
DoD News Briefing

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld

Tuesday, May 8, 2001 - 1:58 p.m. EDT

(有关改变国防与情报太空计划的管理和组织的特别新闻简报。还参与:参议员罗伯特·史密斯(R-NH),代表Mac Thornberry(R-TX),退休的空军托马斯·S·摩尔曼,美国空军劳伦斯·德莱尼(Lawrence Delaney)代理大臣杜安德·安德鲁斯(Duane Andrews)的退休空军将军罗纳德·福格曼(Duane Andrews)和美国空军副参谋长约翰·W·汉迪(John W. Handy)将军。



Q: Like what?



Rumsfeld :(笑)。We're here to discuss plans for transforming the management and organization of America's defense and intelligence programs. More than any other country, the United States relies on space for its security and well being. Our daily lives are increasingly tied to space. We depend on satellite services to our homes, schools, businesses and hospitals. Satellites enable global communications, television broadcasts, weather forecasting, navigation of ships, planes, trucks, cars, synchronizing computers, communications and electric power grids.

Satellites are also our worldwide eyes and ears. They collect information on capabilities and intentions of potential adversaries; monitor treaties and agreements; and support military operations worldwide. U.S. space capabilities enable military forces to be warned of missile attack, to communicate, navigate to an area while avoiding hostile action, and precisely attack targets in ways that minimize collateral damage and protect the lives of U.S. soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen.

Our dependence on operations in space, however, makes us somewhat vulnerable to new challenges. It's only logical to conclude that we must be attentive to these vulnerabilities and pay careful attention to protecting and promoting our interest in space. History shows that deterrence and dissuasion are important. Our first choice is not to prevail in a conflict, but to be arranged in a way that can dissuade others from engaging in acts hostile to the United States national security interests and, therefore, deterring conflict from occurring.



我特别想认识到新罕布什尔州的参议员鲍勃·史密斯(Bob Smith),他目前将登上领奖台,以支持多年来的这项努力,并启动创建委员会的立法。

I'd also like to thank the leadership of the Senate and the House Armed Services Committee and Congressman Mac Thornberry, who is also with us today, who I will ask to come up to the podium in a few minutes. Both played important roles in this effort to improve our national security space programs.

太空委员会通过对我们的国家太空计划进行彻底,独立和客观的评估来铺平了道路。我感谢私人公民的专员花时间提供才华。今天我们有三个:汤姆·摩尔曼(Tom Moorman),他将代表太空委员会说几句话,即退休的空军将军;杜安·安德鲁斯(Duane Andrews)在五角大楼(五角大楼),你们都知道,我相信,当然是C3I和其他活动中的国防部长,以及空军的代理秘书;然后,我们还拥有空军的副参谋长,他将发表一些评论,因为不用说,组织活动与空军有关的内容很大。


Second, the Department of Defense is merging disparate space activities and adjusting chains of command. These changes will involve all key facets of the department -- the office of the secretary, the military departments, the National Reconnaissance Office and the U.S. Space Command. The majority of these changes involve realigning Air Force headquarters and field commands to more effectively organize, train and equip for space operations, ensuring that the Air Force will become the lead for space activities in the Department of Defense.



Smith: Thank you, Mr. Secretary. It's an honor and a privilege for me to be here.


I never could have dreamed that in two years not only would we have the commission created, but we would have you as the secretary of Defense, who is the chairman of the commission, to really enact, or to begin the process of enacting many of the recommendations of that commission. You are a true visionary. I am really delighted that you are the secretary of Defense.



There are a number of things that we have to deal with, as these decisions will do from the organization of the government to funding to doctrine development -- all sorts of issues there. But the most important one is to elevate space in the order of national priorities. The secretary has helped do -- done that today. It's very important for the future. And congratulations, sir.

Rumsfeld: Thank you very much, Mr. Congressman.

您想来吗,汤姆,杜安和罗恩 - 罗恩·福格曼将军从那里,请加入我们。这三位先生和另外六个或七个人担任国会成立的太空委员会专员。

Moorman: Thank you, Mr. Secretary, and thank you for the opportunity to say a few words on behalf of the Space Commission.

