
登录号码:00000文件ID:95061407.lar日期:06/14/95标题:立法者赞美票据围绕卡斯特罗文本周围收紧绞索:TR95061407(参议院听证会)+ Eg(760)埃里克绿色Usia工作人员作家华盛顿 - 二为总统竞选的参议员与他们的几个共和党的同事加入了宣传热情的支持,这是一个将收紧古巴经济挤压的法案,称这是摆脱菲德尔卡斯特罗半球的唯一途径。6月14日在参议院外交关系委员会在西半球和和平核心事务的小组委员会前14岁的证词。菲尔格拉姆(R-TEXAS)和ARLEN SPECTER(R-PENN。)呼吁通过裁决他们所说的话克林顿政府的举动使美国与古巴之间的关系正常化。Spector, who is also chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the recent shift in U.S. policy to repatriate Cuban "boat people" back to Cuba, rather than allowing them to continue coming to the United States, "may be a signal" that the administration plans to recognize the Castro regime. The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act, sponsored by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), is a "very important bill," Specter said, for achieving Castro's ouster "at the earliest possible time." Graham released a letter to Helms, saying that tightening the economic embargo against Cuba "is a vital tool" in ending Castro's regime. Signs of panic among Castro's dictatorship, Graham said, "are unmistakable evidence that the embargo is working. "Rather than relieve that pressure, we must increase it. We cannot allow the freedom tide that has swept the planet to ebb before it drowns Fidel Castro." Though not testifying in person, Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole (R-Kan.), considered the front-runner among Republican presidential candidates, also released a letter supporting the bill. The administration, Dole said, "has found many reasons to oppose strengthening the embargo" against Cuba. "This comes as no surprise," Dole charged, "in light of their ... about-face on Cuban refugee policy." Helms, not shy in his avowed goal to have Castro deposed, called the Cuban communist leader a "bloodsucking tyrant" and said he will do everything possible "to tighten the noose" around him. However, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y) called Helms' legislation misguided, saying it violates U.S. trade treaties with other countries. Rather than isolate Cuba, he said, Congress should favor "opening the doors of communication" and increasing economic, cultural and educational exchanges with Havana. The United States, he said, is losing hundreds of millions of dollars from the current economic embargo by not exporting agricultural goods to Cuba. Even if the Helms' bill is passed, Rangel said, the United States is not prepared to enforce its provisions, which include banning business dealings with anyone who buys U.S. property confiscated by Cuba. The measure also prohibits U.S. imports of sugar products from countries buying Cuban sugar, blocking international loans to Cuba, and deducting from U.S. aid to Russia the amount Moscow pays Havana. In addition, the bill calls for strengthening U.S. broadcasting into Cuba, and asks the administration to prepare a post-Castro plan for the country. However, Rangel said the bill would cause the United States "to take on the whole world (because) we don't like Fidel Castro. He is not worth it." When challenged by Helms and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) on whether Castro should be deposed, Rangel responded that he wants all Communists out of power. "If you're commie, you should be out," Rangel said. But Rangel, who fought in the Korean War against the Communist North Korean regime, said "he's not going back to get rid of any more communist leaders myself." Ros-Lehtinen said the LIBERTAD Act is urgent because a joint-stock company composed of Italian, German, Brazilian, British, and Russian firms has offered $800 million to finish the construction of the Juragua nuclear power plant in Cienfuegos, Cuba. She said that if an accident were to occur at this power plant or Castro was to arrange an "incident" there, the radioactive fallout would pose a catastrophic health danger to Cuba, the Caribbean, and the U.S. eastern seaboard. Some 130 members of Congress, Ros-Lehtinen said, sent a letter to President Clinton telling him he must put pressure on Russia to stop completion of the plant. Helms' legislation, she added, "will stop ... obscene and immoral investments by those who prefer to make an easy dollar off the backs of the suffering Cuban people rather than stand in solidarity with their aspirations for freedom." NNNN