
主持人:Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld
2002年4月17日,星期三 - 美国东部时间上午11:30

U.S. Department of Defense

Special Briefing on the Unified Command Plan

(Special briefing on the 2002 Unified Command Plan. Also participating: Gen. Richard Myers, chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Dr. Stephen A. Cambone, principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for Policy; and Lt. Gen. George W. Casey, director, Strategic Plans and Policy, Joint Chiefs of Staff. The briefing slides are available at。)

Rumsfeld: Good morning. Chairman Myers and I are pleased to announce the 2002 Unified Command Plan, which realigns and streamlines the U.S. military structure to better address 21st century threats. The plan we announce today is undoubtedly the most significant reform of our nation's military command structure since the first command plan was issued shortly after World War II. Chairman Myers and his staff and the OSD staff are certainly to be commended for their work on this plan.

1946年,美国面临着一个挑战d dangers of a new and unexpected era. The first UCP addressed those issues. Today our country faces an era of the unexpected. We're involved in a war unlike any that our country has ever experienced. We must be ready to win today's global war on terror, but at the same time prepare for other surprises and uncertainties that we will most certainly face in the 21st century.

The men and women in uniform quickly, skillfully and successfully responded to the brutal attack on September 11th. The spread of weapons of increasing range and power into the hands of the world's most irresponsible regimes threatens to create dangers and instabilities around the globe and we, as a country, have to be ready to defend against, and where possible, prevent even worse attacks in the days ahead. The 2002 Unified Command Plan is fashioned to help do that. It has some historic firsts. This is the first time that the continental United States will be assigned a commander for the Northern Command, or NorthCom, as we'll undoubtedly call it. The new commander will be responsible for land, aerospace and sea defenses of the United States. He will command U.S. forces that operate within the U.S. in support of civil authorities.

Pending the necessary studies, which are required by law and appropriate for such a decision, the preferred alternative for the Northern Command Headquarters is to be Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado. As you know, the command is scheduled to begin operating on October 1st of this year.



Under the UCP, the Joint Forces Command will no longer have responsibilities for homeland defense. NorthCom will take up those responsibilities, leaving the Joint Forces Command free to focus on its exceedingly important mission to help transform our military, including experimentation; innovation; improving interoperability; reviewing, validating and writing joint doctrines; preparing battle-ready joint forces and coordinating joint training simulations and modeling.

另一个变化是,联合国第一次ited States commanders will be assigned responsibility for contingency response and security cooperation in every part of the world -- that is to say, land and sea. Similarly, the responsibilities of the commander of the European Command will now include Russia, which had not previously been the case. He will be responsible for such things as security cooperation with Russia and nations in the Caspian Sea region and other countries in that part of the world.


迈尔斯将军发表讲话后,我们将很乐意回答问题,然后我们询问了联合工作人员的史蒂夫·坎博恩(Steve Cambone)和(中尉)乔治·凯西(George Casey)将军对其他问题做出回应 - 出现并回答其他问题,我确定会有。这是一个重要的文档,我们希望为您提供尽可能多的信息。


Myers: Thank you, Mr. Secretary, and good afternoon.

统一指挥计划或规定建立,the secretary said, the missions and responsibilities of each combatant command within the United States armed forces. It's important to just note here that it only applies to the U.S. armed forces, to no other armed forces.




As the secretary said, we're going to create a new combatant command, U.S. Northern Command, and assign it the mission of defending North America and supporting the military's responsibilities to civil authorities.


U.S. NorthCom's geographic area will include, as the secretary said, the continental United States, Alaska, Canada, and Mexico, portions of the Caribbean, and the contiguous waters out -- in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, out to a minimum of 500 miles, so they can defend in depth.

No new missions or roles are being created here for the Department of Defense in creation of this new command. It basically does three things. It takes the NORAD mission. It combines it with the Joint Task Force for Civil Support that currently resides in Joint Forces Command, that is responsible to civil authorities for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, major conventional explosives events. It takes that and moves it under Northern Command. And it's looking at potentially the relationship it might have with Department of Defense support to natural disasters -- hurricanes, floods, and fires.

Next, U.S. Joint Forces Command will transfer its geographic area of responsibility to the Northern and European commands. Joint Forces Command will then change from being a combatant command with geographic and functional responsibilities to a functional combatant command to carry out, as the secretary said, the critical missions of transformation, joint experimentation, and joint training.

