



美国国务院今天公布了其最后补充的缩微胶片记录了约翰F.肯尼迪政府的外交政策。这是一系列由国务院计划,以增加美国系列印刷外交关系的最终缩微胶片发布。这缩微胶片呈现文档补充了有关肯尼迪给药后3对外关系卷:卷X,古巴,1961- 1962年,第十一卷,古巴导弹危机和后果,以及十二卷,美洲共和国。

该出版物在三个部分组织,共包括744页的文档。第一部分涵盖了美国政策的制定,并与玻利维亚,智利,哥伦比亚,哥斯达黎加,厄瓜多尔,萨尔瓦多,危地马拉,洪都拉斯,牙买加,墨西哥,委内瑞拉和美国的关系的过程。对这些国家的文件是从打印量外交关系,1961 - 1963年,十二卷省略,因为空间的限制。对于这些11个国家,已被选定为在缩微再现321个文件。覆盖每个国家的平均水平大约20个文档。结合中美洲,加勒比海和南美洲的打印量,以及这个缩微胶片为辅,外交礼物文档上19个拉丁美洲国家以及三个区域汇编。

The next two parts of the microfiche publication reproduce additional documentation on Cuba, much of it specifically cited in footnotes and editorial notes in the two volumes covering the Kennedy administration�s policy toward Cuba. Some of the documents on Cuba presented in this publication have been recently declassified and released and have not had wide dissemination. Of particular importance are 87 documents supplementing Volume X on the planning for the Bay of Pigs invasion, briefings by the organizers of the operation of newly-appointed Kennedy administration officials, notes of Special Group meetings prior to the ill-fated invasion in April 1961, additional materials on the Operation Mongoose that began after the fiasco at the Bay of Pigs, and the Central Intelligence Agency�s recently-released formal appraisal of the Bay of Pigs operation by its Inspector General in late 1961 and the response to the latter by CIA�s Deputy Director for Plans Richard Bissell. Most of these documents are from either Central Intelligence Agency files or the historical files of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the Department of State.

缩微胶片补充的第二大段 - 225个文件 - 提供对导弹危机及其后果第二卷古巴其他文档。包括在这个部分是在古巴导弹等进攻苏联提供武器的情报文件,规划文件危机本身,期间和危机后的参谋长联席会议和肯尼迪总统之间的会议纪要,以及外交信件和交流期间准备U.S. allies. Although the Cuban missile crisis is generally considered to have ended in late October 1962, this microfiche supplement presents substantial documentation on the subsequent dangerous U.S.-Soviet confrontation over the removal of IL-28 Soviet bombers and the unsuccessful negotiations between Washington and Moscow on the verification of the removal of all offensive weapons from Cuba and the corresponding U.S. non-invasion pledge. Finally, there is substantial documentation for the year 1963 both on the aftereffects of the crisis and new developments in the U.S.-Cuban relationship. Although the sources for the documents supporting Volume XI are drawn from a wide range of collections, CIA files are a major source for this segment as well.

历史学家的办公室已经准备了印刷指南,附带购买收藏的缩微胶片补充。它包括所有文件的描述列表,来源,名称和缩写,以及印刷外交关系,1961 - 1963年的总结,卷十,十一,十二和名单。欲了解更多信息,请联系大卫S.帕特森,外交关系系列通用编辑器,在(202)663-1127(传真:(202)663-1289,电子邮件:[电子邮件保护])。缩微胶片出版物的副本可从政府印刷局购买。
