
登录号码:00000文件ID:96102303.lar日期:10/23/96标题:23-10-96检查员迄今为止没有证据表明CIA药物链接以违规文本:(证明参议院情报委员会)(710)由布鲁斯凯悦Usia工作人员作家华盛顿 - 司法部和中央情报局(中央情报局)的检查员表示,10月23日他们没有发现迄今为止支持指控的证据,即从美国出售非法药物的资金被路由到支持前尼加拉瓜反叛分子。在参议院情报委员会之前,中央情报局督察弗雷德里克希兹表示,“智力界可获得的信息审查”没有迹象表明,没有收到美国政府从事支助的反沙明主义团体从事贩毒贩毒以资助其运作。““一些指控......过去几年已经浮出水面......但是没有可靠的信息来支持这种指控,”Hitz说。8月份,圣何塞(加利福尼亚州)汞新闻发表了一系列关于加利福尼亚州的裂缝可卡因分布的三篇文章,声称一些毒贩将非法利润与其进行了路要。虽然报纸没有声称任何美国的参与,但广泛的猜测开始了利润与中央情报局帮助的利润找到了途径。参议院情报委员会要求中央情报局和司法检查员将军,他在其机构内有独立权威,了解中央情报局是否参与其中,并在毒品执法管理局是否司法部代理人知道这一点。但两位官员告诉委员会,他们迄今为止不完整的调查没有迹象表明中央情报局在此类药物活动中具有任何作用。Hitz告诉小组,CIA总监John Dech通过向新闻报道询问他9月3日开始“立即解决这些问题”,为该报告设置60天截止日期。ReportsReports "We recognized the seriousness of these allegations," Hitz told the senators, but the CIA documents relating to the contra era turned out to be massive and "there is no chance that we will be able to meet a 60-day deadline" for examining them all. Justice's inspector general, Michael Bromwich, said he is coordinating his probe with that of Hitz. While the CIA investigation shows no evidence thus far to support the allegations, he said, the Justice Department investigation has not yet even received any responses from department elements under investigation. Accordingly, Bromwich said he could not give the Senate panel any information to either support or deny suggestions of such CIA actions. Committee chairman Arlen Specter and vice chairman Robert Kerrey were displeased at the suggestion of delay. They offered the help of the committee, with its special congressional subpoena power, to expedite the process. Hitz responded that the problem rested more on the volume of material to be examined and less on the question of cooperation by CIA elements. Jack Blum, a former special counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told the senators that there was a larger issue than the truth or falsehood of the allegations. "The issues before the committee are at the heart of the unfinished work of post-Cold War intelligence reform," he said. "I hope that the discussion will lead to a fundamental change in the way the United States deals with covert operations. That change is essential if public confidence in the integrity of the confidential international dealings of the United States government is to be restored," he added. Blum said that in his tenure with the Senate during from 1987 to 1989, "we found no evidence to suggest ... a policy of supporting the contras by encouraging drug sales." However, "there was plenty of evidence that policymakers closed their eyes to the criminal behavior of some of America's allies and supporters in the contra war. Policymakers ignored their drug dealing, their stealing, their human rights violations. "If the question is whether the CIA sold crack cocaine to support the contra war, the answer is no. If you ask whether the United States ignored the drug problem and subverted law enforcement to prevent embarrassment and to reward our allies in the contra war, the answer is yes." Specter and Kerrey said they would call another hearing on the subject when the inspectors general have issued their reports. NNNN