We think these changes recognize the need to have someone bring a laser focus on transformation and experimentation. If we are to remain engaged in the world and defend our homeland, we must continue to adapt to the rapidly changing security environment. Having a command like Joint Forces Command, with an eye on the future, will allow us to rapidly integrate new ideas and concepts into our forces, into our doctrine and our strategy, and our tactics, and it will help keep the edge we need to quickly adapt to the uncertainties that lie ahead.

欧洲司令部将增加它的地理区域of responsibility. EUCOM will now include the remainder of the Atlantic Ocean area from 500 miles off the U.S. East Coast all the way to the shores of the European continent. And additionally, as the secretary said, EUCOM will pick up primary responsibility for Russia. Previously, Russia was not assigned and most efforts with Russia were handled out of the Pentagon. Russia's new status will give them the best of both worlds; they will have a command close by geographically that can deal with our military-to-military relationship on a daily basis and still maintain the dialogue with Washington. This change allows for more cooperation and coordination between our militaries. I also think it is one more signal that our post-Cold War relationship is improving. I should also note that Pacific Command will assist EUCOM in work issues with Russia that deal with their Far East Military District.


Finally, I think September the 11th showed us the threats we face today -- in today's world are extremely complex and require changes in the way our military thinks and reacts. The changes reflected in this Unified Command Plan I think we believe go a long way into preparing us for the future, and I believe they constitute a very major change.

And with that, we'll take your questions.



Q: Sir, the NorthCom that will be created, can you speak a little bit more detailed, in a more detailed way about the way in which that command will help develop technology and systems that can contribute to homeland defense, perhaps being involved in missile defense and other things? Can you -- can you talk about --


Q: Mr. Secretary, back to Tora Bora briefly --


Q: On the Unified Command Plan, if your plan -- if your study recommends the merger of SPACECOM and STRATCOM, would that entail the moving of SPACECOM to STRATCOM?


Q: In other words, it would entail perhaps a CINC being in charge of both of them.

Rumsfeld: We have not come to a conclusion with respect to those -- that question. So it's not been fully addressed as yet.


Q: On Northern Command, could you all describe in detail how the U.S. response to another September 11th-like attack, if something like that were to happen again, would be different under Northern Command than it would -- as it was in September? I'm thinking in particular about the scrambling of the jets because none of them got anywhere, where they needed to be, in time to do anything.

And, General Myers --


With respect to the combat air patrols and the AWACS, we've announced, to the extent we plan to announce, how that is arranged, and it is arranged in a way that provides vastly better security than existed prior to September 11th.

We are attentive to aircraft flying in and out of this country. We're attentive to aircraft that are moving around within the country. We have radar that enables us to keep track of a great deal. We have aircraft on strip alert that enables us to respond within reasonable periods of time to threats as they are analyzed.

The same organization that did it on September 11th would be doing it today -- the NORAD. And the chain of command would be exactly as it was on that day, and it would be through NORAD to the secretary of Defense, to the president of the United States.


拉姆斯菲尔德:嗯,自9月11日以来发生了很大变化。如果您问什么会发生变化,迪克·迈尔斯(Dick Myers)解释了会发生什么变化 -

Q: No, I understand that. I'm just saying, if we're going to explain this to someone --

Rumsfeld: -- the head of NORAD is now going to be the head of the Northern Command.

Q: So is this just an organizational reshuffling or do you expect something tangible to come out of this with regard to homeland defense. For somebody who's sitting at home watching this.

Myers: Sure. Yeah. I would go back to -- the -- you want me to focus on the issue of how we respond. Let's take the NORAD situation, and the secretary explained that, and let's set it aside, and let's look at the other support that the Department of Defense provides to civil authorities. I think that's going to change pretty dramatically because today it's done by various agencies.

大概,如果您回顾了部门在世界贸易中心之后的纽约需要回应的需求,那么您可能会发现,尽管没有混乱,但在这种情况下,努力并没有良好的努力。有很多好心的人试图在A中做事 - 做正确的事。而且我认为在这种情况下,我们将重点关注,这将使我们能够在正确的时间向正确的联邦机构或州立机构提供所需的内容。但这就是我认为您会看到不同的地方。

另外,您知道,我们已经训练了某些单位来应对化学和生物学攻击。其中很多都在储备金中。有了这个新命令,他们将更广泛地看一下。他们会说:“嗯,还有什么?我们还必须在专门的部队那里进行哪种培训?”也许。我的意思是,PAM尚未完成实施计划,所以我们仍在努力。但是,我们可能还想为其他活动做准备的其他事情。所以那是 -


Myers: It could be -- it could be just quarantine, just -- you know, let's say you have a quarantine situation. I mean, this can go on and on and on to support the civil authorities, and where they need expertise, where they need manpower and so forth.


