On-The-Record Briefing: Anti-Corruption Efforts in Iraq

On-The-Record Briefing: Anti-Corruption Efforts in Iraq

David M. Satterfield, Senior Advisor to the Secretary and Coordinator for Iraq

Washington, DC
October 16, 2007


OPERATOR:Welcome, and thank you for standing by. At this time, all participants are on listen-only mode until the question-and-answer period of today's conference call. During the question-and-answer period, if you'd like to ask a question, please press *1 on the touchpad of your phone. You'll be asked to record your name prior to asking a question.

这时,我想把会议召唤给Tom Casey先生。先生,你可以开始。

先生。凯西:好的,每个人都好好下午。谢谢你在这里加入我们。正如我们所提到的,在伊拉克的反腐败努力的最后几周内出现了很多问题,这是我们自己和伊拉克政府在这项工作中工作的。我们想有机会让秘书长伊拉克特别顾问David Satterfield,与你谈谈我们的活动,我们一直在做什么,然后回答你可能拥有的任何问题。



First the issue here: Corruption in Iraq, public corruption, is a major issue. It is a very serious concern to us because of our concerns for the future of Iraq. It is a very serious concern to the people of Iraq, who are the first to suffer from it. It must be a concern for the Government of Iraq and it is formally identified as such.

This is a post-conflict country. It is a country which, as Ambassador Crocker has noted, is undergoing revolutionary transformation and change, the dynamics of which have oftentimes been violent, exacerbated by both internal and external divisions and pressures. It is not unusual for any state in such circumstances to find corruption a real, endemic, pernicious problem. It is certainly such a problem in Iraq.

It's not new. It has been an issue we have focused on for the last several years. We've worked to combat it through a variety of processes, through a variety of programs, working with Iraqis, working with PVOs and NGOs. But it is a slow and steady process. It is not something on which overnight progress can be made.

But I want to make very clear here, corruption is a reality in Iraq, it is a major problem and it is not one that we have ever attempted to diminish the importance of, to cover, to mask or to protect. Iraqis at every level have failed to put the nation's interest ahead of sectarian, tribal, personal, particularist agendas.

It doesn't mean every Iraqi political figure, every Iraqi person in a position of authority is corrupt. But it means this is a problem at all levels of Iraqi society.



And there we have made very significant progress over the course of the last year with cabinet budget execution going up from the low 20 percentage rate last year to what we estimate will be around 70 or 70 percent plus this year. The more effective, the more transparent the budgeting processes are at a national and a provincial level, the more corruption gets reduced. So this has got to be done. Security has to be improved. Stability has to be enhanced. The budgeting process at a local and national level has to be made more transparent. Progress on every one of those fronts, as I think you will know from other fora and other questions, many of which Ryan and David Petraeus answered, are improving.


Iraq had for years a major sink point of corruption in the way Baiji refinery, one of the country's primary refineries, was run. This year, Prime Minister Maliki, working closely with MNFI, ordered Iraqi forces, with our assistance, to replace the corruption-riddled civilian force that was guarding that oil refinery. Corruption there has been dramatically diminished, if not eliminated, and further steps have been taken to improve transparency in the oil sector. All of this is to the credit of an Iraqi Government trying to deal with a very significant problem that affects all of us of that country's society.



我们支持多种PVOs和非政府组织都在花园dad and outside to focus on this issue and we have also supported work by international institutions, including the OECD, to help deal with this problem. That's what we've been doing.


We have to have concern as a U.S. Government entity about the unauthorized disclosure of controlled internal working papers that were never intended to make public. These are papers that contain sensitive information. It relates to our efforts to work in partnership with Iraqi officials to combat corruption.

When these papers were initially produced, they were improperly classified by those who were unfamiliar with classified procedures. We have repeatedly offered classified briefings and hearings to the committee, Chairman Waxman's committee, on these documents and the material in them. And to date, the committee has declined those offers.


But you have to understand what these documents are. They're not just internal working papers. They are not just documents which contain sensitive information, sources and methods or the individuals who could stand to be persecuted or prosecuted in return for their provision of information. There's something else, too. These are pieces of information. They are anecdotal accounts of an individual's views of what they believe may be going on with respect to corruption. They are provided to individuals within our embassy community. In many cases, this information is completely uncorroborated by us or by other Iraqis. The standing of the information, the accuracy, the comprehensiveness of the information is open to significant challenge. And that's fully appropriate for an internal document.

But these documents have been construed as complete, polished embassy reports and assessments which contain judgments which are actionable. And in fact, they're not. It's our concern for the ability to continue to effectively work the anti-corruption issue to preserve the sources who provide us information on this to allow us the opportunity to deliberate and work through whether there is corroboration or not. And we must exercise control in how these documents are handled.

