
ByApril 7, 2020



The military historian also is responsible for identifying and assembling the raw materials of future scholarship. Contrary to what “many new historians may incorrectly assume, documentation will not automatically arrive in the office. The historian must seek it.” See航空航天历史学家和平与战争的行动,空军手册84-106,2020年4月2日。




“历史学家知道,陆军历史记录了胜利,挑战和失败。陆军历史学家不判断行动和行动;他们试图讲述完整的故事,以便其他人从中学习。”看军事历史行动,ATP 1-20,美国陆军,2014年6月。

Categories:历史,,,,Military Doctrine






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JA Malachowski


You have many quotes comparing the Air Force manual with the Army techniques guide. But, I don't see your thesis, as it were. Is your point that historians should never judge, or that military historians are essential, or that the Service's historians should never judge? Or that operational history is of limited value? Which can only be true if you assume that it is something that it was never intended to be. Comparing the apples of the Air Force and oranges of the Army history programs suggests this may be the case. However, just because they share the word "history" does not make them similar.


两个程序之间的关键区别在于预期的结果 - 大多数技术,培训和实践都是相同的 - 大小。陆军有军事历史的中心,重点是学术写作,“资本H”历史讲述了军队的故事。这得到了军事历史公司和分离的支持,这些公司将部署到战斗区以获取信息和数据。然后是士兵历史生态系统中的组织(例如,奇妙的军队历史和教育中心)的组织。

美国空军有一个,和decentr小得多alized "applied history" program with a much different job. You can see this in its goals to help the organization learn. Their historians don't write history just to put a book on the shelf—give them 80 more people, and I'm sure they would love to do that too. The Air Force deploys individual civilian historians from its wings and centers. They go, document operations, send it to the archive, and rotate home to catch up with their own organization's history.

AFPD 84-1是开始理解的地方,对于空军而言,历史学家的重要作用是帮助他们的组织更好地做事。保存机构记忆的历史技术是关键,这就是为什么航空航天历史学家在会议上和完成任务的何处的原因。他们首先是在那里,以通过将与历史背景融合的信息推回领导者做出这些决定来帮助改善决策。这些并不是要解决问题的解决方案,而是其他人如何处理类似情况以及这些努力的结果的解决方案。更好的信息=更好,更明智的决策=提高战斗效率。


At the same time, their work saves a record for the future, enabling the work of future historians. If we accept the argument that sufficient time is needed to gain perspective before 'capital H' History can be written (20, 50, or more years), then an archive of curated, preserved primary source and key secondary source documents (the good, the bad, and the ugly) is essential. That is what aerospace historians are out there seeking and organizing every day while they work to support their commander improve the unit. I celebrate these military historians and think they need more resources to keep doing the essential role of preserving what the military is doing for the American public for the American public.


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