Rumsfeld: Let me take a stab at it. It is an organizational issue, and organizational issues tend not to have a great deal of interest broadly out in the public. They can make an enormous amount of difference internally. And I thought that General Myers pointed -- his response pointed that up. If you think about it, historically in modern decades we have been looking out. We have been oriented to the outside world as the way to defend the United States of America. On September 11th, things happened inside the United States that were dramatic and involved the death of thousands of people.

Immediately the phone call rings at the Pentagon, even though the Pentagon's job had been to look out, not to look at internal threats but to look outside. So our radars were pointed out, our eyes were looking out, and the people looking here were the state and local law enforcement officials, the FBI, the various first responders, the FEMA and the other organizations of government, HHS and so forth. When an event occurs in the United States, however, while everyone knows that the Pentagon is not in the business of providing an armed force for the United States, but when an event occurs, we get the phone call. And why do we get the phone call? Well, because the Department of Defense is considered the Department of Defense. They know that they've got troops, they've got people who respond, they're organized, and they can be of assistance.

因此,当电话打入电话时,国防部并不是首次响应的角色,它对需要的任何人都具有支持角色。想象一下,城市X有一个事件,它涉及到与迪克所说的事物运动一样,需要应对大量人 - 水,卫生,隔离,无论出于何种原因。电话会来这里。第一响应者会说:“谁能伸出援手?”

And in this new organizational arrangement, we will have a four- star military person who will be the Northern commander, who will be responsible for being ready to function in a supporting role and assist all of the other elements of the federal government, as well as the state and local governments, to see that those assets and those capabilities that are distinctive and unique to the Department of Defense are in fact promptly put into play to be of assistance to deal with that crisis in City X, if and when that occurs.

Myers: So I think it goes -- it's just like this: Today we have at least three entities responsible for the sort of things the secretary was talking about. We're going to do -- we're going to have one entity, and that means -- that's why we say unity of focus, unity of command -- very important in this case.



Q: Yes.



Rumsfeld: Well, there wouldn't be any relationship between the Northern Command and the Homeland Security Council because it is a combatant commander. And the way statutes are written, and laws, the president, the secretary of Defense and the chain of command is to the combatant commander and there's no intervening people or events, except for the chairman, who gives military advice.

国防部将与国土安全理事委员会和汤姆·里奇(Tom Ridge)建立非常密切的关系。我的意思是,每天都有会议;我们一直在链接。但是,与战斗人员的指挥官相比,在平民方面,这种联系很可能会继续如此。

Q: So then how would that work if you have Northern Command that's supposed to be in charge of, you know, homeland --

Rumsfeld:不,这不负责。这是一项支持活动,就像五角大楼今天所做的任何活动都是一项支持活动。在首先,我们不是对美国对这些事情负责的人,我们是 - 好吧,在某些情况下,我们不会介入,这是一个细节。但是校准我说的话 - 几乎在每种情况下,我们都不是第一个。我们的关系与国土安全委员会很广泛,但它往往在国防部长和陆军部长办公室的平民层面。


Myers: It would have to be very, very close because that's where a lot of our first responders are today, and that's were they're trained. So that relationship -- it will be defined -- like I said, we've started the implementation planning but we've not finished the planning; it's being worked by many people right now. But since the Reserve component, both the Reserves and the Guard, would probably play a major role in any response, there'd have to be a very close relationship there.

拉姆斯菲尔德(Rumsfeld):当迪克(Dick)说“我们的第一响应者”时,他的使用方式与我使用的术语完全不同。他正在谈论国防部的人民,他们会以支持角色做出回应 -


拉姆斯菲尔德: - 支持我们国家的第一响应者 -


拉姆斯菲尔德: - 谁是联邦,州和地方,但不是军事的。


迈尔斯:好吧,这可能是在一个案例中 - 这是逐个活动的基础,因此他们仍然将有能力成为联邦政府或国家当局的能力。所以 -

Rumsfeld: Sometimes they're under the federal government, sometimes they're under state authority.


