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One Small Step: Anticipatory Diplomacy in Outer Space

06.08.23 | 14 min read | 文字Stephen Cutie博士&Archana Aravindan&卡尔·诺伦(Carl Norlen)


3500亿美元到2040年,太空行业可能会增长到超过1万亿美元,这激发了国际对利用太空资源的兴趣。但是这种兴趣将带来一个挑战:虽然诸如Artemis协议之类的现有国际协议促进了对天体的和平与和平与共同的探索,但他们确实如此几乎没有解决differences between existing scientific research activities and emerging opportunities like lunar mining, particularly for water ice at polar latitudes and in the perpetually shaded depths of certain craters. Lunar water ice will be a vital resource for outer space exploration and development efforts because it can be used to make hydrogen fuel cells, rocket fuel, and drinking water for astronauts. It will also be cheaper than transporting water from Earth’s surface into outer space, given the moon’s lower surface gravity and proximity to human space operations on its surface and beyond. The moon harbors other valuable long-term commodities like helium-3, the fuel needed for low-emissions nuclear fusion energy.



Challenge and Opportunity

目前,外太空类似于野外西部,因为科学创新和经济扩张的机会很多,但是几乎没有政治或法律基础设施来促进感兴趣的陆地派系之间有序合作。例如,任何声称对月球领土采矿权权利的国家都处于摇摇欲坠的法律基础上,充其量是:《外层空间条约》和随后的指导方针Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space,由联合国和平使用外太空委员会颁布的,不提供合法合理或国际认可的发展权,执法结构或反转机制。如果据称一位索赔人侵犯了另一个人的领土权利,那么哪些法律制度可以用哪些法律制度来施加案件?此外,哪些机制会避免潜在的军事冲突升级?现在,答案是没有的。

鉴于未来几十年中外太空发展的巨大经济潜力,这是进步的不幸障碍。为了将潜在价值从角度看,新兴3500亿美元到2040年,太空行业可能会增长到超过1万亿美元,激发了国际兴趣的重大兴趣。一个潜在的有利可图的运营子集是空间开采,一个部门重视今天的价值为10亿美元,到2027年的潜在价值为30亿美元。一旦运营,太空采矿将成为宝贵的来源稀土元素(例如,新近山,s邦等),其中60%目前是在中国。Rare earth elements are necessary for essential technologies such as电动汽车,风力涡轮机,computers, and medical equipment。此外,如果核融合在长期的未来都在商业上可行,那么太空采矿将成为确保确保的重要行业氦3(HE-3),在月球上发现了丰富的同位素。最近的融合投资增加breakthrough in fusion researchshow the potential for fusion energy, but there is no guarantee of success. He-3 could serve as a critical fuel source for future nuclear fusion operations, anemerging能源生产的形式不含碳排放,可以为人类提供解决全球气候和能源危机的手段而不会失去能源丰度。丰富的Lunar HE-3可能意味着可以使用可预见的人类未来的清洁能源。

此外,外太空的探索和发展都需要水,无论是用于船员任务的饮用水形式,以及以飞船的火箭推进剂和燃料电池组件的形式。因为它花费超过100万美元运输a single cubic meter of water from Earth’s surface into low Earth orbit, extracting water from the lunar surface for use in outer space operations could be substantially more economical due to the moon’s lower escape velocity—in fact, lunar water ice is estimated to be worth$10 million per cubic meter.

这space mining sector and lunar development also offer promise far beyond Earth. Our moon is the perfect “first port of call” as humanity expands into outer space. It has lower surface gravity,极性冰矿床,丰富raw materials例如铝及其作为我们最接近的天体邻居的地位,使其成为从地球上更深入太阳系的航天器的理想中途供应仓库和发射点。航天器可以从地球上发射,距离足够的燃料可以避开地球的重力,陆地和在月球上加油,并从其他地方的月球较弱的重力中更有效地发射到系统中。

总而言之,我们月亮的巨大尚未开发的科学和经济潜力强调了政策创新的需求,以填补现有的国际太空法的空白,并允许在国际公认的法律方面发展外太空。领导这些事务的必要性落在美国,因为一个国家独特地领导太空矿业的国家。美国不仅是太空运营的全球领导人之一,而且包括美国国内法,包括2015年商业空间发射竞争力法, provides the U.S. private sector some of the necessary authority to commercialize space operations like mining. However, the United States’ rapid innovation has also led the way to a growing space industry internationally, and the sector is now accessible to more foreign states than before. The internationalization of the space economy further highlights the gaps and failings of the existing space policy frameworks.

