
登录号:00000文件id:96030501。美国参议院3月6日投票通过制裁古巴法案;美国国会记者华盛顿——3月5日,参议院以74票对22票通过了一项法案,加强对卡斯特罗政府的经济制裁。此前,古巴上个月击落了两架没有武装的美国小型飞机。经过两个半小时的辩论,会议委员会对该报告进行了表决。众议院计划于3月6日对会议报告进行表决。克林顿总统支持这项立法。这项被称为“古巴自由和民主团结法案”(Libertad)的法案旨在通过限制外国投资来向卡斯特罗政府施压。该法案允许古巴裔美国人向美国法院起诉外国公司,这些公司在被没收的土地上做生意,而这些土地是他们以前拥有的。根据与克林顿政府达成的妥协,总统可能会暂停这一有争议的条款6个月。该法案还将禁止外国“人贩子”进入美国。 The measure also instructs U.S. executive directors of international financial institutions to oppose loans or financing to Cuba and Cuban membership until the U.S. president determines that a democratically elected government is in power in Cuba. The measure also would cut foreign aid to Russia and other former Soviet states if they help Cuba, unless the president certifies that this aid is important to U.S. national security and that the Russians are not sharing intelligence with the Cubans. The legislation also instructs the director of the U.S. Information Agency to implement the conversion of Television Marti to Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) broadcasting, as previously funded by Congress. The legislation also condemns the Castro government's attack of February 24 on the two Brothers to the Rescue aircraft. Similar legislation was blocked last year in Congress when a number of senators considered it too extreme. But following the shootdown, with the death of the four people in the two planes, a wave of outrage against Cuba in the Cuban-American community brought a quick turnaround in Congress. Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole, a co-sponsor of the bill, jetted back from the campaign trail to voice his support for the bill, as well as to get in a few political digs at President Clinton. Dole, the leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, said the Cuba bill would show Fidel Castro that "his days are numbered" and it would "cut off Castro's foreign economic lifeline." Reading a letter from President Clinton expressing support for the bill, Dole said the bill now had bipartisan support, but he couldn't resist admonishing Clinton: "I think the administration has finally gotten the message after cozying up to Castro....They have now seen the error of their ways." NNNN