

Patricia M. Wald证词
在S 2533(国家秘密特权改革)




1. The state secrets privilege is a common law privilege originating with the judiciary which enunciated its necessity and laid down some directions for its scope in cases going back to the nineteenth century but more recently highlighted In United States v Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953). Reynolds recognized the government's privilege in that case to refuse to reveal an' airplane accident report in private injury litigation because of a “reasonable danger that compulsion of the evidence will expose military matters which, in the interest of national security, should not be divulged” Id at 10. (as you undoubtedly know it turned out that there were no such secrets in the report). Since Reynolds, courts have been deciding cases where the government raises the privilege on their own in terms of its scope and its consequences and producing often inconsistent results. There is a wide consensus in the legal community as the American Bar Association Recommendations and Report 116A demonstrate that the importance of the issue and the varying results of leaving the implementation of the privilege totally within the discretion of individual judges militate toward the exercise by Congress of its acknowledged power under Article I, Section 8 and Article III, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution to prescribe regulations concerning the taking of evidence in the federal courts. Again as you are aware Congress has legislated many times on the Rules of Evidence governing federal court procedures including those for proceedings like habeas corpus and FISA proceedings that may involve matters of national security. In the criminal area, the Classified Intelligence Procedures Act (CIPA) provides a relevant model for alternatives to full disclosure of classified information which allow a prosecution to continue while affording a defendant his or her due process tights. The time is now ripe for such legislation in the civil arena; litigants and their counsel are confused and unsure as to how to proceed in cases where the: government raises the privilege; the courts themselves are confronted with precedent going in many different directions as to the scope of their authority and the requirements for exercising it.


雷诺兹)明确表示,后续情况下口头同意的证据是否由政府试图被公开披露是否存在“一个合理的危险”的重大危害国防和外交关系最终是由法官而不是政府来决定。因此,政府提出了一项表面上貌似有理的国家机密主张,这是不够的——尽管有些情况似乎很接近于这样说。相反,法官必须对是否涉及国家机密进行独立评估。当然,这并不意味着他不会在做出决定时适当考虑政府的证据和专家意见,但最终这将是他的决定。在这里我要指出的是,在其他情况下也涉及到保密和国家安全,例如在《信息自由法》中,法官也发挥着类似的作用。在豁免I中,政府可以不向公众披露根据行政命令标准已适当分类的材料,如果分类是合理的。然而,根据1974年的一项具体修正案,法院有权审查并重新决定这种分类是否合理(尽管给予政府宣誓书“相当大的权重”)。我想说,法院对这种权力的使用非常谨慎,但它确实存在,有时被用来拒绝不合理的要求。在民事原告的案件中,对这些信息的需要比根据《信息自由法》提出要求的任何公众成员都更有说服力,这就可以要求法官对国家秘密特权进行更严格的审查。但《信息自由法》的例子提出了一个基本观点,即法官确实定期处理国家安全信息,可以委托法官对披露信息是否“合理可能”构成国家安全风险这一相对温和的决策门槛进行评估(第4051节)。 To my knowledge there have been no court "leaks" of any such information There is no doubt that such a decision is a weighty one but if our courts are to continue their best tradition of constitutional guardianship it is an obligation that they cannot avoid, And the potentiality of a serious judicial review of the material in conjunction with the governments affidavits on the need for nondisclosure even in a courtroom setting will itself pose a deterrent to the dangers of the privilege being too "lightly invoked" (Reynolds).

b)这让我想到一个问题:与《信息自由法》不同,《信息自由法》允许但不要求法官亲自查看被控有风险的材料,而不是依赖政府的宣誓书,国家秘密立法应要求法官在决定是否适用该特权之前亲自审查相关材料。我认为应该这样。就像我说的,民事诉讼中的利害关系比POJA中原告的利害关系要高,而我们公正听证的传统规定,在司法程序中尽可能地承认所有相关证据。雷诺兹本身也保留了这样一种可能性,即在某些情况下,原告的需求表现并不令人信服,法官不需要这样做,“正如我所述,在《信息自由法》案件中,法官可能会决定不这样做。另一方面,在CIPA和FISA案件中,法官确实会定期检查摄像机中的材料。我阅读了ABA报告,在这里推荐了类似的方法。只有这样才能法官履行司法义务,以确保公平轴承但同样重要的是只有他看到他自己的证据能使CIPA像决定是否有替代方法比原始的形式来满足原告及其表示的需求但不是怀疑国家安全以及是否objected to material can be segregated from other material in the same document that does not qualify for protection, (I do not discount the possibility that an extraordinary case might arise where both the government 8ud the judge agree that his examination of the secret evidence would be unduly risky and alternatives c an be put in place that will insure fairness but this should not be the usual or even a frequent practice). My own experience with highly sensitive information is that our court security safekeeping facilities and procedures can insure its protection; law clerks or masters can be given clearances to handle it and if even that is not possible, the government's own cleared employees can be sent over to stand guard outside the chambers door while the judge reads it. (I have had this done on at least one occasion). I. have heard other district judges like Judge Brikema who presided over the Padilla case express sentiments that it is neither unusual or unduly burdensome for federal judges to handle classified information; many do it on a daily basis.

