
I, Randall Thomas, being duly sworn, hereby depose and say:

1. I am a Special Agent (SA) of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and have been so employed for five years. I am presently assigned to the FBI's Los Angeles Division. I am currently assigned to a foreign counterintelligence investigation, in the course of which I have received training and briefings on foreign counterintelligence matters. While attending the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, I received a block of instruction in conducting foreign counterintelligence investigations and the special legal provisions, policies, and techniques pertinent thereto.

2.该誓章是为了支持投诉和逮捕令JAMES J. SMITH为了违反《美国法典》第793(f)条(处理与国防有关的文件的严重疏忽),《违反了第18条》。此宣誓书进一步支持搜查令的申请史密斯的RESIDENCE,位于加利福尼亚州韦斯特莱克村的4422 Guildhall Court,91361(在附件A中进行了描述),用于构成构成水果,证据和工具的物品,违反了第18章,美国法典第793(f)条(处理文档的疏忽大意与国防)和第18章有关,《美国法典》,第1343/1346条(剥夺诚实服务/电汇欺诈权)。

3.在2002年7月,我个人看过几次SMITH RESIDENCE。On March 7, 2003, I confirmed with FBI personnel conducting surveillance of theSMITH RESIDENCEthat day that the following description remained accurate: TheSMITH RESIDENCE是位于加利福尼亚州韦斯特莱克村的4422 Guildhall Court 4422号的单户住宅。该地址位于街道的东侧,在Guildhall Court转向西部并形成CUL-DE-SAC的角落。该住所以南的立即进入公共人行道,该公共人行道通往吉尔霍尔法院(Guildhall Court)Cul-de-sac部分后面的一个公园区域。房屋北侧有一个附属的车库。立即在车库的南部,车库门和一个白色的金属门之间,通向覆盖的前部入口,石板上有一个烟囱。车库和房屋是白色的。就在车道的南部,直接在住宅前方,数字“ 4422”在路边涂在白色背景上。调查显示,除了邮局以外SMITHhas no office, storage locker, or other place to store items.

4. Because this affidavit is being filed for the limited purpose of supporting warrants to (1) search史密斯的RESIDENCE, and (2) arrest史密斯,I have not related herein all of the facts known to me as part of this investigation.



5. In the course of conducting an FBI counterintelligence investigation over the last year, and as further detailed below, I have learned that Katrina Leung (a.k.a. CHAN Man Ying, CHEN Wen Ying, LUO Zhongshan, Parlor Maid) was operated from the early 1980's until 2002 as an FBI "asset" providing information about the People's Republic of China (PRC) to the FBI.JAMES J. SMITH是联邦调查局的特工,她招募了她,并且是她的主要“处理者”,直到他于2000年11月从联邦调查局退休。SMITHroutinely debriefed Leung at her residence and on occasion took classified documents there and left them unattended. Leung surreptitiously photocopied some of them, and documents she obtained in this manner have been recovered from her residence. Investigation has revealed that from the early 1980's until December 2002,SMITH和梁had a sexual relationship. Investigation has also revealed that in 1991,SMITHlearned Leung was providing classified information to PRC intelligence services without authorization bySMITHor the FBI, after whichSMITHcontinued to allow Leung access to classified information.

Background Re: Counterintelligence Investigations

6. Beginning in early April 2002 and continuing through the present, I have been assigned to a counterintelligence investigation regardingSMITH和梁。在这项调查过程中,我与FBI在外国反情报事务中经历的FBI代理商会议,接受了培训和审查的培训材料,该培训由联邦调查局人员在外国反情报领域具有专业知识的培训材料,并了解了以下内容:




i. The identity of FBI employees and information regarding those employees' personal, familial, and professional relationships are of use to hostile intelligence services (including those of the PRC) in their attempts to identify individuals who may have access to classified information and national defense information desired by the PRC, and to identify such individuals' potential vulnerabilities to approach or recruitment by the hostile intelligence service. Because success at such efforts would compromise the United States' counterintelligence capability, intelligence regarding FBI personnel involved in counterintelligence investigations concerns the national defense.