Q: Can I also ask a question about the Unified Command, believe it or not?

Rumsfeld: Before we do, is there anyone who thinks that we're against expanding the International Security Assistance Force? (Scattered laughter.)



Q: Okay. (Scattered laughter.)

Rumsfeld: And I didn't say what I thought about that.

Myers: And he hasn't given his opinion on that issue.

Rumsfeld: That's right.

Q: You raised the issue of quarantines as a situation where a lot of U.S. ground forces might be required. I'm assuming -- tell me if I'm wrong -- the scenario you're talking about is maybe someone uses smallpox as a weapon; maybe you have to seal off an area or a city, and a lot of troops are involved. Are you saying the NorthCom CINC is going to be the guy who's going to be in command of an operation like that? Is that something --

Myers: We said all along -- (to the secretary) -- can I take --

Rumsfeld: You bet. (Scattered laughter.)

Myers: We have said all along --

Rumsfeld: I start shaking my head right off the bat. (Chuckles.)

Myers: Yeah. We have said all along -- and this should not be misunderstood -- there is no change to the roles or mission of the Department of Defense, which means we are in support of civil authorities. Okay? So there is -- there will be no -- but the person in charge of that event will either be a state entity or a federal entity.


Myers: They'll be in charge. They'll be in command, to use a military term.

Q: That part is understood.


Q: But the NorthCom guy is the guy who would actually get the resources --

Myers: He'd figure out who's going to go, who ought to go, respond, and that sort of thing. Yes.


Myers: Could be.

Rumsfeld: And no, he wouldn't give him orders. The only orders that a CINC will ever get will come --


拉姆斯菲尔德: - 通过总统或我。当然。

Q: So the governor of Indiana would ask the federal government to intervene, and the federal government would intervene?




Rumsfeld: Seems to work out pretty well.

迈尔斯:我认为我们已经筋疲力尽 -

Q: But still, you didn't tell us -- you said there's one exception -- (inaudible) -- military -- God is in the details.

Rumsfeld: Oh, I'm sorry. There is -- I can't pull it out, but there is one instance -- Steve Cambone knows -- (laughter) -- is one instance -- he knows all that stuff; he's a Ph.D. in -- something. (Laughter.) The answer is, I think, my vague recollection is that there is an instance in the National Capitol District where, in the event there's a chemical, biological or a nuclear event, that the Department of Defense --

Q: in federal district?

Rumsfeld: And it is a federal district. And in that instance, we are a first responder, I believe.



Q: Did you enjoy it?

拉姆斯菲尔德:我做到了!(笑声。)这些是 -

Staff: These are getting much better.

Rumsfeld: (Inaudible.)

Cambone: I'll do my best, sir.


Cambone: I don't know.

Q: The other example is defending the shores. You're a first responder. If there is an external attack --

Cambone:是的,战斗空气巡逻队是由总统向诺拉德(Norad)秘书指示在直接军事当局下飞行的。因此,这是在那条线上完成的。然后,在一定程度上,将在海上巡逻,海军舰船和事物(因此,在这种情况下的事物 - 部门独特的防御任务)将通过总统的指示来完成为此目的的秘书。

The others are civil support functions. And that's really what he's trying to get to. And the Salt Lake City instance is a very interesting one. We had civil authorities in the state, federal authorities -- the FBI and so forth -- but we also had the National Guard, which was operating in a state capacity there. And they were then lashed -- you talk about command failures -- I mean, they were then lashed to the -- those troops which were under federal authority -- U.S. forces -- and then there was a joint headquarters, whose job it was to sort of oversee all that. And all that gets done in the ordinary course of affairs.

But what the Northern Command commander adds is that person who, like any other commander, is responsible for seeing that his -- the forces assigned to him or for which he will have responsibility or control in some event are properly trained, they're equipped, they're ready to do the jobs that need to be done.

