Congresswoman Jane Harman
Ranking Democrat, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
January 16th, 2004

"The Intelligence on Iraq's WMD: Looking Back to Look Forward"



一周后,2月5日,国务卿科林·鲍威尔(Colin Powell)坐在右肩后面的中央情报局局长乔治·塞内特(George Tenet),使用图表和照片来详细说明政府的WMD案。鲍威尔说:“这些不是断言,这些事实得到了许多来源的证实。”鲍威尔的主张包括:


效果很强大。《华盛顿邮报》的资深专栏作家玛丽·麦格里(Mary McGrory)以自由主义的观点和肯尼迪的联系而闻名,第二天写了一篇名为“我被说服”的专栏文章。像我一样,国会议员相信情报案。我们投票赞成对伊拉克的决议敦促联合国行动,并只有在外交失败的情况下才授权军事力量。我们有信心我们做出了明智的选择。


我们发现,鲍威尔和其他决策者是错误的,英国的情报是错误的,我们当中那些认为情报是​​错误的人。的确,我怀疑是否会讨论戴维·凯(David Kay)是否可能离开,如果伊拉克调查小组处于揭露大量武器或先进的核武器计划的边缘。

让我清楚。有充分的理由支持伊拉克的政权变更 - 这是克林顿政府的政策,并在1998年在国会举行的大笔投票中得到了支持。确实,伊拉克违反了16个联合国决议,未能证明其已拆除已拆除。它的WMD和继续欺骗联合国检查员的努力。


让我补充说,包括国会议员在内的政策制定者 - 有责任提出棘手的问题,探究向他们提供的信息。我们也有责任尽可能准确地公开描绘该信息。

关于情报信息的真实本质的清晰图像可能会导致更多的政策选择 - 更多的时间外交工作以及更多的时间来建立国际对军事行动的支持,这是不可避免的萨达姆和他的儿子。



The October 2002 NIE on Iraq's WMD Programs

The intelligence community communicates its judgments to senior officials in many ways - in verbal briefings, in short memos, and in longer reports. The cornerstone document on Iraq's WMD before the war was the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq's WMD published in October 2002. NIEs are the most carefully written, methodically coordinated products of the intelligence agencies.



These were centerpieces of the NIE and of the case for war and it appears likely that both were wrong.

Recently, I met with the senior analysts who wrote the October 2002 NIE. Describing their mindset at the time, they believed the decision to go to war had already been made. They wrote as if they were advising the military commanders on the likely status of Iraq's weapons as they prepared for a war. It was a mindset that, according to the analysts, focused on "making the case" and "making the tough calls". They felt they had to come down on one side or the other - did Saddam have chemical and biological weapons or didn't he? Would he use them on our troops?

I think the intelligence community misunderstood its audience and its role. Let's remember that this NIE was requested by Congress -- by my colleague Senator Bob Graham, then head of the Senate Intelligence Committee -- in order to inform Members' decisions about the timing and need for military action. It was published a few days before the key vote in the Senate to authorize the use of force. This is a very different audience - and purpose - than the military commander preparing to fight.

大约十二年前,曾在第一届布什政府任职的Rebublican DCI Robert Gates离开,阐明了标准,以确保情报分析师和管理人员摆脱政治压力或个人偏见。盖茨说,打艰难的电话不是分析师的工作。他们的工作是尽可能准确地描述已知的内容:“阐明未知的内容,并清楚地区分事实,推论和判断力。”


在去年秋天委员会之前的证词中,前国防部副部长约翰·哈姆雷(John Hamre)强调了盖茨的另一项警告:防止“集体思维”,这是一种机构心态,未能挑战对“真理”的瓦特尔的争论。

正如我们要学习的那样,一个令人不安的集体思维的一个令人不安的例子是毫无疑问的假设,即未能证明萨达姆·侯赛因在1991年后摧毁了大规模杀伤性武器,证明它们仍然存在。该重言术感染了世界各地的情报报道,是科林·鲍威尔(Colin Powell)地址的核心。

