
1995年9月11日——网络陷阱刺痛——逮捕——新闻稿六名涉嫌计算机“黑客”在秘密特工局调查中被捕,被称为“网络陷阱行动”黑客0911。新泽西州莫里斯镇——六名涉嫌计算机“黑客”在一项名为“网络陷阱行动”的七州美国特工局秘密调查中,被逮捕并查获了20多个计算机系统,目标是利用互联网和私人公告板系统涉嫌处理价值数百万美元的被盗手机和信用卡数据的人,特勤局负责人彼得·卡维奇亚二世今天宣布。在加利福尼亚州亨廷顿海滩逮捕被告;纽约布鲁克林;密歇根州底特律;据美国律师费思·S·霍希伯格(Faith S.Hochberg)称,德克萨斯州休斯顿的一次刺杀行动结束了。在这次行动中,一名秘密特工操纵了一个位于新泽西州卑尔根县的公告牌系统,名为“Celco 51”。除了在被告被捕的州执行搜查令外,在新泽西、弗吉尼亚、康涅狄格和阿拉斯加也执行了计算机硬件和数据的搜查令。调查中的逮捕和逮捕令标志着第一次成功的执法“刺杀”行动,该行动确定了涉嫌入侵电信计算机网络、计算机盗窃信用卡账号和相关个人信息的人员,卡维奇亚说,还有用于获取免费移动电话服务的信息被盗。周五晚些时候,德克萨斯州凯蒂市的理查德·拉卡普(Richard Lacap)和德克萨斯州休斯敦市的凯文·沃特金斯(Kevin Watkins)分别以计算机别名“Chillin”和“Led”被捕;来自加利福尼亚州亨廷顿海滩的杰里米·库欣(Jeremy Cushing)使用计算机别名“阿尔法比特”(Alpha Bits),被控贩运克隆手机设备和用于为手机编程的被盗接入设备;纽约布鲁克林的Frank Natoli,他使用的计算机别名是“Mmind”;密歇根州底特律的Al Bradford使用计算机别名“Cellfone”,被控贩运未经授权的接入设备,用于为手机编程;纽约布鲁克林的迈克尔·克拉克森(Michael Clarkson)使用计算机别名“条形码”,被控拥有和贩运用于未经授权访问电信服务的硬件。如果罪名成立,拉卡普和沃特金斯将面临最多五年的联邦监禁和25万美元的罚款。Natoli、Bradford和Clarkson三人都将面临最高10年的联邦监禁,罚款25万美元,如果罪名成立,罚款额将是犯罪所得财产价值的两倍。如果罪名成立,库欣将面临最高15年监禁和250000美元或犯罪所得财产价值两倍的罚款。Hochberg说,根据美国的判刑指南,每一个被告案件的法官在定罪后将根据考虑到罪行的严重性和特点以及被告的犯罪史(如果有的话)的公式来确定实际判刑。然而,假释在联邦制度中已被废除。霍克伯格解释说,根据判刑指南,被判监禁的被告几乎必须一直服刑。这六人本应在周末在被捕的联邦地区的美国治安法官面前首次露面。每个被告都将获得保释。Hochberg说,所有人都被命令于1995年9月19日下午2:30在纽瓦克联邦法院向美国治安法官丹尼斯·M·卡瓦诺(Dennis M.Cavanaugh)首次出庭。除了特勤局特工从被捕人员手中缴获的许多计算机系统外,新泽西州、阿拉斯加、康涅狄格州和弗吉尼亚州的特勤局特工还从新泽西州调查确定的其他六名所谓“黑客”手中缴获了计算机系统。根据对周五被捕的六名涉嫌黑客提出的刑事指控,调查始于1995年1月,当时一名特勤局特工以卧底身份设立了“Celco 51”电脑公告栏(“BBS”)。计算机“黑客”是指在未经授权进入计算机系统方面具有专业知识的个人。Celco 51是通过使用新泽西州卑尔根县的电话设施建立的。计算机公告牌是一个电子会议场所,在这里,使用计算机的个人可以交换信息。尽管许多公告牌系统作为国家商业服务向公众开放,但数以千计的小型计算机公告牌是私人拥有的chments to the Complaints state. The components necessary to establish a bulletin board include a computer system, modem, telephone line, and communications software. A computer bulletin board may also include various peripheral hardware, software, networking hardware and software, passwords and data security devices, data, and documentation. During the course of the investigation law enforcement identified persons who were involved in the intrusion of telecommunication computer networks and the theft of information used to obtain free cellular telephone service. Through computer contact via the Internet, the undercover agent advertised that Celco 51 was a bulletin board catering to individuals involved in unauthorized computer intrusion and all aspects of computer fraud, including cellular telephone fraud, according to the federal Complaints. The type of cellular telephone fraud targeted in this case has been frequently accomplished through the theft of Electronic Serial Numbers ("ESNs") and Mobile Identification Numbers ("MINs") (collectively "ESNs and MIN pairs"), which constitute the information used to encode and program cellular telephones. These pairs are programmed into a cellular telephone to provide the telephone user with telephone service and to permit the establishment of a billing account for each the user. In recent years, individuals with computer expertise have gained unauthorized entry into computer systems operated by cellular telephone providers and stolen blocks of ESNs and MIN pairs, according to court documents. After an active ESN and MIN pair is stolen, it may be programmed into a cellular telephone such that this "cloned" telephone may be used to make unauthorized telephone calls that will be charged to the account of the individual whose cellular telephone legitimately possesses the ESN and MIN pair. Such fraud is generally not discovered until the legitimate owner reviews his or her monthly bill and discovers the unauthorized telephone calls reflected on it. The cellular industry has estimated that it suffers losses in excess of $1 million per day as a result of cellular telephone fraud. Cavicchia credited the cooperation provided by AT&T Wireless Communications; The Cellular Telecommunications Industries Association; and numerous cellular telephone providers and landline companies for their cooperation during the investigation. The United States is represented in court by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Donna Krappa and Elliot Turrini, of the U.S. Attorney's Criminal Division in Newark. --30-- hack0911.rel Cybersnare Sting -- Arrests News Release -- 1995-09-11 U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey Faith S. Hochberg, United States Attorney 970 Broad Street, Seventh Floor Newark, New Jersey 07102 Main Office Number: 201-645-2700 Public Affairs Office: 201-645-2888 Dick Lavinthal: Spokesman and Public Affairs Specialist Jennifer Salvato: Public Affairs Specialist DOJ Eagle: ANJ01(PUBAFAIR) Internet Mail --(电子邮件保护)万维网- Gopher - Gopher:// Gopher