e。Classified information is defined by Executive Order 12958 and its predecessor orders (including E.O. 12356) as follows: information in any form that (1) is owned by, produced by or for, or under the control of the United States Government; (2) falls within one or more of the categories set forth in Section 1.5 of the Order (including intelligence sources or methods, cryptology, military plans, and vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, or plans relating to the national security), and (3) is classified by an original classification authority who determines that its unauthorized disclosure reasonably could be expected to result in damage to the national security. Where such unauthorized release could reasonably result in "serious" damage, the information may be classified as SECRET. Where such damage is "exceptionally grave," the information may be classified TOP SECRET. Access to classified information at any level may be further restricted through compartmentation in SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION (SCI) categories. Dissemination of classified information at any level may also be restricted through caveats such as: NOFORN (Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals), NOCONTRACT (Not Releasable to Contractors or Contractor/Consultants), WNINTEL (Warning Notice: Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved), and ORCON (Dissemination and Extraction of Information Controlled by Originator).


7. On March 7, 2003, I reviewed portions of史密斯的FBI personnel file and security file. I have also spoken with other FBI Special Agents who knew and worked with史密斯,including SAs Thomas E. Powers and Edgar Del Rosario. From my review of his personnel files and those conversations I have learned the following:

A。SMITH是联邦调查局洛杉矶办事处的联邦调查局特工。SMITH1970年10月,他的职业生涯始于联邦调查局,并于2000年11月退休。SMITH从他在犹他州盐湖城的第一个联邦调查局办公室转移到1971年的洛杉矶办事处。SMITHwas assigned to work on a Foreign Counterintelligence (FCI) squad focusing upon the PRC. From that time until his retirement,SMITHworked on FCI PRC matters.

b。SMITHwas the Acting Supervisor of the Los Angeles FCI China squad from March 1983 through October 1983, and was the Relief Supervisor for the squad in the 1990's. During 1991,SMITH是该小队的代理主管,并于1996年成为该小队的监督特工(SSA)。SMITHremained the Los Angeles FBI FCI China squad SSA until his retirement.

8. As an FBI Agent, I know that squad supervisors have an obligation to review the cases being investigated by agents whom they supervise on a regular basis, and that such review entails personal meetings with each agent on the supervisor's squad regarding that agent's cases, as well as review of the FBI file regarding each case. I therefore know thatSMITH在他代理SSA和SSA的情况下,以及在没有SSA的情况下,他本来可以使用和审查由FCI PRC小队审查的案件。该访问和审查将包括该小队正在进行的任何秘密,最高机密或隔间调查。


9. In early April 2002, Special Agent Steve Conley (now a Supervisory Special Agent at FBI Headquarters) told me that Katrina Leung(又名Chan Man Wing,Chen Wen Ying,Luo Zhongshan,Parlor Maid)是FBI的长期资产,提供有关中国的信息。Sa Conley告诉我他是Leung目前的FBI处理者,但退休的SSAJAMES SMITH招募了梁as an asset for the FBI in the early 1980's and had been her handler until his retirement in November 2000. My review of portions of Leung's FBI file in the ensuing months confirmed this.

10.自2002年4月以来,SMITHwas the subject of surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act ("FISA"), 50 U.S.C. Section 1801,et seq。This surveillance, authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ("FISC") in Washington, D.C. (established under the authority of Title 50 U.S.C. Section 1803), included covert physical searches, interception of telephone and fax communications, and interception of e-mails. The investigation also included physical surveillance, which did not require a FISC authorization. To the extent this affidavit contains any information which may have at one time been classified, such information has been declassified.

11. 2002年12月20日,我在美国治安法官杰弗里·W·约翰逊(Jeffrey W.an application for warrants to search Leung's residence and business for evidence of violations of: (a) Title 18, United States Code, Section 152 (concealment of assets from bankruptcy trustee; making false oaths and claims in bankruptcy); (b) Title 18, United States Code, Section 157 (bankruptcy fraud); (c) Title 18, United States Code, Section 371 (conspiracy to violate Title 18, United States Code, Sections 152 and 157, and to defraud the United States for the purpose of impeding, impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful government functions of the Internal Revenue Service in the ascertainment, computation, assessment and collection of revenue, to wit, income taxes); and (d) Title 18, United States Code, Section 794(a) (Unlawfully Delivering National Defense Information to Aid a Foreign Government). Thereafter, Judge Johnson issued warrants to search both locations in Magis. Case Nos. 02-2680M and 02-2679M, respectively. Judge Johnson also granted my request that the affidavit be sealed.

