
登录号:00000文件ID:95120610。守护神日期:12/06/95标题:06-12-95格尔巴德认为贩毒集团现在跨国范围文本说:TR95120610(迈阿密会议上演讲)由埃里克·格林(590)美国新闻署特派记者迈阿密——今天的罪犯,药物,和恐怖组织跨国范围,操作不受惩罚和充分利用新技术,美国国务院高级官员说在国际毒品问题。助理国务卿还是招惹到国际麻醉品和执法事务告诉19迈阿密年会在加勒比海和拉丁美洲12月6日,国家必须发展意味着应对大量的“狡猾的和富有的罪犯现在的业务扩展在整个地区甚至全球。”他以哥伦比亚的毒贩为例说,犯罪分子有极大的能力腐蚀国家的政治和经济体系,“从而从内部腐蚀社会”。在过去的几年里,像Cali这样的贩毒集团已经变得非常复杂。格尔巴德曾担任美国驻玻利维亚大使。他说,毒贩现在不再像哥伦比亚麦德林贩毒集团(Medellin cartel)那样依赖“赤裸裸的恐吓”,而是越来越多地依赖卡利集团(Cali group)所使用的阴险的金融腐败和政治颠覆手段。格尔巴德说,如果有一个“精英国际犯罪商学院(elite international crime business school)向mba颁发操纵和颠覆经济的学位”,卡利卡特尔(Cali cartel)肯定会经营它。“他们的校友不仅在哥伦比亚政府和社会中处于高位,而且还在世界各地的重要和有影响力的职位上。”他说,卡利小组使用了一些复杂的情报手段,比如窃听电话线路,拦截军方、警方、政府和私人通讯,然后开发一种“先进的计算机系统来管理这个庞大的情报基地”。格尔巴德说,引渡到美国是各种犯罪分子最担心的事情。 He added that that is why, by bribing officials participating in Colombia's constitutional reform process in 1991, the criminals eliminated the possibility of extradition to the United States. So serious is the threat of international crime, Gelbard said, that President Clinton told the 50th anniversary of the United Nations in New York in October that he was proposing a five-part plan to attack the problem. Among the new initiatives Clinton proposed was possible sanctions on nations and financial institutions that allow illicit funds to be laundered through their financial systems. In addition, Gelbard said, Clinton's initiatives included an executive order to freeze U.S. assets of front companies and individuals associated with the Cali cartel and to prohibit U.S. firms from conducting business with them. The president also called on members of the United Nations to negotiate a Universal Declaration on Citizens Security that would "affirm the serious threat to world security that international crime poses and demonstrate a global commitment to combat it." Gelbard said the administration also believes that the business community must do its part to stop the globalization of organized crime and make clear they will not tolerate illegal and unethical business practices. The president, Gelbard said, has made it clear that the key to success against criminal organizations is government-to-government cooperation, as well as through government cooperation with the private sector. The battle against the world's international criminals will not be a quick or easy one, Gelbard acknowledged. "A problem that has been long in the making will not be solved overnight. But that does not mean we cannot make serious inroads into it." NNNN