Congressional Record: January 21, 2004 (Extensions) Page E21-E22 INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION OF INQUIRY REGARDING DISCLOSURE OF IDENTITY AND EMPLOYMENT OF COVERT U.S. INTELLIGENCE OFFICER ______ HON. RUSH D. HOLT of new jersey in the house of representatives Wednesday, January 21, 2004 Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, six months after a syndicated columnist disclosed the identity of a CIA employee, calling her a CIA "operative," the White House and the Department of Justice have yet to find and hold accountable the person or persons who leaked her name to the press. Congress and the men and women [[Page E22]] of our intelligence community deserve answers. I am today introducing一个革命制度党vileged resolution of inquiry要求布什总统,美国总检察长和美国国家和国防部秘书为国会提供有关其拥有的事实信息,这些信息与披露瓦莱丽·普拉姆女士的身份和雇用有关中央情报局的秘密雇员。我很高兴能与美国代表Eshoo,Reyes,Tauscher,Larson,Turner,Spratt,Moran,Waxman,Lantos和Conyers一起成为这项及时和重要立法的原始共同提案者。如果通过,该决议将为国会提供所需的信息,以独立确定围绕这种违反机密性的事实,评估其对美国国家安全和情报收集的影响,并确定是否需要立法行动来防止这种性质泄漏将来。我认为保护我们国家的情报界以及所有服务的人都对我们的国家安全和所有美国人的安全至关重要。目前,询问的解决方案是可以处理房屋的最佳工具,以确定这种泄漏是如何发生和谁进行的。我对情报界和本届政府中高级官员缺乏公众愤怒感到失望。他们应该与Plame女士和在我们情报界服务的其他美国人团结一致,他们应该反对任何一个假定单方面决定应公开身份的人。他们的沉默是可悲的。保护我们的国家以及保护和捍卫我们的男人和女人不仅是我们政府一个分支的责任。 It is a shared responsibility under our system of checks and balances. Our Government--including both the Congress and the executive branch--has a duty to ensure that all who work within the U.S. intelligence community are not compromised and that all U.S. intelligence agencies are able to effectively do their jobs and protect the American people from more terrorist attacks and other threats. Some have used the weak excuses that this person's identity was already known by some people or that her work was not very important. These excuses are outrageous. Any unauthorized disclosure potentially puts our agents and our sources and their families at risk and thus weakens our ability to protect Americans. At the least, I hope that this resolution will exert pressure on the ongoing Department of Justice investigation. I fully support the investigation, but there is no reason why it should be taking so long to get any answers at all. This investigation should be among the Department's highest priorities. Over the longer term and after we have determined the origin of this leak, I believe that this Congress has an on-going responsibility to examine thoroughly and oversee how our intelligence community uses human sources, human case officers, and various kinds of cover, and how we go about protecting them. We simply cannot accept the public disclosure of an undercover intelligence operative. We must understand what happened and search for ways to prevent it from happening in the future. The effectiveness of our intelligence agencies demands nothing less.

晶澳nuary 21, 2004


- 霍尔特引入了调查解决方案 -

华盛顿特区众议员拉什·霍尔特(Rush Holt)和一群众议院成员今天介绍了resolution of inquiry这要求总统,国务卿,国防部长和总检察长将所有文件和与披露有关的官员以及与披露有关的那些官员以及那些官员通行后的14天不晚于众议院。Valerie Plame的身份。这些文件包括:电话和电子邮件记录,日历和日历,人事记录以及总统拥有的内部讨论记录,与披露瓦莱丽·普拉姆女士在该期间披露瓦莱丽·普拉姆女士的身份有关从2003年5月6日开始,并于2003年7月31日结束。由于决议的独特性质,国会必须在14个立法日期内对该决议采取行动。众议员霍尔特(Holt)是众议院情报永久选择委员会的成员。

众议员拉什·霍尔特(Rush Holt)说:``白宫和司法部的秘密专栏作家披露了秘密的中央情报局特工的名称后的几个月,尚未找到并承担责任。``国会和我们情报界的男人和女人都应该得到答案。''

Congress has many techniques for obtaining documents from the executive branch, including simple requests, committee investigations, subpoenas, and holding executive officials in contempt. One procedure, used only in the House of Representatives, is the resolution of inquiry, which �is a simple resolution making a direct request or demand of the President or the head of an executive department to furnish the House of Representatives with specific factual information in the possession of the executive branch� (Congressional Research Service Report RL31909)