必须解决两个主要的挑战,以确保当前的治理结构足以确保月球开采的未来。首先是阐明OST州政党和附属非政府操作员的权利,以在天体上建立空间对象并拥有提取的资源。OST是太空中的主要理事工具(图2),确定没有签署条约的状态可以声明所有或一部分像月球这样的天体的所有权。尽管《 2015年商业空间发射竞争力法》授予国内管理局,但多边OST并未解决非政府运营商是否可以要求领土和自己从天体机构中提取的资源。因此,OST促进了对太空和科学研究的和平与和平与分享的探索,但几乎没有解决研究行动与新的商业机会(如Lunar Mining)之间的差异。这几乎没有选择解决竞争私营部门或州之间可能出现的冲突的选择。


In spite of these gaps, the U.S. government has been able to move forward with scaling up moon-related space missions via NASA’s bipartisan Artemis Program and the corresponding Artemis Accords (Figure 1), a set of bilateral agreements with updated principles for space use. The Accords have24 signatorieswho collectively seek to reap the benefits of emerging space opportunities like mining. In part, the Artemis Accords aim to remedy the policy gaps of previous multilateral agreements like the OST by explicitly supporting private sector efforts to secure valuable resources like He-3 and water ice.

Artemis Accords

但是,协议并不能解决可能扼杀美国在太空采矿中的创新和领导能力的主要挑战。例如,虽然协议重申需要注册空间对象并提出围绕月球挖掘操作的安全区域的创建,但差距仍在描述如何在天体对象上注册操作。这可以在Artemis协议的第7节中看到,该条件指出需要注册空间对象,但没有指定将什么归类为“空间对象”,或者是否可以为一个目的注册的对象是否可以重新用于其他操作。此外,协议几乎没有空间解决更广泛的国际紧张局势,这是由于太空采矿中的资源竞争增加而引起的。尽管竞争可以取得积极的成果,例如激发快速创新,但不受组织的竞争可能会升级为military conflict,尽管原始OST中有规定避免这种情况。

In particular, preemptive measures must be taken to alleviate potential tensions with other OST signatories in direct competition with the Accords. China and Russia are not party to the Accords and therefore do not need to abide by the agreement. In fact, these nations have declared opposition to the Accords and instead formed their own partnership to establish a competing国际月球研究站。As these programs develop concrete lunar applications, designating methods to determine who can conduct what type of operations on specific timelines and in specific locations will be a crucial form of anticipatory diplomacy.



此外,美国应提议通过双边谈判或仲裁来实施一个程序,以解决纠纷或通过另一个相互同意的第三方,例如国际法院(ICJ)或常设仲裁法院(PCA)(PCA)。与《联合国海洋法》下的海上资源提取有关的类似争议已经和平解决使用上述bilateral negotiations or third party arbitration。新的争端解决过程也将同样允许和平解决对天体表面和资源的竞争主张。

To guide the creation of a space object arbitration process, other such processes like the ICJ, PCA, and International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea can be used as models. The PCA has had success with halting unfair processes and setting up a dialogue between participating parties. It has helped smaller countries set up arbitration processes with bigger ones, such as厄瓜多尔与美国,厄瓜多尔共和国在这两国之间就投资条约的解释和应用提起了针对美国的仲裁程序。在短期内,现有的谈判途径可能足以允许解决争议。但是,随着空间行业的不断增长,最终可能有必要建立一个国际认可的“太空法院”来仲裁争端。这国际海洋法法庭提供了可以仲裁空间争端的国际机构类型的例子。


  1. 作为对OST的约束修正案:This would require the most time to implement, but this would also make it enforceable and binding, an obvious advantage. It would also provide an opportunity to bring all the important players to the table, specifically the parties who did not sign the Artemis Accords, and would help to start a discussion on the improvement of diplomatic relations for future space operations.
  2. 作为对COPUOS指南的无约束力更新:这将更快地实施,但不能执行或具有约束力。
  3. 作为对Copuos指南的更新,然后对OST进行了修改:这将允许在更近的期限内快速行动,并长期实施永久和可执行的实施。实施修订后的Copous可能是建立对Copuos非结合更新的支持的先驱。如果该模型成功,州政党将更有可能同意对OST的约束力修正案。无论如何,这两个提议的预期外交步骤将提高太空境界和平使用资源在天体上的能力。

这可以通过双边协议来完成吗?毕竟,美国通过与诸如国家的国家达成协议,展示了外交倡议法国,德国, 和印度目的是将空间用于和平目的与合作,尽管他们没有明确提及采矿。但是,双边过程并不能为全球解决方案提供良好的前景。首先,美国与每个主要国家达成双边协议将非常慢,而且耗时。如果要在与双边贸易协议类似的时间表上达成太空挖掘协议,则每个协议都可以从一到六年生效。A crucial obstacle is theWolf Amendment, which prevents the United States from entering into bilateral agreements with China, one of the its major competitors in the space industry. This restriction makes it hard to negotiate bilaterally with an important stakeholder concerning space mining.