12. On March 9, 2003, I reviewed an audio/video recording of a consensual interview of Leung conducted on December 11, 2002 by SA Peter Duerst and SSA D. Brent Robbins. During that interview, both Leung and the interviewing agents refer toSMITHas "JJ." Leung admitted to first becoming intimate withSMITH在八十年代初,“(v)埃里很久以前,但我不能告诉你哪一年。”

史密斯的Access To Classified Materials

13. As related in paragraph 8, above,史密斯的position as both a Special Agent and later a Supervisory Special Agent of the Los Angeles FBI Chinese FCI squad afforded him access to classified material relating to Chinese FCI matters.

14. On March 10, 2003, I reviewed a report prepared by SA Stephen Phillips on February 5, 2003. From that review I learned the following:

A。Prior to becoming a Special Agent, Phillips was a support employee in the FBI Los Angeles Office assigned to counterintelligence matters. His duties between June 1997 and June 2000 included logging TOP SECRET files and documents in and out of the Secure Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF).

b。The SCIF is a vault containing safes for the storage of TOP SECRET documents. Security regulations dictate that TOP SECRET materials be stored in a SCIF and be released from the SCIF only under certain conditions and pursuant to controls that assure the TOP SECRET documents are securely maintained.

C。在SA Phillips在SCIF工作的期间,授权人员通常在SCIF中审查了最高机密文件。有时,监督人员会签署最高机密文件,将其带到SCIF中以在其办公室中进行审查,然后将文件退还给SCIF的SA Phillips。除了SSASMITH, supervisory personnel always promptly returned TOP SECRET documents to the SCIF after reviewing them.

d。On at least one occasion whenSMITH在SCIF中查看了一份最高机密文件,直到第二天或之后的第二天,他才返回该文件。萨菲利斯(Sa Phillips)认为这发生在1999年。没有其他联邦调查局(FBI)人员在一夜之间保留了他们从SCIF的Sa Phillips退房的最高机密文件。


15. On December 12, 2002, I spoke with FBI Assistant Section Chief (ASC) Bruce Carlson, who told me that on December 11, 2002, ASC Carlson met Leung at her residence so that she could voluntarily provide the FBI with certain items she had discussed during an interview with ASC Carlson that day. In the presence of ASC Carlson and SA Del Rosario, Leung自愿从楼上卧室套房的锁定保险箱中删除了文件,并将其提供给ASC Carlson。Leung在此和随后的采访中告诉ASC Carlson她不记得,但认为她一定已经从SMITHwithout史密斯的knowledge approximately twelve years earlier.

16. I have reviewed a photocopy of that document and noted that it appears to include excerpts of transcripts and/or summaries of a conversation or conversations between a female named "Luo" and someone named "Mao." There are five pages. (As discussed in paragraph 23f, below, Leung stated during interviews that "Mao" was her MSS handler, and "Luo" was her MSS alias.)

17. 2002年12月20日,我与Sa Duerst和ASC Carlson进行了交谈,后者告诉我以下内容:两者都审查了该文件的复印件。梁from her safe. On December 16, 2002, they went to the FBI Los Angeles SCIF to examine TOP SECRET FBI documents. The documents had been transmitted by secure means to the FBI Los Angeles Division from FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC. The documents contain verbatim transcripts and several summaries of conversations between a "Mao" and a "Luo." They learned in their review that the five-page document provided by梁consists of identical portions of the TOP SECRET document they examined, although the line spacing and fonts differ.

18. On December 11, 2002, SA Bruce Carlson and SA Edgar Del Rosario engaged in a recorded conversation withLEUNG。我已经回顾了该对话的成绩单。在谈话中,LEUNG阅读五页的文件,并说她认为该文件是与“毛”的对话。

19. My training, experience, and review of the excerpted five-page document provided by Leung and the TOP SECRET document containing essentially the same information satisfy me that both documents contain national defense information within the meaning of Title 18, United States Code, Section 793(f).

20.2002年12月12日,我参加了一个里美ted consensual search of Leung's residence in San Marino, California. Also present and assisting in the search was SA Stephen Lawrence. Shortly thereafter, and again on March 7, 2003, SA Lawrence told me that while searching a shelf in a bookcase to the left of a desk on the second floor close to the stairs, he found the following documents: (1) a FBI Los Angeles NSD-2 squad telephone directory dated December 20, 1994; (2) a telephone list relating to an FBI investigation codename "Royal Tourist"; (3) a SECRET FBI memorandum regarding Chinese fugitives dated June 12, 1997; and (4) a FBI Legat Directory dated March 17, 1994.