您遇到了罗恩·福格曼(Ron Fogleman)和杜安·安德鲁斯(Duane Andrews)。我还要感谢史蒂夫·坎波恩(Steve Cambone)博士和汤姆·威尔逊(Tom Wilson)先生,他们担任我们的员工董事。


我认为你们都可能都阅读了报告,但我认为重要的是要注意,该报告是一致的,这是基于广泛的努力 - 32个整天的会议,有77名现任和前高级官员和知识渊博的私人我们遇到的部门代表。




Thank you, and we look forward to your questions.

Rumsfeld: Duane, do you or Ron want to add anything?





I'd also like to thank Senator Smith and Congressman Mac Thornberry for, as you've already heard, their contributions to helping point us in this direction; and then the commissioners, represented by those who have already spoken, for their great work in helping us get to where we are.

I would tell you that this decision represents a tremendous amount of hard work, both on the part of the commissioners, the secretary of Defense, his staff, and the United States Air Force, who have worked so hard for a long time to recognize the value of space to our nation, both in terms of military perspective, as well as each of us as civilians.




Rumsfeld:我可能会 - (旁) - 您想发表讲话吗?


Rumsfeld: I might just make one comment. The missile defense announcements, which were made by President Bush last week at National Defense University, I suppose could be characterized as the first product of the studies that have taken place. This event today, and the changes we're recommending with respect to space, could be characterized as the second.

在这里,这个课题已经被明星ted with a congressional proposal, it then went to a commission; the commission made recommendations to the department, the department took those recommendations and coordinated them extensively throughout all the services and all the OSD activities elsewhere in government. The National Security Council, I should add, has a Space -- (aside) -- what's the official name?


Rumsfeld: -- Policy Coordinating Committee that will help to coordinate the civil and commercial and defense-related aspects of space, as well. And this particular set of proposals that you've been provided in, I think, a蓝色上衣, have all been fully coordinated with all the military departments and services and the other elements of government, as well as the Congress.

We'd be happy to respond to questions.

Q: Mr. Secretary, these announcements you've made seem to be managerial aimed at efficiency and elevating space in the national security apparatus. However, practically speaking, is this a move toward putting weapons, such as satellite-killers and lasers, into space by the United States? And what would you say to people who are very critical of militarizing space?

Rumsfeld: Well, I wouldn't say anything because these proposals have nothing to do with that. These proposals have to do with organizational arrangements within the Department of Defense that put a focus on the important issues relating to space, which have been spread throughout the department in a way that has made it difficult to get the right kind of focus and the right kind of emphasis.


Q: So you don't see the United States putting weapons in space?



Rumsfeld: What I brought along was some space policy, the国家太空政策,阅读可能很有用。这只是摘录。这是从1996年9月19日起。这是当今的政策,基本上说:


That, I would say, is the policy of the United States government. And it has been, and it is today.

问:秘书先生 -

Rumsfeld: Let me just add one other thing from that same policy. It says:

"The United States is committed to the exploration and use of outer space by all nations for peaceful purposes for the benefit of all humanity. Peaceful purposes allow defense and intelligence- related activities in pursuit of national security and other goals. The United States rejects any claims to sovereignty by any nation over outer space."

Q: Mr. Secretary, a minute ago you mentioned missile defense --

Q: Can I ask you a question about the aircraft on Hainan Island? The Chinese government is indicating that they're not prepared to give back this aircraft. What's your response to that, and what options are available to put more pressure on Beijing to release the plane?

Rumsfeld: The assessment team was on the island. They were given sufficient cooperation so that they could make a full assessment. They came back and they have reported to the contractor and the manufacturer of the aircraft. They have come to some conclusions about the -- what would be necessary to handle the aircraft. And I have provided that information to Secretary of State Powell. He and the diplomatic channels will now go back and discuss that with the People's Republic of China, I presume through the Foreign Ministry. And it is in that channel at the present time.