众议员拉什·霍尔特(Rush Holt)说。``保护我们的国家和捍卫国家的男人和女人不是政府一个分支的工作。这是一个集体责任。

其他相关者包括:汤姆·兰托斯(CA-12);Ellen Tauscher(CA-10),Anna Eshoo(CA-14),John Spratt(SC-5),John Larson(CT-1),Silvestre Reyes(TX-16);特纳(TX-2);吉姆·莫兰(VA-8);亨利·瓦克斯曼(CA-30);约翰·科尼尔斯(MI-14)


Introduced by Rep. Rush Holt (NJ-12)


The resolution requests that the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the Attorney General transmit to the House of Representatives not later than 14 days after passage all documents in the possession of the President and those officials relating to the disclosure of the identity of Valerie Plame. These documents include: telephone and electronic mail records, logs and calendars, personnel records, and records of internal discussions in the possession of the President relating to the disclosure of the identity of Ms. Valerie Plame as an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency during the period beginning on May 6, 2003 (the day that Nicholas Kristof�s column appears in the NY Times breaking the story about Ambassador Wilson�s trip to Niger) and ending on July 31, 2003.

Why is this resolution necessary?

Six months have passed since syndicated columnist Robert Novak revealed the name of Valerie Plame in a Washington Post column claiming that she was a �CIA Operative.� To date, neither the White House nor the Department of Justice has determined who revealed her identity to the press. Congress, the American public, and the men and women of our intelligence community deserve answers. A resolution of inquiry is the best tool that Members of the House have at their disposal to get answers.

Why should Congress get involved?

Protecting our country and the men and women who defend it is not a job solely for one branch of government. It is a collective responsibility. Our government, including both the Executive Branch and the Congress, has a responsibility to ensure that our intelligence community is not compromised, and that the intelligence community is able to effectively serve our government.

国会议员还需要向每个为联邦政府工作并且可以访问机密信息的人发送明确而无限制的信息 - 国家安全不能受到政治的影响。民主党人或共和党人,根本没有这种严重性和严重性的政治泄漏空间。它根本无法受到惩罚,因为它将为未来树立危险的先例。

Why isn�t the DoJ investigation enough?

The DoJ investigation has the full support of Congress and should be vigorously pursued, but it is not enough. This resolution complements and reinforces the importance of the DoJ investigation. If something slips through one inquiry, a well-defined, bipartisan congressional investigation may catch it. The credibility of each will be enhanced by parallel and independent investigations in both the executive and legislative branches. The resolution also sends a strong signal to the DoJ that Congress wants prompt and thorough action. After all, DoJ investigations do not operate under a fixed timetable. Lastly, the DoJ investigation is strictly a criminal investigation. A Congressional investigation would examine not only who committed the leak, but how the leak occurred, what its impact was on the intelligence community, what mechanisms could be employed to prevent leaks of this nature in the future, etc.

What is a resolution of inquiry?

Congress has many techniques for obtaining documents from the executive branch, including simple requests, committee investigations, subpoenas, and holding executive officials in contempt. One procedure, used only in the House of Representatives, is the resolution of inquiry, which �is a simple resolution making a direct request or demand of the President or the head of an executive department to furnish the House of Representatives with specific factual information in the possession of the executive branch� (Congressional Research Service Report RL31909)



Who determines to which House committee (or committees) the resolution is referred?

The Parliamentarian decides to which committees it will be referred, at which time the Chairman of each Committee on his/her own (or in consultation with the Ranking member) must decide how each Committee will act within the required 14 legislative days.

Where is a resolution of inquiry referred?

A resolution of inquiry is usually referred to the committee that has jurisdiction over the subject matter, but on a number of occasions two or more committees have been involved in responding to a resolution of inquiry. After a resolution of inquiry is introduced and referred to committee, the committee sends the resolution to the Administration for action, requesting a timely response to allow the committee to act within the deadline for a committee report.

What are the responsibilities of a committee to which a resolution of inquiry is referred?




What happens if the resolution fails?

Historically, resolutions of inquiry have often prompted the executive branch to provide information to the Congress before the referred committee has had a chance to vote on the resolution. In some cases, committees have been so satisfied with the information that they then voted adversely on the resolution.

Can the Senate introduce a resolution of inquiry?

No, there is no counterpart in current Senate practice for resolutions of inquiry. It is unique to the House of Representatives.