21. On March 11, 2003, I spoke with FBI SSA Serena Alston, who told me that "Royal Tourist" was the code name of an espionage investigation of Peter Lee. Lee was employed by TRW in California and admitted passing SECRET restricted information to the PRC during travel to the PRC in 1985. In 1997, Lee pled guilty to Title 18, United States Code, Section 793(d) (Willful Transmission of National Defense Information to a Person Not Entitled to Receive It).

22. Based on my training, experience, and review of the SECRET FBI memorandum dated June 12, 1997 found in Leung's residence, I believe that the document contains national defense information within the meaning of Title 18, United States Code, Section 793(e). This is because the 1997 memorandum was classified SECRET and discussed reporting of national defense information by a confidential FBI source.

23. 2002年12月18日,我与ASC Carlson和Sa Duerst进行了交谈,他们告诉我他们在2002年12月11日至12月17日之间的几天中采访了Leung。这些访谈都是录像的,我已经审查了其中的部分录音。根据我与ASC Carlson和Sa Duerst的对话,以及对录音的评论,我知道以下在Leung的采访中发生:

A。梁承认从上面的第16和17段中描述的五页文件,SMITH。Leung特别指出:“我认为我偷偷摸摸地说”,然后说,尽管SMITHsometimes allowed her to review classified documents, he never permitted her to retain them.

b。During the interview, Leung was shown copies of the documents described in paragraph 20, above. The copies were all stapled together in a packet. When SA Duerst displayed this packet to Leung during the interview, Leung specifically admitted she took the NSD-2 squad telephone directory, and generally admitted surreptitiously taking and copying documents fromSMITH



e。梁admitted that she also made notes regarding documents she surreptitiously obtained fromSMITH不复制文件。Leung还记录了有关信息的笔记SMITH告诉她。这些年来,梁provided intelligence she gained in this manner to the MSS.

F。梁admitted that she had an MSS handler named "Mao." "Luo" was her MSS alias, provided to her by a high ranking PRC official.

24. Investigation has revealed thatSMITH美国联邦调查局和继续提供信息FBI Agents to Leung after he retired. On November 11, 2002, I participated in a FISC-authorized covert search of Leung's luggage at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) prior to Leung's departure for the PRC. In Leung's luggage there was a facsimile cover sheet fromSMITH到梁。第二页,在顶部带有相同的传真电话号码,在2002年10月举行的FBI前特工协会会议上打了六张照片。其中两张照片是有现役的特工洛杉矶联邦调查局的事务并参加了会议。2002年11月25日,我参加了伦格从中国返回的伦克斯的行李的类似秘密搜索。该搜索也得到了FISC的授权。2002年11月11日,她的行李中,她的行李里没有出现在Leung的行李中观察到的联邦调查局特工的照片。

25. 2002年12月9日至10日,我通过闭路电视监视了SMITHwas interviewed by FBI Agents regarding his relationship with Leung and operation of her as an asset. During the interviews,SMITHmade the following statements:

A。At multiple points in the interview,SMITHstated that any information Leung had obtained regarding FBI operations, sources, and the like, must have come fromSMITH

b。SMITHstated at several points in the interview that he had probably told Leung too much in the course of operating her as an asset.

C。当被问及他是否与Leung发生性关系时SMITH首先拒绝回答这个问题,然后否认有性关系。2002年11月5日,我参加了由私人授权的电子监视SMITH和梁at a hotel in the Los Angeles area. The electronic surveillance revealedSMITH梁having sexual relations.

d。SMITH说他于2001年2月去了香港,大约一年后。每次旅行大约一个星期。SMITH最初说他每次都独自旅行,没有在那里见过任何人。SMITHalso reported business travel to London years earlier, but did not reveal that he had been in London with Leung.

e。在采访的晚些时SMITHagain stated he traveled alone to Hong Kong, and that he had not gone with his wife or son. When specifically asked if Leung had accompanied him,SMITH说:“她在那里。”

f。后来在采访中,SMITHdenied that he had traveled with Leung to any overseas location other than Hong Kong. When pressed,SMITHstated that he had met with Leung in London, and had flown back to the United States with Leung.

