
1996-01-24  -  Northboro Man指控多个税务罪美国司法部D J United States of Massachusetts of Massachusetts 1003 J.W.McCormack邮局和法院大楼Boston,Massachusetts 02109 1996年1月24日新闻发布Northboro Man受到多种税收犯罪美国律师唐纳德K. Stern,弗雷德里克P. Aufiero,首席,刑事侦查,内部收入服务和理查德·斯文,特别联邦调查局的代理人宣布,Subrahmanyam(Subu)M. Kota,50,72威斯·露台,Northboro今天被联邦大陪审团所起理。十二次指数起诉指控kota,七项订阅假回报的计数。1989年至1993年的每年,哥打被指控订阅美国个人所得税申报表,形式1040。对于1993  -  1994年的每年,他被指控订阅虚假的美国所得税申报表对于S公司,表格1120s,用于BSST软件组,Inc.D / B / A Boston Group(“波士顿集团”)。起诉书还指责哥打议员,有两项协助和协助编写1990年和1991年的波士顿集团的假回报。最后,哥本兰指责三次逃税的税收逃号犯下所欠所得税1991年至1993年的几年来。起诉指控,他欠他的额外税收是:1991年的15,804美元,1992年的27,281美元,1993年的60,489美元。被告面临着对三年逃犯收费的最大罚款,以及每项三年的三年监禁。九个虚假回报或劝告和协助起诉指控。 KOTA is currently awaiting trial on a separate indictment charging him with espionage and with conspiracy to transport stolen property in foreign commerce. The case against KOTA was investigated by agents of the Criminal Investigation Division, Internal Revenue Service and of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Boston. It will be prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Alexandra Leake, a member of the Public Corruption and Special Prosecutions Unit, and Despena F. Billings, a member of the Major Crimes Unit, in Stern's office. The investigation is continuing. Press Contacts: Joy Fallon and Anne-Marie Kent, (617) 223-9445