Q: Could I ask you a question about maritime defense? You've now taken and dual-headed NORAD with the new Northern Command, taken a command that's been focused on air defense and made it the focus of this new command, and you've moved that -- you've taken that responsibility away from Joint Forces Command, which I guess going back to the days when it was Atlantic Command has been thought of as focused on the sea. Does that say something about where you think the threats are, that you think the greater threat is from the air? And should we read into that that there's a --

Cambone: No, we haven't -- and George can tell you more about it, but what we haven't done -- finished yet is making the decisions about the types of forces that are going to be assigned and how many and which ones he will have direct authority over. The reason for doing the air defense is the ongoing requirement for the operation of the air defense. And so that will come into effect on the 1st of October, just like the command will, and at that time there will be other forces that will be assigned to him for whatever missions then he will have for that purpose.

问:有些人 - 让我看看我是否理解。因此,仍然有可能,某些沿海防御力量(如果需要的话),这些力量 -

Cambone:和那些将(听不清)和检验st Guard, which has the responsibility for the bays and harbors and approaches and inland waterways and so on and so forth, which in that capacity is operating at civil capacity, and then a relationship with the Navy, which would have some other sort of longer-range patrols if that were deemed to be important. So the northern commander would come say, "Look, there looks to be a threat, looks to be circumstances we need to look after; shouldn't we put some ships?" They come in to the Joint Staff, that washes around, goes up to the secretary, he makes his decision, that order goes back down. And the Northern Commander says to whoever supplies the forces, if it's Joint Forces Command, he would say, "Send me over two squadrons of aircraft for patrol purposes," or "Send me a ship for this purpose," and then they would fall under his control for that purpose.

Q: Otherwise he would have no control of any forces?

Cambone:他们仍然 - 我们仍在决定。我的意思是,问题是多少 - 您知道,只有这么多的力量可以解决,所以问题是,您如何将其分配在所有指挥官所有的责任中?因此,要有这位指挥官的另一个原因是他需要能够表达出合理的力量,以便能够执行他被要求执行的任务。


Cambone: ACC is the Air Force component, and they would -- they could supply those forces. They'd fall under Joint Forces Command for the purposes of assignment. So if he says, "I need umpty- ump in the way of air capability through NORAD," those forces would get assigned in that fashion.

Q: So Joint Forces Command is not losing their day-to-day control.

Cambone: No. No, they will retain those responsibilities as the joint force provider.

问:当您将所有这些放在一起时,显然对Posse Comitatus有些敏感性。如我错了请纠正我;在某些情况下,总统是否有权暂停POSSE COMITATUS,例如发现核装置,在这种情况下,美国军方对如何处理有特殊知识,他可以在某种情况下暂停Posse Comitatus像那样?

例如,前面提出的示例;如果实际上有一个城市,可能是由于某种原因决定应隔离联邦政府,而州长决定不应该隔离,总统是否有权暂停Posse Comitatus,实际上将美国武装部队置于该地区区域?

Cambone: That is too technical a question -- and I mean this sincerely -- for me to sort of answer from the podium. I'd like to make -- can we make sure we sort of take you through all that?

But the broad answer is -- it's on the details of it. I mean, the law is very specific and I don't want to misspeak. But the broad point I think is true, and that is that the president can, under his constitutional responsibilities, say this is a federal matter and I want this authority to be in charge of a particular matter. And he can -- yes, there are circumstances under which that can happen. But we need to get the exact -- I mean, if you're interested, we'll get you the exact --

Q: Fine. Absolutely. Yes.




Cambone:加拿大人是 - 如您所知,NORAD是一名双国司令部。它已经存在 - 它起源于第二次世界大战的最早时代。它继续运行,并在其存在过程中定期更新和更新。

我认为 - 加拿大,我们期望的是,将继续与NORAD建立与NORAD的关系,我们将继续与加拿大朋友进行一段时间的对话,以了解我们如何随着时间的推移如何发展这种关系。


凯西:我是乔治·凯西将军。我是战略计划和政策的总监 -

Cambone: Do it here.

Casey: Pardon?


Casey: Sorry. I'm still Lieutenant General George Casey. (Laughter.)


Q: You said the last one was what?



Q: Why is Alaska --

Q: Can I get into sort of a nitnoid thing, and that's -- (to colleague) -- I'm sorry, Bob.

The Space Command -- General Eberhart is commander of Space Command. Now he's going to be the commander of NORAD, he's going to be the commander of NorthCom. Is he still going to be the commander of SPACECOM, too? And the second question is, General Kernan in Joint Forces Command is also the Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic. Is he going to retain that job, too?

Cambone: Well, as far as I know, General Eberhart is -- I mean, nobody's told me that. I mean -- so, if you know something I don't know, that's a good thing.



