东帝汶符号CTBT -180个国家已经签署

维也纳9月29日2008年民主东帝汶共和国26 2008年9月签署的全面禁止核试验条约(CTBT),使该条约的签署国数量达到180个。

Tibor T�th, the Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), welcomed Timor-Leste�s signature.



Of the 44 States listed in Annex 2 to the Treaty who must sign and ratify before the CTBT can enter into force, seven are in this region: Australia, China, Democratic People�s Republic of Korea (DRPK), Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Viet Nam. Of these, China, DPRK and Indonesia have yet to ratify.

The other six States outside the region which still have to ratify for the CTBT�s entry into force are: Egypt, India, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Pakistan and the United States of America. See here for an interactive map on the Treaty�s status.

全面禁试条约禁止一切核爆炸。核查制度正在建立监测遵守该条约。该条约生效的时间,337个设施将监测海洋,地下和大气中核爆炸的迹象。256 facilities have been installed to date and are sending data on a continuous basis to the CTBTO�s International Data Centre in Vienna.


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