The Intelligence Community in a State of Denial

四个月前,代表ublican Committee Chairman Porter Goss and I sent a bipartisan letter to the DCI outlining shortcomings we had identified in pre-war intelligence. Subsequently, questions have also been raised by the Senate Intelligence Committee, which, like our Committee, plans to issue a report. We said that collection had not provided sufficient insights into an admittedly very tough intelligence target. In addition, the departure of the U.N. weapons inspectors from Iraq in 1998 ended the world community's best window into what Iraq was doing. Analysis failed clearly to present alternative hypotheses or contrary information, such as claims that Iraq had destroyed weapons, or that its WMD programs were hollowed out by deception, corruption and deceit among players in the regime. The Chairman and I have yet to receive a serious substantive response to our letter.


Last month, the Los Angeles Times ran a detailed piece casting doubt on the Intelligence Community's judgments about North Korea's nuclear program. A recent Washington Post piece suggested that China is also skeptical of the assessment that North Korea has a uranium enrichment program in part because of questions regarding the credibility of U.S. intelligence in Iraq. Several days ago, the North Koreans claimed their own statements had been exaggerated. Our intelligence community has been vocal about the North Korea threat: how good are its assessments?

Libya's recent decision to abandon its WMD programs provides the intelligence community with the chance to compare its assessments with the truth on the ground. These should be viewed as opportunities for lessons learned rather than a time to circle the wagons.

决策者也应该从伊拉克和利比亚体验中学习课程,以改善打击WMD扩散的策略。利比亚似乎已经认识到,放弃WMD比拥有WMD更安全。制裁和患者外交 - 受军事力量的威胁支持 - 似乎有效。耐心是政府为伊拉克建立联盟的方法所缺乏的。



领导。There is no reform as important as ensuring that the right leadership sets the right tone. It is essential to have a work environment that welcomes constructive criticism and opportunities for lessons learned.


这个想法长期以来得到了两党的支持。前国家安全顾问布伦特·斯科克罗夫特(Brent Scowcroft)推荐了它,以及我在上面服役的9-11的双萨活动联合国会调查,认可了这一点。当前的结构是一团糟。中央情报主任仅对中央情报局具有直接的权力。社区的大部分技术信号和图像收集工作中,都在向国防部长报告的机构中。联邦调查局是司法部的一部分。国会最近将22个机构重组成庞大的国土安全部,既是智力的重要客户,又包含其自己的情报功能。


More traditional targets, such as proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, also require greater collaboration across the intelligence community. Technical experts and regional experts must work hand-in-glove. And we will never effectively penetrate and understand foreign targets without greater emphasis on language skills and a more diverse workforce.

“虚拟重组。”DNI可能还很遥远。同时,使用当今的业务模型和信息技术工具,几个杰出的团体,例如Markle Foundation工作队,已经确定了可以采取“虚拟重组”的重要步骤。使不同机构的分析师更容易相互找到并实时比较笔记。通过改变人员政策并提供虚拟工作空间来促进“激增”并创建“工作队”的能力。从“需要知道”文化转变为“需要分享”文化。为社区任务创造职业激励措施。所有这些步骤都可以显着增强智能能力。

对于另一种模式,我们应该研究国防部如何通过1986年的《戈德沃特·尼科尔法案》和跨封地灌输的“联合”来改变。戈德沃特·尼科尔斯(Goldwater-Nichols)整理了国防部的能力。它将服务分配给“组织,训练和装备”部队,并分配了称为“ CINCS”的各种命令进行操作。同样,情报界可能会将NSA等机构的董事集中在组织,培训和装备情报部队上,而建立了更强大的社区“ CINCS”以管理针对特定目标的联合行动。



美国军方的危险稀疏,与关键盟友的关系严重紧张,战争和国土安全的成本正在促成预算赤字,这已经打破了所有以前的记录。在这种情况下,情报界的责任令人震惊。在来年没有错误的余地,也没有空间感到惊讶 - 如果我们可以依靠一件事,那就是惊喜。



Quite frankly, this willingness to learn lessons should start at the top. The President should lead the effort to improve his intelligence on weapons of mass destruction and terrorism. I urge him in his State of the Union address next Tuesday to acknowledge the problems and outline specific steps to fix them.