Rumsfeld:据我所知,没有混乱。和政策 - 只是从头到今都追踪它;当我到达该部门之前,在EP-3事件发生之前,我给人的印象是,审查与中国的美国军事卫生部接触是合适的,以确保他们确实是互惠的是适合双方的价值。我们开始了该过程,并开始逐案审查它们。EP-3事件干预了。当时,我认为船员被关押在岛上,美国船只或美国飞机不适合访问中国并制止他们。鲍威尔秘书以及国防部决定,鉴于情况,某些社会联系将不太合适;那确实不是像往常一样做生意。而且我一直在逐案处理军事与军事联系。

The staff came up and indicated that there were a variety of things taking place that didn't fit under the military-to-military or social contacts and they needed to be reviewed as well, and we are reviewing those also on a case-by-case basis.




And secondly, where do you stand on the KE-ASAT anti-satellite, which has gotten some bad fitness reports from Defense Science Board and others?


And the first part of your question was amendments?

问:嗯,这是您的政府引用的 -

拉姆斯菲尔德:我知道,条约。总统说了一切。他说,《 ABM条约》禁止 - 旨在防止各国创造导弹防御能力。他已经表示,他认为世界局势发生了很大的变化,他想开始与俄罗斯进行讨论,并与普京联系,并且我们的一些高级人员将在下一个时段与俄罗斯人进行咨询 -- 我认为这一周。

Q: Actually, I was trying to draw you out on the separate question about whether you feel inhibited in any way in anti-satellite weapons or other space developments because of existing treaties, which has been the complaint of some, or whether you see the need for fresh negotiations so we don't end up with an anti-satellite warfare race in space.

拉姆斯菲尔德:嗯,我不相信或者是an anti- satellite warfare race in space. I don't know that that language would be appropriate. Certainly it has nothing to do with what we're talking about today.

There is no question but that the ABM Treaty has prevented research and development and testing and experimentation with a host of things that are prohibited by the treaty. And that is the subject of the consultations that are taking place. And such things as mobility, for example, is prohibited by the treaty. So those things will be under discussion.


Q: Secretary Rumsfeld, the commission identified the importance of space and satellite assets, and as Senator Smith articulated, the need to be able to defend and protect those. If we're not talking about putting weapons in space or anti-satellite weapons, how -- what capabilities do you have in mind when we hear these phrases about defending or protecting U.S. space-based assets?

拉姆斯菲尔德:我们拥有的是一个依赖太空资产的平民,商业和军事的整个事物网络。问题是,您如何阻止和劝阻人们在紧张或冲突时期对这些资产采取行动。这些资产当然具有某种空间角色。他们有 - 空间角色和地面站之间存在联系,并且有地面站。以及要做的是认识到我们依赖这些资产的程度,然后找到劝阻和阻止的方法,并在必要时捍卫和保护对这些资产的依赖。

Q: Can you give us any example of how that might work --

Rumsfeld: Well, there are a variety of things you can do. Obviously, when, in some instances, people have looked at the ground stations, there are things that -- ways to interrupt linkages between satellites and ground stations. We've seen instances where, I believe, Indonesia took a modest capability and jammed a Chinese satellite so that the signals that were coming down in Indonesia would not be broadcasting those signals there.


Q: Getting back to the question about the practical effect of these organizational changes that you've announced today, how does the new efforts in the area of missile defense connect with these changes in the space program? Is there a connection?

Rumsfeld: I don't see any connection at all.

(Cross talk.)



Rumsfeld: Well, operational control. Let's see. (To panel.) Do you want to come up and respond to that?

What we have is the NRO, obviously, will be -- the director of the NRO will also be the under secretary of the Air Force. It will be a separate responsibility. We're not merging the two. And the operations of those satellites, whether they're NRO satellites or Air Force satellites, are not going to change, to my knowledge, with these organizational recommendations, at all.




问:就像 -

问:秘书先生,我知道您不喜欢被固定 -

Rumsfeld: (Off mike.)


