Technology & Innovation


06.06.23 | 22分钟阅读 | 文字安迪·戈登Aleksandra Srdanovic克里斯蒂娜·维拉斯克斯(Cristina Velasquez)


In November 2021, Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which included $550 billion in new funding for dozens of new programs across the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). Alongside historic investments in America’s roads and bridges, the bill created the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Infrastructure (ARPA-I). Building on successful models like the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Advanced Research Program-Energy (ARPA-E), ARPA-I’s mission is to bring the nation’s most innovative technology solutions to bear on our most significant transportation infrastructure challenges.

ARPA-I must navigate America’s uniquely complex infrastructure landscape, characterized by limited federal research and development funding compared to other sectors, public sector ownership and stewardship, and highly fragmented and often overlapping ownership structures that include cities, counties, states, federal agencies, the private sector, and quasi-public agencies. Moreover, the new agency needs to integrate the strong culture, structures, and rigorous ideation process that ARPAs across government have honed since the 1950s. This report is a primer on how ARPA-I, and its stakeholders, can leverage this unique opportunity to drive real, sustainable, and lasting change in America’s transportation infrastructure.




In November 2021, Congress passed theInfrastructure Investment and Jobs Act(IIJA)授权美国运输部(USDOT)创建高级研究项目机构基础设施(ARPA-I),以及其他新计划。ARPA-I的使命是通过开发创新的科学和技术解决方案来推动美国运输基础设施:


ARPA-I is the newest addition to a long line of successful ARPAs that continue to deliver breakthrough innovations across the defense, intelligence, energy, and health sectors. The U.S. Department of Defense established the pioneering国防高级研究项目局(DARPA)1958年,为了响应苏联发射的卫星卫星,以开发和展示高风险,高回报的技术和能力,以确保美国军事技术优势和面对国家安全挑战。多年来,DARPA计划负责取得重大的技术进步,具有防御和国家安全以外的影响,例如互联网的早期阶段,全球定位系统(GPS)的创建以及对与之打击至关重要的mRNA疫苗的开发2019冠状病毒病。

鉴于通过DARPA计划获得的许多成功进步,政府复制了其他关键部门的ARPA模型,从而在国家情报部长办公室内进行了情报高级研究项目活动(IARPA),高级研究项目局 -能源部内的能源,以及最近的卫生与公共服务部内的高级研究项目机构 - 健康(ARPA-H)。

现在,有机会带来同样的不受束缚的创新精神,以解决我们这个时代最紧迫的运输基础设施挑战。长期以来,美国面临着各种与运输基础设施相关的挑战,部分原因是联邦研发水平较低(R&D)开支in this area; the fragmentation of roles across federal, state, and local government; risk-averse procurement practices; and sluggish commercial markets. These challenges include:

2023财政年度综合拨款法案授予了Arpa-i初始拨款in early 2023. Yet even before that, the Biden-Harris Administration saw the potential for ARPA-I-driven innovations to help meet its goal of net-zero GHG emissions by 2050, as articulated in its零游戏改变者计划。特别是,政府确定了智能移动性,清洁有效的运输系统,下一代基础设施构建,高级电力基础设施和清洁燃料基础设施为“净零游戏改变者”,ARPA-I可以在帮助发展方面发挥作用。





Federal R&D expenditures in transportation infrastructure lag behind those in other sectors. This gap is particularly acute because, unlike for some other sectors, federal transportation R&D expenditures often fund studies and systems used to make regulatory decisions rather than technological innovation. The table below compares actual federal R&D spending and sector expenditures for 2019 across defense, healthcare, energy, and transportation as a percentage of each sector’s GDP. The federal government spends orders of magnitude less on transportation than other sectors: energy R&D spending as a percentage of sector GDP is nearly 15 times higher than transportation, while health is 13 times higher and defense is nearly 38 times higher.

代理 ^1 实际联邦研发支出,2019年 Value added by industry and % of U.S. GDP, 2019 2019 federal R&D spending as % of sector GDP
防御 $54.69 billion 7320亿美元(3.4%) 7.5%
卫生与公共服务 385.1亿美元 $1,452 billion (6.8%) ^2 2.7%
Energy $18.27 billion 60070亿美元(2.8%) ^3 3.0%
运输 $1.10 billion $610 billion (2.9%) ^4 0.2%






Since 1990, total investment in U.S. R&D has increased byroughly 9 times。When looking at the source of R&D investment over the same period, the private and public sectors invested approximately the same amount of R&D funding in 1982, but today the rate of R&D investment is nearly大4倍对于私营企业而不是政府。


