
登录号:00000文件id:96071103。麦卡弗里说,美国和墨西哥需要合作来阻止人口贩卖。美国国际开发署特别记者德克萨斯州埃尔帕索报道——美国国家毒品管制政策主任巴里·麦卡弗里将军表示,任何阻止非法毒品流入美国的政策都必须得到墨西哥政府的合作。麦卡弗里7月10日在埃尔帕索举行的为期两天的西南边境禁毒会议结束时对记者说,通过合作努力,美国寻求“一条体现法治、安全和国际合作的边境,作为打击毒品贩运的堡垒”。麦卡弗里、司法部长珍妮特·雷诺、财政部长罗伯特·鲁宾、缉毒局局长托马斯·康斯坦丁、联邦调查局局长路易斯·弗里、移民和归化局局长多丽丝·迈斯纳以及来自边境州加利福尼亚州、亚利桑那州、新墨西哥州的州长代表们,德克萨斯州在埃尔帕索举行会议,听取前线执法人员的意见,以阻止这个每年价值5亿美元的非法产业。麦卡弗里说,华盛顿可能愿意在设备、培训和共享情报收集方面协助墨西哥,以帮助减少通过墨西哥进入美国的非法毒品数量。根据美国缉毒局的数据,进入美国的非法毒品有70%是通过墨西哥进入的。他补充说:“我们必须逐步增强能力,用直升机和培训来支持墨西哥。”这位毒品管制政策主任定于7月11日在华雷斯市会见墨西哥高级官员,讨论会议得出的结论。 The El Paso talks will be followed by a meeting in Washington July 15-16 with representatives from law agencies in the 10 largest cities in the United States, and by another there July 30-31 between Mexican and U.S. officials. McCaffrey estimated it could take a year before a new drug policy is produced based on these discussions. He added, however, that U.S. drug interdiction efforts thus far already have made it harder for traffickers to get their illegal wares into the country. He said the United States has essentially closed the Colombia-to-Florida corridor, forcing traffickers to find new and more expensive routes to the United States. As a result, traffickers are increasingly going through Mexico. McCaffrey noted the "corrupting power" of drugs and said it will be hard to get 100 percent cooperation from Mexican authorities. He added, however, that Mexico President Ernesto Zedillo has called illegal drugs the number one threat to Mexico's national security and that U.S. law enforcement officials along the border feel the cooperation from Mexican authorities has never been better. "These are not naive people," McCaffrey said of the 300 law enforcement officials gathered in El Paso. "We believe we can work in a new partnership with Mexico. Both countries understand there can be no progress unless there is cooperation." In addition to direct assistance to Mexico to fight drug trafficking, McCaffrey said the United States should also consider funding to help Mexico with drug treatment and drug education programs. McCaffrey inspected Eagle Pass, Texas, the day before the start of the El Paso conference for a close-up look at the drug trafficking problem. The remote pass is considered a particularly serious problem for law enforcement, according to DEA, because of the aggressiveness of traffickers trying to get their drugs across the Rio Grande River into the United States. A U.S. Border Patrol officer was killed in a shootout with suspected smugglers near the pass last January. McCaffrey talked with local ranchers near Eagle Pass who said that armed men they believe to be drug traffickers cross their property frequently. He said any new policy is also likely to include better coordination among U.S. agencies responsible for stopping the flow. He cited a one-year program between the DEA and FBI to link resources to fight drugs, and a joint-program between the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Customs Service at the Otay Mesa border crossing in Southern California as examples of well-coordinated joint efforts. He also said a new policy would likely be heavy on research and development as the government searches for high-tech ways to detect drug trafficking at the border. NNNN