
登录号:00000文件id:96092616。日期:09/26/96标题:26-09-96问责制:打击腐败的关键华盛顿——美国国际开发署(USAID)的一名高级官员表示,必须加强各种形式的问责,包括政治的、财政的和法律的问责,以帮助拉丁美洲打击腐败。9月25日至26日,在伍德罗·威尔逊国际中心举行的“拉丁美洲反腐败战略”研讨会上,美国国际开发署负责拉丁美洲和加勒比地区事务的助理署长马克·施耐德(Mark Schneider)给出了以下公式,以打击拉丁美洲国家的腐败,并培养人们对良好政府的期望:“分散的权力加上透明度加上问责制等于好的政府。”这次研讨会聚集了政府官员、发展银行家、学者、记者和企业高管,讨论去年3月在加拉加斯通过的《美洲反腐败公约》(Inter-American Convention Against Corruption)之后的反腐败战略。目前,包括美国在内的23个美洲国家签署了《美洲反腐败公约》。出席研讨会的人员明确一致认为,拉丁美洲正在形成支持反腐败斗争的势头。作为证据,施耐德提醒与会者,在过去三年中,巴西和委内瑞拉总统、厄瓜多尔副总统和危地马拉军事情报负责人都因腐败指控而被免职。经理Stephen快速战略规划在美洲开发银行(IDB)说,腐败妨碍民主的整合通过破坏公民对政府的信心和民主制度的发展放缓,这作为整个社会税妨碍经济发展。巴西文化部长弗朗西斯科·威福特补充说,许多拉美国家发现自己处于腐败和民主之间的斗争中。 The widespread existence of corruption threatens the process of democratic transition that has taken place in the region over the past 15 years, he said. Alfonso Valdivieso, Colombia's first attorney general since that office was established last year, said his office's stance against corruption has given average Colombians the means, for the first time in 15 years, to respect those who follow the law and have contempt for those who act illegally. He cautioned, however, that the government can only do so much to fight corruption; society, he said, must also contribute by changing attitudes and the conduct of ordinary citizens through education and a new public ethic. A representative of Mexico's Ministry of Controlorship said his government is fighting corruption by strengthening accountability mechanisms and establishing public education programs. The presenters recommended many strategies to fight corruption. Ibrahim Shihata, general counsel of the World Bank, said that "corruption has become a major issue of international development policy because its distributional effects discriminate against the poor, it turns the rule of law to a rule of individuals pursuing their private interests, and it disrupts public confidence in government." The World Bank, he added, "is working out a general policy toward corruption that will go far toward helping borrowing countries in their efforts to reduce corruption." Fernando Carrillo, senior adviser of the IDB, said the bank funds projects in the region to further economic reforms, modernize the state and update the judicial system as means to fight corruption. James Wesberry, principal adviser to the World Bank, suggested that donor agencies support regional non-governmental organizations in their efforts to create citizen pressure on governments. Schneider cited a survey of Latin American government and private sector officials showing the four highest priorities in combating corruption are transparent financial management systems, educational programs, mechanisms that allow individuals to report corrupt acts, and prosecution of corrupt civil servants. The Woodrow Wilson International Center and Inter-American Development Bank cosponsored the seminar with USAID support. NNNN