  • 没有什么比美国人民的信任和善意更重要。国防部门的国防价值观信任和善意,并因此与最大的潜在侵犯严格国防部政策的潜在侵犯授权的反智力努力和对执法人员的支持。

  • 国防部智力和抵制组织的政策禁止报告,处理或储存关于国防部未隶属于国防部的个人或组织的信息,但在法律中定义和编纂的有限情况之外。该部门有程序在国防部实施这项政策。

  • DoD entities enter unfiltered information into the Threat and Local Observation Notice (TALON) reporting system gathered by concerned citizens, DoD personnel charge with responsibilities for the security of DoD installations i.e., - gate guards, or other DoD personnel reporting suspicious activities, as well as law enforcement, intelligence, security and counterintelligence organizations, to provide analysts data on which to estimate possible threats. It is in effect, the place where DoD initially stores "dots," which if validated, might later be connected before an attack occurs.


  • 除了通过驳回托管系统的爪子系统的审查,通过抵制现场活动(CIFA),委员会委员会在初步评估Talon数据库报告程序后,委员会委员会委员会在初步评估后指示了几项行动。