


几个自我描述的专家在最近批评的电视上出现了CIA的决定公开识别约翰尼·米歇尔斯计划, the CIA officer who was killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan.� These individuals have claimed that the decision was “unprecedented” and have even suggested that the Agency was exploiting Mr. Spann’s death in an effort to garner positive publicity.� Nothing could be further from the truth.� Such comments are irresponsible and do a great disservice to the Agency, the people who work for it, and Mr. Spann’s family.



然而,多年来,当情况允许的情况下,中央情报局拥有publicly identified Agency officers who have been killed in the line of duty.� There are currently 78 stars etched on CIA’s Memorial Wall for Agency employees who have died in the line of duty, and of those, fully 43 have been identified publicly and are included in CIA’s Book of Honor.� Of those 43 brave Americans, more than 30 served in the Directorate of Operations, the Agency’s clandestine service.� Among the heroes named in the Book of Honor are Richard Welch, the CIA official assassinated in Athens in 1975, and William F. Buckley, the Agency officer who was tortured and died in captivity in Beirut in 1985. When an officer under cover dies in the line of duty and there is no capability or reason to preserve their anonymity their names have been released.

作为中央情报乔治J. Tenet的主任表示,Johnny Micheal Spann是美国英雄,这是一个对他的国家和他的机构对他的国家和他的代理人来说的一个人,通过无私的勇气来说。such that his entire chain of command concurred that his name could be released without compromising security or any current intelligence activities.�� Moreover, the Spann family strongly supported the decision to publicly acknowledge Mike’s affiliation with the Agency and concurred with the text of our public announcement before it was released.