尽管COPUOS指南没有明确的约束力,但它们确实提供了验证和仲裁的途径,也提供了采用绑定修正案或前进的新空间条约的基础。条约谈判是一个缓慢而漫长的过程。OST所需几年在1967年实现全面生效之前的工作。由于许多Artemis计划的目标依赖于成功的推出和2025年实现的里程碑,因此条约修正案并不是最及时的方法。延迟也可能是由于OST的某些当事方可能对采用另一个空间条约,该修正案的修正案有一定的保留。Moon Agreement。This agreement, which the United States is not party to, asserts that “the Moon and its natural resources are the common heritage of mankind and that an international regime should be established to govern the exploitation of such resources when such exploitation is about to become feasible.” Thus, countries that have signed the Moon Agreement probably want the moon to operate like a global commons with all countries on Earth having access to the fruits of lunar mining or other resource extraction. Negotiations with these nations will require time to complete.

美国国务院的航空事务办公室, under the Bureau of Oceans and Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES), is the lead office for space diplomacy, exploration, and commercialization and would be the ideal office to craft the required legislation for an OST amendment. Additionally, theOffice of Treaty Affairs, which is often tasked with writing up the legal framework of treaties, could provide guidance on the legislation and help initiate the process within the U.S. State Department and the United Nations. Existing U.S. law like the Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act, and international treaties like OST and Registration Convention, provide authority for these proposals to be implemented in the short term. However, negotiation of updates to COPOUS Guidelines and amendments to the OST and other relevant space treaties over the next 5 to 10 years will be essential to their long term success.

最后,交通运输部的联邦航空管理局(FAA)将是最初领导实施更新的美国隶属空间对象的注册过程的逻辑联邦机构,并验证来自其他国家的空间对象的位置和预期使用。FAA实现了当前的美国process for space objects registration。从长远来看,将太空对象注册的责任转移到商务部快速增长的太空贸易办公室(OSC)。将实施空间对象注册和验证的责任移至OSC将为办公室提供随着迅速扩展的太空行业而扩展的机会。这一变化还将使FAA专注于其对国内航空航天行业的主要责任。


Douglas Adams may have put it best: “Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is.” While Adams was describing the sheer size of space, this description applies just as well to the scale of outer space’s scientific and economic prospects. After all, any new economic theater that will grow into a multi-trillion dollar market in just a few decades is not to be taken lightly. But without a plan to avert and resolve potential conflicts with other outer space actors, the United States’ future efforts in this emerging theater will be hamstrung. Improved collaboration on space mining provides an opportunity to promote international cooperation and economic development, while military conflict in space poses high risks to the economic potential of the current and future space industry. Transparent and widely agreed-upon frameworks would allow for peaceful competition on scientific research and resource extraction on celestial objects.

Lunar采矿表明,有望提供水冰,稀土金属,HE-3和其他原材料,对于进一步探索空间至关重要。提供这些材料的和平且安全的来源将建立在两党的基础上通讯ercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act’s从长远来看,空间资源提取准则,进一步使美国电网的现代化和脱碳为公共利益。



Dr. Sindhu Nathan provided valuable insights into the writing of this memo.


除外交和联合国活动的现有成本之外,建议没有额外的费用。预计Artemis计划将花费930亿美元through 2025 and Congressional appropriators are已经质疑了the billion-dollar price tag for each planned launch. Thus, clarifying these legal frameworks may help incentivize private innovation and reduce launch costs. This proposal may facilitate economic benefits at virtually no extra cost. Therefore, the United States and Artemis Accords nations have a vested interest to ensure that these continuing investments result in successful missions with as few additional costs as possible. This proposal will likely also facilitate further private investment and innovation and protect against risk to investment from military conflict.


Another similar treaty, the Antarctic Treaty of 1961, is a great example of how different countries can unite and create a dialogue to effectively manage and share a common resource. Although the region is used for various scientific purposes, all countries can do so in a peaceful and cooperative manner. This is in part because the Antarctic treaty has been系统地更新to reflect the changing times, especially concerning the环境。OST没有经历任何这样的变化。因此,更新Copuos将为美国提供一种手段,以确保空间仍然是一种共同的共同资源,并且任何国家都不能不公平地声称对其进行垄断。

When, if ever, will nuclear fusion be viable?

目前,核融合在商业上不可行。但是,目前,巨大的利息和投资围绕着这种势能来源,以及breakthroughs在技术been recently reported by leading researchers in the field. Access to He-3 will be critical if and when this industry is commercially viable.


这OST currently allows State Parties to observe space flights and access equipment for any other OST State Party. One way States could use this power to ensure these guidelines are followed is for States and the COPUOS to track how many and what types of space object operations occur on celestial bodies. (The U.S. Department of Defense已经跟踪了over 26,000 outer space objects, but cross-referencing with COPUOS could help differentiate between debris and state objects of interest.) Interested or concerned parties could verify the accuracy of registered operations of space objects on celestial bodies led by other States, and any violations of the new guidelines could be referred to the new dispute resolution process.




All the signatories of the COPOUS meet every year to discuss the effectiveness of the treaty, and countries propose various statements to the chair of the committee. (在2022年第65届委员会会议上的美国声明可以在这里找到。)尽管没有明显的先例直接将声明转换为指南,但就可能增加指南的声明发表声明仍然很有用,并且可以合理希望它可以为谈判打开大门。