Rumsfeld :(笑)。


Rumsfeld: Sure! (Laughter.) But look, on the one hand, someone says, "Gee, you gotta consult." On the other hand, they say, "Why don't you quit dancing around and just announce it?" Now, the fact of the matter is, you can't have it both ways in life. (Laughter.)

我们所做的正是我们应该做的ing. We're taking an enormously significant issue that deserves debate, that deserves discussion, and I would say it deserves thoughtful debate. It deserves a lot better than the old worn-out arguments of the last 20 or 30 years, I would add. And we are talking to the people in the world that are important with respect to that subject -- people in the Congress, we're talking to people who are our allies around the world, we're talking to the countries that are particularly interested, like Russia and, eventually, China, and we are going to be discussing what we have in mind.

和我们有什么想法正是过后dent said. It is that there is a threat out there from rogue states, because of proliferation in the post-Cold War world, that countries are gaining access to ballistic missiles and weapons of mass destruction, and we think it's -- the only responsible thing to do is to develop and deploy capability to deal with that.

We also have said that because of the ABM Treaty, there have been restrictions on the kinds of research and development and testing and experimentation that are needed to look at alternative methods of doing this, and we are going to be discussing those with the people we should be discussing them with. At the conclusions of those consultations, we will in fact -- I almost said "stop dancing around." (Laughter.) And we're not dancing around.

People think, you know, "My goodness, they obviously have something in their heads that's all firm and all fixed, and they're going to suddenly pull open the curtain and there it is." Not true. These consultations are serious. They're real. This is a big, important issue for people to discuss. It's going to take some relearning; it's going to take a willingness on the part of people to recognize the difference in our circumstance today from what the circumstance was in the Cold War, and we're going to do that, and we're going to do it well.

Q: Secretary Rumsfeld, speaking of what's in your mind, can you just clarify for us --

(Cross talk.)

Rumsfeld: The gentleman right here.

Q: Mr. Secretary, given your answer to the last question, can you give us at least a brief overview of how your -- the president's national missile defense plan is going to differ from the Clinton plan, including some specifics on what possible sea-based and space-based components might look like?

拉姆斯菲尔德:我可以。我不会告诉您它们的样子,因为他们没有经过测试,测量或试验或进行大量研究,因为它们会违反ABM条约。因此,我可以告诉您,我们将研究所有这些事情。弹道导弹防御办公室提出的八个,10或12件事将有八个,10或12件事,他们认为值得关注。正如我之前说过的,我们将尝试证明它们。很棒的是,在他们工作的范围内,我们将更多的钱在他们身后。在某种程度上,我们将尝试找到一种更好的方法来做这些事情。和 -

Q: Do you have a deadline in mind in your own deliberations, like a year, two years?

Rumsfeld: Well, confirmations shouldn't last -- you know, should be done this year.

Q: So by Labor Day?

Rumsfeld :(笑)。I'm not going to set arbitrary deadlines. Goodness gracious, we don't need them yet.

Q: Put aside for a minute the missile defense thing and the -- (inaudible) -- stuff; put aside the hot buttons. Could you give us some sense of the types of programmatics that might change now that you elevate the visibility of space in this whole thing? Give us any kind of feel at all so that we can write about something other than a doggone spaghetti diagram. (Light laughter.) I'm serious.

Rumsfeld: Well, let me -- with all respect to the Congress and the commission, the Congress said they did not want a commission to come up with programmatic reviews. They didn't want a commission to come up with new budgets. They wanted a commission to look at the organization of how the United States government, particularly the Department of Defense, is organized -- and the intelligence community is organized to deal with a subject that has been becoming increasingly important over the decades. And I can remember having a briefing -- Tom, you and Duane and Ron will remember it -- some Air Force general came in and said he spent literally the entire weekend in this building trying to get an answer to a single simple question on space, and he couldn't do it. There is no way to get all the threads from all the departments and all the agencies and all the pieces of this enormous place and bring them up through a needlehead and get an answer for the president of the United States.

