
登录号:00000文件ID:95053108.lar日期:05/31/95标题:U.S。Justice表示,在Letelier谋杀案文本:TR95053108(法院维护监狱)+(550)华盛顿 - 美国欢迎5月31日智利法院决定维护订购的两名智利军官的定罪和判决1976年,反对派领导人奥兰多·雷德莱尔和他的同事罗尼·迈菲特的暗杀。代理国务院发言人Christine Shelly告诉记者,克林顿政府“赞扬智利政府的成功努力来调查和起诉案件。我们很满意正义已经盛行。“5月30日,智利最高法院维持了一个较低法院的裁决判决判决,曼努埃尔·康塔拉斯·萨普韦达,曼努埃尔·康塔韦萨·萨佩维特吠陀,达到军队的国家情报局,七年监禁,以及他的副手们。Pedro Espinoza Bravo,仍处于积极服务,六年。Shelly表示,关于这种情况的重要事项是美国案例的是,“进程以此应该出现。我们在确认那些监狱判决的乐趣......最终,司法服务。”她说,美国很高兴通过智利法院制度成功地举行了该过程。谢利地指出,美国在1993年底交给了判决时,美国欢迎判决,她称赞智利政府的“坚定不移承诺”继续起诉案件。“我们当然与智利司法系统合作,”谢尔利说,“通过提供检察所用的证据。” She added that while it has been "a long time" since the murders took place, "the important thing for us is that the process came out in the way that we felt that it should." Shelly said "it's important to note that every person that was indicted by the United States in this terrorist case has now been prosecuted either in the United States or in Chile and so hopefully this will bring this very sad chapter to an end." The case had been closely watched by the United States, which sought to have the two officers stand trial for the crime. Both men had denied responsibility for the crime and appealed their convictions to the Supreme Court. The decision meant that for the first time in Chile senior army officers will go to prison for human rights abuses committed under the military dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet. Letelier was killed Sept. 21, 1976, three years after Pinochet overthrew the elected Marxist government of Salvador Allende. Letelier had been Allende's foreign minister and ambassador in Washington and took up exile here. His car was at Sheridan Circle, near the Chilean Embassy residence, when a bomb attached to the auto detonated. In its ruling, the Supreme Court said the two officers had orchestrated the car-bombing. Michael Townley, an American who worked for the Chilean secret police, and a former Chilean Army officer confessed their involvement and implicated the two officers. Two Cubans were also found guilty of involvement in the killings. The ruling was said to be a major victory in testing democratic freedoms in Chile, six years after Pinochet gave up power to an elected government. Pinochet continues to command Chile's army. NNNN