(c)关于国家秘密的立法的重点应是强调司法的灵活性和创造性,以便尽可能找到可以使案件继续进行的替代材料。雷诺兹本身就强调了这一方法,自1969年咨询报告以来,这一直是改革特权努力的一个标志。但从那以后,CIPA列出了一些措施,法官们也采取了一些措施,比如要求政府制作一份非机密文件,尽可能多地使用原始文件中的材料,对事实作出规定,即原始材料的目的是证明或推翻该有争议的文件,或提供该文件的摘要,使被告“基本上具有相同的辩护能力”。18使用应用程序3第六节。在这方面我认为,起草人5.2533做一个优秀的和全面的工作设置了法官应采取的步骤首先决定是否在相机听证会,记录密封保护命令,或者使用了主人的允许情况下继续还是需要更严格的措施,(秒。4052)。尤其重要的是需求,如果情况决定独自一个法律问题即使实质性问题可能涉及国家机密,法官继续决定法律问题,而不是持有国家秘密的听证会,(4052年秒。(b) (b)然而法官决定国家秘密的存在,一个真正的问题该法案提供了一系列久经考验的技术,以制定可能使案件得以继续进行的替代方案:非机密摘要、编辑、将秘密和非秘密材料分开。第4052(d)条中对Vaughn索引的具体授权特别有用,因为在《信息自由法》的案例中,它们要求政府详细说明(有时是逐行说明)保密的必要性。

(d)这些司法灵活性在第40S4-5节中的工具应该允许法官在提出国家秘密索赔后提出有意识的决定,提出原告的案件是否可以在没有秘密材料的情况下进入下一阶段。退税应避免。除非另后,除非没有这样的材料,缔约方的肯定案件或防守肯定粉丝们缺乏联邦民事诉讼规则所需的门槛(规则12(b)(6)和j2(c),则应允许遭受不合解的缺失的歧视每当可以合理地忍住他们的案例时,通过额外发现补充他们的案例。这实际上是一个非常重要的观点,因为在没有额外发现的瓷砖恳求阶段,案件的高比例被驳回,而秘密索赔的插入使其成为公平的在这种情况下任务特别谨慎,让聚会发挥其非秘密案例。值得注意的是原告无法表现出携带诉讼的难度,除非他们被允许看到秘密证据。这里特别关心允许最大限度地访问非组件发现甚至推迟秘密决定,直到秘密索赔是决定的。站立追求司法学说在过去的几十年里,这一直变得越来越繁重和复杂;由于国家秘密也是司法实施的学说,这两者应该被带入某种形式的共存,这些共存并没有致命劣势有效的民事索赔人。随着ABA报告指出,涉及间谍法院涉及间谍法院的托特登和宗旨确实将绝对酒吧提供了契需,其他案件不会。我同意该法案,即当秘密索赔计划提出时,政府不需要立即在诉状阶段立即恳求“确认或拒绝”。 FOIA practice provides an analog-the government has been allowed to raise a "neither confirm nor deny" answer as to whether a requested document exists in its pleadings in Exemption 1 cases.

(e)一旦政府提出保密要求,就会出现如何对其提起诉讼以及由谁提起诉讼的问题。政府当然是要求宣誓书或证词来证明索赔是正当的,但在那个阶段谁可以参与诉讼可能是一个问题。1969年咨询委员会的报告允许法官分庭审理该事项,“但所有律师均有权审查该索赔要求,并在得到保护令的情况下予以说明和听取”。一般而言,应尽一切努力向正规律师提供必要的许可,以便就该主张提起诉讼,如果事实证明不能用具有这种许可的律师来替代。在某些情况下,可以对秘密主张的有效性进行诉讼,而不需要进行特殊的保密。通过沃恩索引等设备另一装置成功地应用我们的地区法院任命的掌握必要的许可组织分离出样本类别的文档的提交总保密最初声称根据《信息自由法》豁免1和展示他们的法官赞成和反对的论点支持法官的决定。结果,64%的物质最终被释放。看到ln。美国国防部,848 F2d 232(1988)。 In short, judges are used to handling confidential material through sealing, protective orders against disclosure by counsel, screened masters, and in camera or even ex parte submissions. But the need for guidance and a protocol for using such devices in a uniform manner is dominant. The mere exercise of going through the required procedural steps will concentrate the judge's attention and sharpen his or her awareness of the interests involved at each stage.


谢谢你这个机会呈现我的观点。我确实需要深思熟虑的立法,以确保使得最大和统一的努力在国家安全需求和公平的司法程序之间取得适当的平衡。我相信基于我作为联邦法官的经验,我的国际战争罪经历的经验,这种平衡可以令人震惊,而我们的联邦法官已经熟悉使用许多适当的工具来实现这所适当的工具。我相信,S. 2533是必要改革的声音。