Q: All right. So SPACECOM will be subsumed in --

Cambone: No. SPACECOM will continue as an independent unified functional command.

Q: Okay, but they --

Cambone:他们将不再有Norad Hat。

Q: Okay.

Cambone: And you'll have a four-star commander.

问:而且 - 克南将军,对不起。



Cambone:在哪里 - 这是我们将与盟友互动的谈判,因为那是一个盟友。

Q: But that's a big issue with the allies. Having a NATO presence in the United States to them is very important.

Cambone: Yes, indeed.

问:因此,您将Kernan的工作从他和他的头衔中夺走,整个北约指挥结构都可以追溯到欧洲。那就是 -

Cambone: No, that's not the conclusion. That's not the conclusion we've drawn at all. What we have done and will now continue to do is to talk with our allies in Brussels and in capitals to talk about an alliance decision about the disposition of SACLANT, both in terms of its mission and how we're going to arrange that command given that the alliance as a whole is in the process of, as you know, working on its command structure and where it's going to be after Prague.

Q: Could it go away?

Cambone: But that's a conversation we're having with them. That's a conversation that has to take place in the allied context. It's not a U.S. decision. That's not a U.S. decision.

问:如果北方司令部没有力量,它的作用只是为了制定诸如人道主义或救济情况之类的事情的应急计划吗?除了在实际部署部队进行操作的情况下 -

Cambone:我将让乔治跟随这一点。但是,让我 - 我不知道它没有任何力量。我的意思是我们还没有做出决定。好的?对于那些日常紧迫的任务,可以给它少数力量。因此,这些显然是在他的指挥下。今天我们有一个安排 - 这是我要乔治去的地方 - 因为他是组织的负责人。有一个称为联合特遣部队 - 西维尔支持的东西,目前正在联合部队司令部下运行。您听到迈尔斯将军和秘书拉姆斯菲尔德说,这很可能会转移到北部司令部。因此,有一组力量,计划和总部。




Casey: It's several hundred people.

Q: Seven hundred?

Casey: Several hundred. Several hundred people. And they have -- they've worked their way through identifying some units that are not permanently assigned but have a -- with whom they have a habitual relation so that they can work together and train together so when they do need to respond they will respond more effectively.

Q: But the naval and air forces would --

Cambone: Well, the air forces would remain for the time being in the NORAD channel. I mean, that -- right? I mean that's how that has worked. And the maritime forces, to the extent that he would require them, we need to make a decision, and it hasn't been made. There are teams looking at this question about how much would you want to give them in the way of assigned forces for the purposes of maritime patrol. Right? You can do it in one of two ways. You can say you have some number of assets -- three destroyers. Or you can say, I don't know on a day-to-day basis that this command requires those three destroyers. However, there will be circumstances under which he may require as many as 10. And so what you set up is that relationship with the command through Joint Forces Command down to the components to assure that there is within that component a set of ships, a squadron of destroyers, that are trained for the mission. That's Joint Forces Command's job. And so then if the commander, Northern Command commander calls the secretary and says, Mr. Secretary -- or calls the chairman and says, Mr. Chairman, I have a threat that I think we have to deal with, I think we ought to do it in the following way, then Joint Forces Command goes to the naval component and says you -- that squadron now works for the Northern Command commander for whatever period of time to perform the following missions. And that's how that can work.

Now, can you imagine that the command might have some number of ground forces on a day-to-day basis to do the kinds of civil support missions that were just talked about? Sure. He could. And would -- is that -- but the question you have to ask is, how many, and is that an efficient use of their time, their training time, all right? And that's the reason for having a Northern Command commander. We have to have someone whose day-to-day responsibility is to work through all of that and make those kinds of recommendations for the secretary.

Q: Has the future of the Coast Guard been considered in all of these deliberations, both its role in coastal waters and its relationship to the Defense Department versus --


Q: -- the current arrangement, and have you thought your way through that?


Q: The National Guard.

Q: The two examples being the -- I'm sorry. National Guard question. I'm still a little confused. The two examples that would come to mind are the folks who are in the airports and the few hundred folks that got sent up to the border.

Cambone: Right.


Cambone:机场 - 在这里,我将转向Pete Verga。

The airports are on 32 or 10?

Staff: Title 32.

