs of drug use -- imprisonment, policing, robberies, hospital treatment, related health problems such as AIDS -- has been $67,000 million a year since 1990. The number of drug users has dropped to 12 million from a high of 24 million in 1979, which led McCaffrey to argue that treating the addiction of this declining population would, if successful, dramatically decrease the societal costs of illegal narcotics. Some treatment programs have a good success rate, he said. McCaffrey said one of his priorities in the coming year was to study which treatment programs do work and promised the subcommittee he would report back to it with that information. But, he conceded that drug use among teenagers, particularly marijuana, has risen the past few years. Almost 1.5 million high school seniors (17-year-olds) will abuse drugs monthly by the year 2000 if the current rate of increase continues among youngsters. More will de done to educate and prevent youngsters about the hazards of drug use, he told the subcommittee. That is the number one goal of the president's budget, he said. Zeliff argued that the rise in abuse by youngsters shows that the narcotics problem is getting worse in the United States and that the administration's strategy needs to be drastically revised. As for reemphasizing the use of military planes and ships to stop the smuggling of narcotics, McCaffrey said that strategy would not work as well now as it did just a few years ago because the drug lords are using different tactics. About 70 percent of the cocaine from South America now is being carried over the Mexican border into the United States, he said. "They're not flying drugs from Colombia to South Florida. That ain't the game. So the easy pickings are over.... The payoff in interdiction in the future is more likely to be smart intelligence than it is ships on station and flying hours," he said. NNNN