因此,它做的很大是它做到了。会在那里 - 一个人,一个人,一个真正的活人可以在某个时候进来,按下人的按钮,说:“你是。答案是什么?”该人应该能够在很短的时间内得到答案。

Q: Secretary Rumsfeld, you hinted in your opening comments -- I know you don't like to be pinned down on numbers prematurely, but --

Rumsfeld: I can't be, because I don't know them.

Q: -- can you share with us your thinking about how many major theater wars the United States military ought to be prepared to fight and win -- (laughter) -- nearly simultaneously as a planning model for --



That's a good question, it's an important question, and it ranks right up there with the subject of missile defense and the use of space. What we are doing -- and I say "we" -- I mean lots of people, human beings, military, civilian, in the Congress, in the department, in other parts of the government -- is trying to take a serious look at the world we live in and our circumstance in that world, and then ask the question, how ought we to arrange ourselves? What kinds of -- how ought we to size our forces? How ought we to organize those forces? Where ought they to be located? And in what kinds of arrangements?

正如您所建议的那样,所使用的主要大小方法是在这里发生冲突,并在某种程度上采取行动。现实情况是 - 您都会想起有一份准备报告,我认为这是第三步兵师,称准备就绪已经下降到C-3水平。当然,原因是该部门被组织起来是主要区域冲突之一的一部分和大小,但这不是它在做的事情。那是在波斯尼亚。而且做得很好。确实,总统,国会和国家说:“去波斯尼亚。这是您的工作。”然后准备就绪,它暗示:“好吧,您还没有为重大的区域冲突做好准备,因为您在波斯尼亚有一半的人,而且您正在做其他这些事情。”



I am very sincerely trying to figure out what I ought to think about these things, and I'm getting smart people from all around; inside the government, outside the government, in the Congress, in uniform, out of uniform, and talking about these issues, not to tell them what's going to happen, but to try to figure out what I think maybe ought to happen.

Q: Well, are you about to abandon the two-war strategy, as a major metropolitan newspaper suggested?

Rumsfeld: I haven't gotten there, no. Listen, if you believe everything you read in a major metropolitan newspaper, we're going to -- (laughter) -- I'd be going 18 directions at once.


Q: Mr. Secretary, what weapon system were you referring to earlier when you said you had made a programmatic decision? And also, could you tell us what power the Air Force now has over the other services?

Rumsfeld: Sure. The decision I had to make was to reprogram some money for the F-22 because to not have done so would have been to have made a decision, and I was not ready to make a decision.

空军的力量 - 我不知道我喜欢这个词 - 在其他服务上,我会说他们有责任;他们有信托义务成为执行代理人。这在国防部并不独特。空军目前是战斗搜索和研究的执行代理。联合部队司令部目前是打击战争实验的执行代理人。陆军是国内紧急准备和民事支持的执行代理人。陆军是化学武器非​​军事化的执行代理,海军陆战队是非致命武器的执行代理。

So it's a technique or an organizational structure that has been used previously, and it works pretty well.




Q: Mr. Secretary, but how does that protect our space assets against a hostile attack, as Senator Smith brought up?

Rumsfeld: I guess the way I would answer it is that you -- we will be able -- see, the organizational changes don't do things programmatic, they lead to programmatic decisions.

And they lead to funding decisions. And they lead to accountability. But the short answer is that process is process and program is program.

Last question, right there.



There are tensions on going that. Obviously there's an advantage because you really get focus and you really get attention on a subject by doing that. The disadvantage, obviously, is cost, and the structure and overhead on the one hand, and considerable complexity in terms of dealing with this building in terms of jointness. I mean, to add an entity when we're trying to bring these existing entities together into a way that they can do joint war-fighting is a tension in the opposition direction.

So it is something that got a lot of thought. I think that's a fair characterization of it. And there -- like most things that are complicated and important and difficult, there were a number of pluses and minuses.

And I thank all of you for being here. (Laughter.)


来源:Department of Defense