
登录号:00000文件id:96062606。华盛顿——克林顿总统于6月26日向波斯尼亚提供了7000万美元的经济重建资金。总统符合国会在拨付1996年援助资金时设定的条件,证明波斯尼亚政府遵守了代顿协议中要求外国军队撤出的条款。克林顿还证实,伊朗和波斯尼亚的情报合作已经终止。白宫新闻发言人发表声明称,这份认证为“利用这笔资金满足波斯尼亚人民的需求,开启重建被战争破坏的波斯尼亚经济的漫长进程”扫清了道路。声明说,这项认证为美国领导的训练和装备波斯尼亚联邦武装部队的进程“消除了一个主要障碍”。“我们渴望推进这个计划,一旦波斯尼亚人和克罗地亚人之间的最后防御安排完成,我们就会这样做。”以下是该声明的正文:总统今天证实波斯尼亚政府遵守了代顿协议的要求,即外国军队必须撤出波斯尼亚。他还证明伊朗-波斯尼亚在培训、调查和有关活动方面的情报合作已经终止。自签署《代顿协议》以来,波斯尼亚政府在满足我们对外国军队的要求以及结束与伊朗的军事和情报关系方面取得了重大进展。 Although some individuals have assimilated into Bosnian society and assumed civilian roles, there is no evidence of any remaining organized Mujahedin units. With respect to the Iranians, the Bosnian government has assured that all IRGC personnel we identified to them have left Bosnia. We have no evidence that those IRGC remain. The Bosnian government has also assured us that none of the Iranians can be brought back to Bosnia without its knowledge and that, should any of them return, they would be expelled. Although we have never demanded that all Iranian nationals depart Bosnia or that Bosnia terminate diplomatic or economic relations with Tehran, we have insisted that the Bosnian government end bilateral intelligence cooperation in such operational areas as training and investigations, and end all military ties. The Bosnian government has moved to end the operational military and intelligence relationship with Iran. It has removed from positions of authority key officials that were heavily engaged in intelligence cooperation with Iran, including the former head of the Bosnian intelligence agency. Congress conditioned appropriation of the final $70 million for economic reconstruction assistance in FY 1996 on the president certifying Bosnian compliance with these requirements. With this certification, these funds will now be available to meet the needs of the Bosnian people and to begin the long process of rebuilding the war-shattered Bosnian economy. The president's certification also removes a major stumbling block to commencing the U.S.-led program to train and equip Bosnian Federation armed forces and to strengthening Bosnia's self-defense capability. We are eager to move ahead with this program and will do so as soon as final defense arrangements between the Bosnians and Croats have been completed. (End text) NNNN