The transportation sector has one robust domain for private R&D investment: vehicle and aircraft equipment manufacturing. In 2018, total private R&D was526亿美元。私营部门运输研发专注于个人客户和最终用户,创造更好的车辆,产品和效率。该私营部门研发的绝大多数没有用于基础设施,因为好处在很大程度上是公共的,而不是私人的。换句话说,美国将研发数量的投资量超过50倍,而不是这些车辆运行的基础设施系统。



Local agencies have limited access and capabilities to develop cross-sector technologies. They have access to limited pools of USDOT funding to pilot technologies and thus generally rely on commercially available technologies to increase the likelihood of pilot success. One shortcoming of this current process is that both USDOT and infrastructure owner-operators (IOOs) play a more passive role in developing innovative technologies, instead depending on merely deploying market-ready technologies.


运输基础设施部门是一个多模式的环境many modes, including aviation, maritime, pipelines, railroads, roadways (which includes biking and walking), and transit. Each mode includes various customers and stakeholders to be considered. In addition, in the fragmented market landscape federal, state, and local departments of transportation have different—and sometimes competing—priorities and mandates. This dynamic creates difficulties in allocating R&D resources and considering access to innovation across these different modes.

Customer identification is not “one size fits all” across existing ARPAs. For example, DARPA has a laser focus on delivering efficient innovations for one customer: the Department of Defense. For ARPA-E, it is less clear; their customers range from utility companies to homeowners looking to benefit from lower energy costs. ARPA-I would occupy a space in between these two cases, understanding that its end users are IOOs—entities responsible for deploying infrastructure in many cases at the local or regional level.




使用ARPA模型成功comes from demonstrating new innovative capabilities, building a community of people (an “ecosystem”) to carry the progress forward, and having the support of key decision-makers. Yet the ARPA model can only be successful if its program directors (PDs), fellows, stakeholders, and other partners understand the unique structure and inherent flexibility required when working to create a culture conducive to spurring breakthrough innovations. From a structural and cultural standpoint, the ARPA model is unlike any other agency model within the federal government, including all existing R&D agencies. Partners and other stakeholders should embrace the unique characteristics of an ARPA.

Cultural Components




An ARPA needs to be ruthless in its decision-making process because it has the ability to maneuver and shift without the restriction of initial plans or roadmaps. For example, projects around more nascent technology may require more patience, but if assessments indicate they are not achieving intended outcomes or milestones, PDs should not be afraid to terminate those projects and focus on other new ideas.




PDs、合作伙伴和其他团队成员电磁制动技术需要ace the creative freedom required for success and operate much like entrepreneurs for their programs. Valued traits include a propensity toward action, flexibility, visionary leadership, self-motivation, and tenacity.






ARPA PDs must be free to explore potential program and project ideas without any predetermination. The agency should support them in pursuing big and unconventional ideas unrestricted by a particular process. While there is a process to turn their most unconventional and groundbreaking ideas into funded and functional projects, transformational ideas are more important than the process itself during idea generation.

ARPA team members welcome feedback.

Things move quickly in an ARPA, and decisions must match that pace, so individuals such as fellows and PDs must work together to offer as much feedback as possible. Constructive pushback helps avoid blind alleys and thus makes programs stronger.

Structural Components



PDs can make or break an ARPA and set the technical direction.






职员transitions must be well facilitated to retain institutional knowledge.



它不能被认为,如果一个项目是successful, the private sector will pick that technology up and help it scale. Instead, an ARPA should create its own bridge to scaling in the form of programs dedicated to funding projects proven in a test environment to scale their technology for real-world application.

Technology-to-market advisors play a pivotal role.

与上述规模的专用资金类似,技术到市场的顾问负责考虑项目如何进入现实世界。即使在计划开发的早期阶段,他们也应该与PD并驾齐驱,以提供有关项目如何商业化和准备就绪的观点。如果没有这种重点,技术就会冒着死亡的葡萄藤的风险 - 在技术上取得了成功,但在商业上失败了。


Tackling grand challenges in transportation infrastructure through ARPA-I requires understanding what is unique about its program design. This process begins with considering the problem worth solving, the opportunity that makes it a ripe problem to solve, a high-level idea of an ARPA program’s fit in solving it, and a visualization of the future once this problem has been solved. This process of early-stage program ideation requires a shift in one’s thinking to find ideas for innovative programs that fit the ARPA model in terms of appropriate ambition level and suitability for ARPA structure and objectives. It is also an inherently iterative process, so while creating a “wireframe” outlining the problem, opportunity, program objectives, and future vision may seem straightforward, it can take months of refining.





