


   美军新闻处华盛顿——在《星际迷航》(Star Trek)的很多剧集中,船长都会对全副武装的船员说,“把你的相位枪调到眩晕状态。”你不希望你能那样做吗?如果田纳西州橡树岭国家实验室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)的一项前景光明的技术被证明有效,美国军人或许可以拨出他们武器的拦截能力。Rusi Taleyarkhan领导的橡树岭团队正在为能源部检查这项技术。位于弗吉尼亚州匡提科的国防部联合非致命武器理事会正在跟进该项目。橡树岭项目的重点是高能燃料盒,其中含有水和铝作为推进剂。塔利亚克汗和他的团队使用改装的散弹枪演示了这项技术。塔雷亚克汗的背景是聚变技术,而变速子弹是他研究的结果。这就是能源部负责这个项目的原因。这种武器的工作原理是用电触发弹药。 The aluminum liquefies and vaporizes the water, generating the pressure that forces the round out the barrel. The projectile could be made of lead, steel or even a fluid. Unlike gunpowder, researchers say, the vapor "pulse" is scaleable, meaning shooters can precisely vary the force they want. They could set their weapons to "stun," "disable" or "destroy." The weapon would have a laser rangefinder/aiming system to compute the force needed for the projectile to have the desired effect whether the target is point-blank or hundreds of yards away. This would solve a problem law enforcement personnel and military peacekeepers have using today's rubber bullets. They're not effective at long ranges, but they can wound or kill at close ranges if they hit a person in the wrong place. The Energy Department has been working on the concept for about four years, said project manager Carl Pocratsky. It has cost about $800,000. Researchers have known about the vapor explosion phenomena for years, but scientists have only recently developed an electrical firing mechanism small enough to fit on a shotgun. The fist-sized electrical pulse generator works with a 1.5-volt battery. Pocratsky said a weapon should be ready for testing in about two years.