Cambone:他们属于第32列,这意味着他们已经被动员起来 - 我将得到这项服务 - 在联邦服务上,但在州政府的领导下。

Staff: State active duty for a federal purpose.

Cambone: Which is the protection of the airports, under federal authority. I mean the federal authorities were there for that. So they had been mobilized through the Guard process for that purpose, and remain there for -- in their Guard status but working under federal direction.



The borders is yet another set of arrangements, and there -- this is where it gets interesting. In the case of the airports, they are -- they are in states; there is a federal interest in seeing how they are taken care of, and so there is a reason for going to the arrangement that we did.

With respect to the borders, the agencies in charge of the borders are federal agencies, and so what we have done there is we have taken those folks, put them in a Title 10 status, which is a federal status, and sent them to work with a federal agency in detail.

问:因此,以联邦的身份,他们也这样做 -


Cambone: You need somebody every day dealing with this.

问: - 最终向Northcom报告?



Cambone: Ah! Now how would that have happened if we had NorthCom in place? Interesting question. And again, we're sort of working our way through it because there are other civilian, believe it or not, agencies that get themselves involved in the process of all of this. But I think where we'll end up is the Northern Command commander would be the one who would do the assessment, and he would say, "All right, the Border Patrol people want umphety-umpth, now INS want another handful; what's the best way to do this?" And he would work that through a staffing process; he would make sure that any assignments wouldn't conflict with other wartime missions or other domestic missions that we were -- and he'd make that recommendation to the secretary, and then that would go forward on the secretary's order.


Cambone: No, not -- if I understand your question, does this command have anything to do with what's done elsewhere, and the answer is no --

Q: Any change in that part of the world?


Cambone: No. No.

Casey: No, not that part of the world. CENTCOM and PACOM AORs don't change.

Cambone: Yes, please?





Cambone: We have had a number of very, I think, interesting and fruitful exchanges with counterparts in Mexico. They understand why we are looking to make this kind of an arrangement, given the events of the 11th of September. And I think that they're looking forward -- I know we're looking forward, I can't speak for them -- I know we're looking forward to the opportunity to now have a military commander whose task it is, like other commanders, to engage with the regional partners. And so that's probably what will take place. There will be, over time, discussions back and forth on how we handle the problems that we share. And by the way, they go on all the time now in civilian channels between the United States and Mexico.


问:计算机网络 -

Cambone: Let me get the guy behind you.

Q: I just had a quick question about Antarctica. You noted that --


问:这是一个区域中d this time around. I think beforehand, SOUTHCOM had had responsibility for helping to support the operations at McMurdo and at the Polar Ice Station. Can you explain why you've added Antarctica to Pacific Command's responsibilities? And how does this fit in with the treaty that says, you know, no militarization down there at the pole at all?

Casey: It's a fair question. I don't recall it being assigned to SOUTHCOM. Right now the operations that we perform in support of the National Science Foundation we do out of New Zealand with U.S. Transportation Command. We felt that because of that -- New Zealand is in Pacific Command's area of responsibility -- we felt that's where we needed to put it. And that just allows -- again, what that does is, Pacific Command is responsible for coordinating any type of military activities there.

Now, to the militarization treaty, we are very much aware of the treaty. We have no intent to militarize Antarctica. An example of what this might mean for PACOM is, if we had to mount a search and rescue operation, for example, CINCPAC would be the guy that we'd point our finger at and say "Go get 'em." Okay?


Casey: Anybody objecting? No.

Q: I object. (Laughter.)

Casey: Who objects? You object? (Laughter.)



Q: What's the deal with Alaska? You have that striped hybrid there.

Casey: Here's the reason. As we said -- you heard the chairman say, U.S. Northern Command will be responsible for the North American land mass. Alaska is part of the North American land mass, and we believed that it was important for the CINC to have the authority for that land mass and the air and the waters surrounding it. Hence the green stripe.

Pacific Command的蓝色条纹指出,阿拉斯加的部队将仍将分配给美国太平洋司令部。这些部队的部队投射能力不一定需要支持美国北部司令部。因此,PACOM的蓝色条纹。


Q: Does the same apply to West Coast Pacific forces? The Marines and the Navy on the West Coast now are assigned to PACOM, and your line looks like, you know, the people -- he loses those.

Cambone: Right, but --

凯西:那是 -

Cambone: Go ahead.

