
伊拉克在武器上的欺骗行为是由政府“协调”的美国驻伊拉克大使奥尔布赖特8月25日说,伊拉克承认加快生产和部署核武器和生物武器的先进计划是“令人心寒”的。奥尔布赖特在与联合国监督销毁伊拉克武器委员会(UNSCOM)主席罗尔夫·埃切乌斯(Rolf Ekeus)举行私人会议后对记者说,“新的信息显示,伊拉克在海湾战争之前和之后的武器计划比UNSCOM所知道的更危险。”巴格达方面声称,该计划全部是侯赛因·卡迈勒中将所为。卡迈勒中将是伊拉克总统萨达姆·侯赛因的女婿,最近叛逃到约旦。她说:“伊拉克与联合国特别委员会长达四年的虚假合作不是一个人的工作,而是伊拉克政府协调一致的政策。”以下是大使的讲话全文:(开始)早上好,由于我们刚才在安理会听到的内容的重要性,我谨宣读一项声明。我们刚刚收到埃切尤斯大使令人不寒而栗的简报,其中披露了伊拉克生产和部署核武器和生物武器的重大新情况。我想强调其中的三个。第一,伊拉克在先前披露的两种生物制剂之外又生产了其他生物制剂。第二,他们有一个全面的计划,生产和部署大约200个完全能够用于空中和远程导弹运载的生物弹头,在美国明确表明使用此类武器的后果后,他们放弃了这个计划。 And three, Iraq launched a crash program to deploy a nuclear device before the Gulf War and their target date was April 1991. The latest disclosures from Baghdad say much more about the credibility of the Iraqi government, and the threat it still poses to the region, than they do about the possibility of lifting sanctions anytime soon. On credibility: even when the Iraqi government provides information, it feels compelled to wrap it in a package of falsehood. Iraq has again insulted the intelligence of the council with a story even a child could not believe: that in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, Hussein Kamel singlehandedly ran a weapons program involving Cabinet ministers and thousands of specialists, and managed to conceal details of it from Saddam Hussein himself. Iraq's four-year long approach of false cooperation with UNSCOM is not the work of a single individual, but the coordinated policy of the Iraqi government. The new disclosures by Iraqi officials show that these same officials were consciously lying to UNSCOM just three weeks ago when they said then they had provided full information on their biological weapons program. Clearly, UNSCOM was correct to resist pressure some months ago from Iraq and some council members to say that the nuclear, chemical and missile files should be closed. These files are very much open and should remain so. Literally dozens of times the Iraqis have said that they have provided full information on a particular subject. Every single time, the United States has not believed that statement, and every single time we have been correct. For anyone to believe Iraq when it now says it has come clean would be naive in the extreme. More importantly, the new information shows that Iraq had a more dangerous weapons program before and after the Gulf War than even UNSCOM had known. Iraq continued its work in these areas even after it "accepted" Resolution 687, even when it claimed sanctions were reducing Iraq to poverty. It did its best to preserve major elements of its program in order to revive it as soon as possible. The verification process will be long and difficult, but it is made necessary by the Iraqi Government's utter lack of credibility. The United States will assist UNSCOM in any way possible in the rapid and complete analysis of the information supplied by Iraq. Until now, Iraq has pursued a two-fold strategy: providing minimal cooperation to UNSCOM, and ignoring all of its other requirements. If it is now ready to change both parts of that strategy, and follows through, that would be significant news. However, it will not be enough for Iraq only to address the weapons of mass destruction issues. Our position, shared by most members of this council, remains that Iraq must be in overall compliance with all of its obligations before we can consider modifying the sanctions regime. (end text) NNNN