
登录号:00000文件id:96100803。佩里说从军事手册中删除了有争议的材料:(概述了措施防止复发)由丹纽兰(440)美国新闻署特派记者巴里洛切,阿根廷,美国国防部长威廉·佩里10月8日说,五角大楼已采取进一步措施以确保美国学校的课程美洲再也不会容忍任何侵犯人权。佩里当天在华盛顿举行的美国第二次美洲国防部长(DMA-II)记者吹风会上表示:“美国正在检讨在这所位于佐治亚州本宁堡的学校的军事训练政策。”过去的一些指导材料被揭露在反叛乱行动中使用酷刑和其他侵犯人权的行为。佩里称,最近披露的该校课程材料“令人震惊”,并补充说,尽管这些材料只占整个课程的“一小部分”,但“这不是一个借口”。过去20年,许多拉美军官在该校接受过培训。佩里在讲述这一事件时表示,这些“极具攻击性”的材料是在20世纪80年代初引入学校课程的。他说:“我想强调的是,这样做是错误的,是完全不可接受的。”他补充说,这些材料直到1991年才被国防官员发现,当时的国防部长切尼(Richard Cheney)才注意到它。“迪克(切尼)采取了完全适当的行动,”佩里说。他命令学校停止使用这种材料。 He ordered that all the manuals with that material that could be found be destroyed, and he adopted new procedures to make sure that it would not happen again." But the issue did not end there. Perry said the Clinton administration's Oversight Intelligence Board also discovered references to torture in a more recent review of School of the Americas instruction manuals. The administration reported this fact to Congress and also made it public, while taking immediate parallel action to safeguard against continued use of these materials, the secretary said. New measures taken by the Defense Department, according to Perry, include a broadening of human rights training in the military and the addition of a Board of Visitors to review the course content and teaching methods for the School of the Americas. More recently, Perry said he has ordered his department's instructor general to carry out still another review, specifically designed to validate all training procedures. The main goal of all of these measures, Perry said, "is to make absolutely certain that nothing like this can ever happen again." NNNN