Q: Does PACOM still have control of the West Coast forces?


问:如果我在这里听到的话,您如何捍卫美国 - 您在回应或支持民事当局?在我看来,您似乎并不是在保护攻击,如果您要做的只是作为支持,那么您正在捍卫祖国。对我来说,那是在第一响应者回应之后。因此,我们将受到攻击。我想知道,该命令将如何作为保护者 - 美国的捍卫者?

Cambone:嗯,这是 - 让我们回到这里有关部队分配的其他问题。它是 - 当它站起来时,它会与Norad双重。诺拉德(Norad)是飞行战斗空气巡逻队的命令。因此,这是一个直接防御的操作。



Now, can we lend support to them through this command structure? And the answer to that will be, according to applicable laws, we will be doing that. And if people think that the laws don't let us do it and we should do it, my guess is, they'll change the law. All right. So that's the way in which we would give that kind of support, in the sense that you're talking about, in an active sense, in that supporting role within the United States, other than those special circumstances that Jim made reference to.


Cambone:命令结构将从现有TOA,我们目前拥有的款项和人员中设置出来。这些设施不是 - 我们不会去建造新的 - 您知道,这样做的新设施。

In terms of the actual mission costs on the day-to-day basis, I think the Air Force can probably give you some sense of what the CAPs have cost us.

Q: Will you be seeking a change in any law?


Q: Just to follow up on the question before and what you just said about intelligence and surveillance, NorthCom won't be involved in that, but of course it can in some cases pass on information, intelligence information. In terms of current congressional restrictions, how is that being interpreted? What, for example, couldn't you pass on?

Cambone:我必须详细介绍您的另一个问题。我的意思是,我不想犯错误,但是重点是 -


Cambone: No -- well, the point is that whatever the law permits, he will be empowered to do.

问:因为那是问题。法律允许什么?因为没有人真的 -

Cambone: And I don't want to make a mistake on that. That would be terrible, to do that.

Q: Will you be seeking a change in any law as part of this?

Cambone: Not for the purposes of setting it up. Whether there will be, as we go through this now -- and Northern Command commanders start saying, "Look, these are the kinds of things which, if we're to be effective, we would have to alter or change or adjust," at that point, we'll be able to come forward with some kind of question.

Q: Is the NorthCom CINC going to be always Air Force, or are you going to have Army, Navy --

Cambone: No, no. The commander will be the best qualified officer. There are no restrictions that are imposed upon it.


Q: Can I ask you again about SACLANT, just to clarify? You said that that's a decision for the alliance --

Cambone: Right.

Q: -- where SACLANT is. But the U.S. is the biggest kid on the block in that alliance. Is it going to be the U.S. preference that that be dual-hatted with EUCOM, or are we going to be open to the idea of having that be somebody here in --




Q: What does NorthCom have to do with the direct -- what is going to happen to the director of military support and battle --

Cambone:军事支持总监 - 好问题。今天的Doms位于陆军内部。陆军秘书有一个执行机构,他被授权使用。对于那些不认识的人来说,它的目的主要是为了做飓风,大火,洪水 - 类似的事情。当海军陆战队或陆军的家伙去爱达荷州国家森林时,通常是通过那个过程来完成的。

(Staff): We need to go upstairs.

Cambone:我知道我们愿意。而且我认为我们可能会 - 我们正在考虑调整其位置以更适当地符合北方指挥官的职责。这是实施人员正在努力进行的细节,我不想在这里损害它。我的意思是,我们只是想弄清楚如何最好地做到这一点。


Q: I got confused on all of the new hats going around. Do we know which ones General Eberhardt will be wearing on October 2nd? Will he be wearing his SPACECOM hat or his NorthCom hat?

Cambone: I can't answer that question. I mean as far as I know, he's going to be wearing his SPACECOM hat. Nobody's told me that he's not going to be doing that.

Q: Can you talk real quickly before you go about why Peterson?

Cambone: I think that the view was that, given the criteria that they laid down -- and George's people did that -- I don't know; they were five, eight, 10 --

问:关于该领域的任何特别的事物,使其适合 -

Cambone: There was a range of criteria that we laid out. Location was one of them; existing command and control facilities; facilities in general; ability of the local community to assimilate the headquarters. And we're -- and cost was a significant -- as we racked and stacked all those, that came out.


Cambone: Thanks, guys. Got to go.