But none of that means under the rubric of control -- withholding. It simply means there are appropriate fora in which this information can be discussed, in a closed vice open setting, and appropriate controls that need to be applied to the physical custody of the document itself. But it is not in any case a question of withholding or refusal to provide information.

We believe there's a very positive record if one looks at the last several years in terms of what the U.S. Government has attempted to do with respect to the corruption issue. We have not been shy and we are not shy now in addressing bluntly the magnitude of this problem. We will continue to make clear to all Iraqi officials, from the president of the republic to the prime minister on down, the criticality of moving against what is in reality a theft of Iraq's resources from Iraq's people.

But we do not believe that accusations that the Department of State has been concealing information, preventing information from being disclosed to the Congress, which has every right to inquire about these subjects, is accurate.


先生。凯西:Okay, thank you, David. If we could now turn things over to questions, open things up, we'll see what is on people's minds.

OPERATOR:谢谢你。此时,如果您想提出一个问题,请在手机的触摸板上按* 1。在询问您的问题之前,您将被要求录制您的姓名。再次,那是* 1。拜托我们第一个问题的一刻。

谢谢你。Our first question today comes from Anne Gearan, Associated Press. You may ask your question, ma'am.

问题:Mr. Ambassador, you probably answered this, but the question of what was and was not reclassified in the one report that Chairman Waxman has written to Secretary Rice about, can you tell us a little bit about that decision -- when it was retroactively classified, how much of it was retroactively classified, and why?



问题:Can you quantify that any more than relatively minor redaction?

萨尔特菲尔德大使:I really can't in terms of telling you it's 20 words out of 10,000 words or, you know, a sentence out of 48. I can't give you that. But it is a very minor redaction taken as a whole. But it is designed to protect the ability to continue to collect and to deal with this issue effectively and the specific question of personal allegations, because that's what these are, allegations, not proven facts.

OPERATOR:谢谢你。Our next question comes from John Donnelly withCongressional Quarterly。你可能会问你的问题。

问题:嗨,它是约翰唐纳利的Congressional Quarterly。你说你没有害羞地解决问题的程度,而你的担忧是关于个人信息,而不是在该特定报告中的个人信息。但是,在听证会上,我猜是在持续在监督和政府改革委员会之前的一周,巴特勒大使被问及关于伊拉克政府是否有政治意愿或腐败的能力,无论是maliki的政治意愿还是能力。政府正在努力改善腐败局势,是总理是否阻碍了任何反腐败调查。这些都是漂亮的广泛的问题。为什么你甚至不能在公开论坛中解决这种问题?


When you get into more specific allegations regarding individual cases and individual actions, frankly, those are topics we were fully prepared to discuss more fully with the Congress, but they should be done in something other than a public setting. And we've offered that.

问题:你的回答有很多即将超过Ambassador Butler's was before the committee on (inaudible) very same issue.

萨尔特菲尔德大使:Well, I'm providing you a U.S. Government response.


OPERATOR:谢谢你。我们的下一个问题来自Farah Stockman波士顿地球。你可能会问你的问题。

问题:嗨,谢谢你今天和我们谈谈。你谈到了马里基总理的愿望改变了他的内阁。他已经谈到了很多关于带来技术人员的谈话。你谈到这一点作为反腐败措施。你认为这可能实际上 - 他可能能够做到这一点吗?或者这只是未来的梦想吗?


Whether or not that outcome will come sooner vice later, that I cannot tell you. But as a goal, it is a goal which is an important one and one that we would support seeing put forward as rapidly as possible. And in that, we fully share the Prime Minister's views.



萨尔特菲尔德大使:Well, Sue, there's no question for any government in the world, including the current government of Iraq or indeed officials at any level in governance or authority in Iraq, whether in Baghdad or elsewhere, corruption is a violation of a public trust. And that concept very much does exist in Iraq. Certainly, it does not enhance the stature or the responsibilities that ought to be conducted by those officials if they are seen to be either protective of those engaged in corruption or engaged in corrupt practices themselves. And to the extent that the credibility of those in authority at any level in Iraq is diminished, that does affect broader national issues. But I'm not going to draw a point as broadbrush a conclusion as I think you were seeking in your comment -- in your question.




问题:Okay, thanks.

OPERATOR:谢谢你。再次,如果您想问一个问题,请在手机的触摸板上按* 1。您将被要求在询问您的问题之前录制您的姓名。那是你手机的触摸板上的* 1。稍等一会儿。






Released on October 16, 2007

来源: State Department