On the other hand, problems being considered for ARPA programs can be isolated down to the point that solving them will not drive transformational change. In this situation, narrow problems would not cater to a series of progressive and complementary projects that would fit an ARPA.

Incorrect framing of opportunities:





An ARPA should pursue opportunities to solve problems where, without its intervention, breakthroughs may not happen within a reasonable timeframe. If the public or private sector already has significant interest in solving a problem, and they are well on their way to developing a transformational solution in a few years or less, then ARPA funding and support might provide a higher value-add elsewhere.

Lack of throughline




Being solutions-oriented


Not being realistic about direct outcomes of the program

Program objectives should not simply restate the opportunity, nor should they jump to where the world will be many years after the program has run its course. They should separate the tactical elements of a program and what impact they will ultimately drive. Designers should consider their program as one key step in a long arc of commercialization and adoption, with a firm sense of who needs to act and what needs to happen to make a program objective a reality.



The first phase in ARPA program development is creating a program wireframe, which is an outline of a potential program that captures key components for consideration to assess the program’s fit and potential impact. The template below shows the components characteristic of a program wireframe.


创建一个有血有肉的线框图,程序directors work backward by first envisioning a future state that would be truly transformational for society and across sectors if it were to be realized. Then, they identify a clearly-articulated problem that needs solving and is hindering progress toward this transformational future state. During this process, PDs need to conduct extensive root cause analysis to consider whether the problem they’ve identified is exacerbated by policy, regulatory, or environmental complications—as opposed to those that technology can already solve. This will inform whether a problem is something that ARPA-I has the opportunity to impact fundamentally.



DARPA投资在mRNA中进行了说明。尽管美国国立卫生研究院为初步基础研究做出了重大贡献,但DARPA认识到能够快速扩展和制造治疗疗法的技术差距,促使该机构启动自动诊断以实现预防和治疗方法(Adept),以开发技术以响应技术来响应技术以响应技术来响应技术以做出反应传染病威胁。通过Adept,DARPA在2011年通过$25 million研究和开发其Messenger RNA Therapeutics平台。九年后,Moderna成为继Pfizer-Biontech接收的第二家公司紧急使用授权用于19次疫苗。

另一个例子是Darpa在developing the internet如我们所知,最初不是关于实现普遍存在的全球通信网络的前所未有的概念。最初是研究用于相互链接数据包网络的技术导致了Arpanet的开发,Arpanet是一个开创性的网络,用于在地理分离的计算机中共享信息。DARPA随后签订了BBN技术,以在1969年成为运营之前建造第一条路由器。这项研究为互联网奠定了基础。此后,该商业部门采用了Arpanet的开创性结果,并用它们彻底改变了全球的沟通和信息共享。


为了通过成功的计划开发指导计划董事,乔治·H·海尔迈尔(George H.海尔迈尔教理主义,作为他们为新计划的推销的一部分。这些问题应用于完善线框并设想该程序的外观。特别是,线框改进应在扩展到其余问题之前检查前三个问题。


One way to think about determining whether a wireframe could be a program is by asking, “Is this wireframe science or is this science fiction?” In other words, is the proposed technology solution at the right maturity level for an ARPA to make it a reality? There is a relatively broad range in the middle of the technological maturity spectrum that could be an ARPA program fit, but the extreme ends of that spectrum would not be a good fit, and thus those wireframes would need further iteration or rejection. On the far left end of the spectrum would be basic research that only yields published papers or possibly a prototype. On the other extreme would be a technology that is already developed to the point that only full-scale implementation is needed. Everything that falls between could be suitable for an ARPA program topic area.



通过使用此框架,可以评估运输基础架构中的任何问题或机会,以作为ARPA级别的想法。专家和利益相关者的想法生成对于创建ARPA-I程序的有效投资组合至关重要,因此Idea Generator必须使用此框架和一组定义的焦点领域来开发有希望的计划线框。ARPA-I的初始焦点领域包括安全性,气候和弹性以及数字化,并具有公平性和可访问性,作为每个焦点区域内的基本考虑。

There are hundreds of potential topic areas that ARPA-I could tackle; the two wireframes below represent examples of early-stage program ideas that would benefit from further pressure testing through the program design iteration cycle.





After initial wireframe development, further exploration is needed to pressure test an idea and ensure that it can be developed into a viable program to achieve “moonshot” ambitions. Wireframe authors should consider the following factors when iterating:

Wireframes are intended to be a summary communicative of a larger plan to follow. After further iteration and exploration of the factors outlined above, what was first just a raw program wireframe should develop into more detailed documents. These should include an incisive diagnosis of the problem and evidence and citations validating opportunities to solve it. Together, these components should lead to a plausible program objective as an outcome.




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