Evidence Showing SMITH Knew Leung Had Unauthorized Contact With The MSS

26. As explained in paragraphs 17 through 19, above, and 27d, below, the documents Leung obtained from the safe in her residence and provided to ASC Carlson on December 11, 2002 derived from a TOP SECRET document.

27. On March 26, 2003, I reviewed a memorandum prepared by SA Todd Wight, summarizing interviews conducted by the FBI of a former FBI SSA on December 19, 2002, January 28, February 3 and February 4, 2003. SA Wight's memorandum also summarized the former FBI SSA's career in the FBI. On March 10, 2003, I reviewed portions of transcripts of those interviews. I have also spoken with SA Duerst, who conducted the first three interviews of the former FBI SSA. From my review of Wight's memorandum and the transcripts, and from my discussions with SA Duerst, I learned that the former FBI SSA provided the following information during the interviews:

A。前联邦调查局SSA曾是旧金山联邦调查局办公室中国反情报队的主管,并且都知道SMITH和梁。梁provided information to the former FBI SSA and met many times with the former FBI SSA both in Los Angeles and San Francisco, often in the company ofSMITH

b。During the second interview on January 28, 2003, the former FBI SSA admitted that he had a long-term sexual relationship with Leung while he was a Special Agent. The former FBI SSA stated that the relationship began in 1991 and continued until 1994. During the third interview on February 3, 2003, the former FBI SSA stated his sexual relationship with Leung began in 1989. On February 4, 2003, in a pre-polygraph examination interview, the former FBI SSA stated that his sexual relationship with Leung began in 1988 and continued until his retirement in 1993. The former FBI SSA further stated that the affair continued in 1997 and 1999.

C。The former FBI SSA did not report his sexual relationship with Leung to the FBI. After he retired, he obtained employment with the University of California. That job requires a security clearance, and provides the former FBI SSA access to classified information. The former FBI SSA had not reported his sexual relationship with Leung to the University of California.

d。旧金山联邦调查局(San Francisco FBI)可以访问最高机密的来源,正是该消息提供了最高机密文件中的信息以及Leung提供的相关五页文件,她的保险箱从她的保险箱中介绍了16至19岁的16至19岁。在1991年,来源提供了“ Luo”和“ Mao”之间的对话的音频记录,抄录和/或摘要构成了顶级机密文件的实质以及Leung提供的相关五页文档。

e。当前FBI SSA听取消息人士提供的录音时,他认识到“ Luo”的声音为Leung。前联邦调查局SSA立即通知SMITH在洛杉矶。前联邦调查局SSA感到震惊,因为录音显示梁与MSS沟通不知所措SMITHor the FBI, and passing information to the MSS without FBI authorization.

F。SMITH立即从洛杉矶前往旧金山,与前联邦调查局SSA有关这一发展。SMITHtold the former FBI SSA he was not aware of Leung's alias of "Luo" or her communications with "Mao."SMITHwas visibly upset at the news of Leung's unauthorized communication with the MSS.

g. The former FBI SSA relied onSMITH梁的处理程序,妥善解决公关oblem. Sometime thereafter, prior to meeting withSMITH再次亮,前联邦调查局SSA问SMITH如果解决了Leung未经授权的披露问题,并且SMITH确认它有。


28. 2003年3月7日,我与Sa Thomas E. Powers进行了交谈,后者告诉我以下内容:SA Powers知道SMITHsince the early 1980's, when the two car pooled together to the Los Angeles FBI headquarters building. Through the years,SMITHalways kept a small calendar/date book in his inside jacket pocket.SMITH经常参考日期书,并在书中列出有关会议,电话号码等的说明。

29.2003年3月13日,我与SA凯文Adley, who participated in the interview ofSMITHon December 9 and 10, 2002, referenced in paragraph 25, above. SA Adley told me the following: On December 9,SMITHreferred to a small date book or calendar he had with him to locate a telephone number, and then used his cellular telephone to cancel a lunch meeting he had scheduled that day. (It is my experience that agents frequently note telephone numbers, personal contacts, and meetings regarding their work in personal calendars and date books that they keep with them.)

30.何时SMITHwas interviewed on December 9 and 10, 2002, as referenced in paragraph 25, above, he acknowledged that Leung (and not his wife) had picked him up on his last day of work.SMITHalso acknowledged he had invited Leung to attend his FBI retirement party in November 2000. He also acknowledged that he had permitted Leung to video tape the party, even though FBI Agents and CIA officers were in attendance. When asked where the tape was,SMITHstated "at home."

31.在同一面试中,SMITH承认,他已经在亮恩(Leung)的运作中做出了早期的决定,将她经常与联邦调查局特工(FBI)公开出现。我对在梁的住所执行搜查令的证据的审查(上文第11和12段中)揭示了照片的照片SMITHwith Leung. Also recovered was a photograph ofSMITH坐在Leung的厨房桌子上,摆在大硬币麻袋附近,手里拿着许多硬币。这张照片似乎是漫画的意图,SMITHhad an exaggerated expression and pose.

32. On December 10, 2002, I spoke with SA Powers, who told me the following: On December 9, 2002SMITH同意在他的住所对楼上研究的有限搜索,并在他的研究中对计算机进行搜索。SA Powers在FBI计算机专家的协助下,当晚进行了这样的搜索。在研究中未发现相关的证据,并且获得了计算机的电子图像。

33. 2003年3月14日,我与Sa Samuel B. Whitman进行了交谈,后者告诉我以下内容:SA Whitman协调了FBI计算机专家从史密斯的在共识搜索期间的计算机史密斯的residence on December 9, 2002. That review has been completed, and the electronic image of史密斯的computer yielded no relevant information.


34. 2003年2月,SMITH自愿制作了四十七个期刊,其中包含有关他在1988年至2000年之间的Leung汇报的大量注释,即14张录像带和其他文件,所有这些都是根据生产豁免的授予。

35. On March 26, 2003, I reviewed a surveillance report and learned the following: On February 13, 2003, FBI Surveillance monitoredSMITH早上把他的住所留在车里。他在酒类商店,一家银行和加油站停了下来,然后在一个独自吃早餐的餐厅里。然后,他开车去了律师有办公室的建筑物。他使用行李架,将三个大盒子和一个公文包运入建筑物。几个小时后离开时,他只有一个盒子和公文包。

36. On February 13, 2003, I spoke with SA Duerst, who told me that on that date he went to the office of史密斯的attorney, where the attorney provided SA Duerst with one box containing twenty-five of the forty-seven journals described in paragraph 34, above.



38. Based on the foregoing, I believe probable cause exists thatJAMES J. SMITH已违反了第18条,《美国法典》第793(f)条(处理国防信息的严重疏忽)和该违法行为的证据,违反了第18章,美国法典,第1343/1346条(剥夺诚实权利的权利如下更具体地列举的服务/电汇欺诈)将在史密斯的RESIDENCE。I therefore request the Court issue a search warrant authorizing a search of史密斯的RESIDENCE以下内容:

A。any visual recording of史密斯的2000年11月在印刷或磁媒体上的退休聚会,特别是包括录像带;

b。史密斯的calendars and date books for the period 1982 through the present;

C。evidence tending to establish the nature of史密斯的1982年至今之间与Leung的关系,包括字母,卡片,传真,日记,笔记本,笔记本和其他印刷材料,录音带,照片和录像带;和

d。evidence tending to show travel bySMITH和梁jointly between 1982 and December 2002, including:

i. credit card statements, accommodation receipts, air travel receipts, and itineraries;

ii。photographs, video tapes, letters, notebooks, post cards, and printed images of such travel.


39. Based on the foregoing, I also believe probable cause exists thatJAMES J. SMITHhas committed a violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 793(f) (Gross Negligence in Handling National Defense Information), and request that the Court issue a warrant for his arrest.


40.本文所述的刑事调查正在继续。根据我的培训和经验,我认为披露该誓章的内容将通过披露政府调查的细节和与之有关的证据的细节,从而严重阻碍调查。正在进行的调查的目标将能够学习政府知识的当前范围。此外,我认为披露该宣誓书中卡特里娜琳娜(Katrina Leung)中包含的信息将大大增加她对逮捕和起诉的逮捕,因此会增加她销毁证据和/或逃离证据的风险。出于类似的原因,法院批准了我密封宣誓书以支持搜查Leung的住所(在上文第11段中引用)的请求。因此,我要求法院发出密封此誓章和密封令的命令,直到政府通知法院可以解开这些文件是适当的。


Special Agent


Sworn and subscribed to before me

this ______ day of ____________________, 2003
