标题:纱丽Nusaybah敦促巴勒斯坦人寻求非暴力解决冲突的文件编号:FBIS-NES-2002-0320文档日期:2002年3月20日来源:耶路撒冷圣城阿拉伯语零二年三月二十○日第13页AFS编号:GMP20020320000198子脉段:评论由纱丽和露西Nusaybah:“更有效的力量” [FBIS翻译文本]“更有效的力量”是一个新的六集电视连续剧。这表明,非暴力的政治斗争已经构成最有效的和创造性的形式,在20世纪的变化之一。巴勒斯坦地方电视台将开始显示这一系列的3月21日。每集凸显来自世界的不同部分不同的体验,从独特的视角:在推翻南非白人少数统治;对在20世纪60年代美国南方种族歧视运动的成就;丹麦在1940年纳粹占领的非暴力抵抗;团结罢工,结束苏联霸权,波兰;在智利恢复民主;当然,印度的事件导致和圣雄甘地在印度脱离英国殖民占领解放同时达到高潮时,大英帝国是主要超级大国的启发。 All these experiences represent success stories of nonviolent methods in confronting conflicts that seemed intractable. Every episode includes live scenes of real events and interviews with persons who took part in them. But what mostly distinguishes this series is the clarity and force of the message, whether from the aspect of the nonviolent methods or the hoped-for goals. On the basis of Gandhi's philosophy, the man who pioneered the methodical organization of nonviolence and its most energetic use, the message is as clear as the sun. The thrust of nonviolent struggle for the achievement of just political objectives, especially when used against a bestial, barbaric force and opposite great imbalances in power, is not only extremely effective in the achievement of these objectives, but often this is done more quickly. And maybe this method is sufficient to achieve them. This message, which gains special importance today in relation to the Palestinian people more than at any other time, must give hope in addition to providing a new strategy for a peaceable people. This people is primarily unarmed, occupied by a state that is predominately military in nature with full nuclear capability and an arsenal of advanced conventional weapons. The recent events have clearly shown two things in particular: on one hand, the Palestinians have proved a high degree of readiness, determination, and extraordinary courage, yet Israel's military superiority has prevented them from achieving their political objectives. On the other hand, the Israelis will never be able to score decisive political victory over the Palestinians despite their overwhelming military superiority. Moreover, resorting to the strategy of nonviolence and its weapons by a primarily unarmed people can directly deprive the Israelis of the advantage of being the stronger military power. It will redefine the rules of the game in the battlefield and enable the unarmed Palestinians laboring under the burden of occupation to take the initiative and launch an attack that cannot be repulsed. Its thrust gains momentum like a rolling snowball through every individual in this people for it leans on their just rights. And the columns of the Israeli army and its informational clout would stand hapless in front of it. The TV series recalls examples of conflicts in which nonviolent strategies proved to be more able than many military powers and political authorities that were mighty at the time. And consequently, they are more able and effective than violence as a means of affecting political change. The series shows how one nonviolent activity with a defined, prominent objective, such as Gandhi's march to the sea to bring salt in defiance of the tax on salt, can inspire the creativity of a whole nation living under the yoke of tyranny and injustice, mobilize and move it. Also it shows a matter that is not less important, albeit less widespread and less understood: nonviolence requires a great degree of courage, discipline, determination, and clear vision and strategy, not acquiescence, surrender, and cowardly avoidance of confrontation. On the contrary, it requires confrontation because it is a popular battle using nonviolent means. In addition, this battle cannot bet on the other side's abstention from using violence against the first one. Nonviolence is based on the assumption that the opponent will use violence and all forms of bestial practices, and on violence rebounding on the interest of the opponent. This is why nonviolence requires a great deal of organization and courage, a high degree of commitment that even entails sacrificing the self, and highly advanced tactics. Borrowing an example from the language field, it is possible to compare violence to screaming and yelling with the intention of making one heard in a certain crisis, while nonviolence could be compared to a clear, logical message. And while screaming and yelling can be heard, most of the time it is not understood. The listener stops listening or paying attention after a while. Against this, if the message is clear it is easily understood. It is also effective in stimulating activity, action, winning sympathy or achieving the desired objective. The methods of nonviolent struggle are not strange to the Palestinian people. Palestinians, men and women alike, used these methods during many periods of their history, including against the Ottoman rule. And the 1987 intifadah in particular constituted a very advanced form of nonviolent struggle. It was a popular revolution in the full sense of the word. It had a clear political objective and unified strategy: replacing the octopus of Israeli occupation with popular mechanisms of Palestinian authority in all facets of life, from commerce to education. It is no exaggeration to say that the Palestinians have become instructors in the arts of resistance. For Palestinian struggle is one of the few brilliant examples in the history of struggles for national independence. It is a struggle that by all criteria will certainly bear the fruit of victory, and grant the Palestinian people real freedom and independence. But in the context of the existence of an occupying force with a high degree of military organization that does not hesitate to use force against unarmed civilians, the real power of the sons of the Palestinian people rests in themselves and the justness of their cause. The concept of justice is the energy that drives all nonviolent movements. It drives whole peoples, and the justness of the Palestinian cause is not disputed. The biggest proof of the commitment to this cause, which even reached the level of sacrifice, has been confirmed in a painful way through the numbers of martyrs of all ages all over the country. There is now a need for finding the key within the possible strategies of nonviolence. Through this key the Palestinian people could be mobilized despite the policies of closure and dismembering pursued by Israel, and at the same time reach the conscience and humanity of the external world, including the Israeli people and policymakers in the United States. For nonviolence itself is an information battle like any other matter, so that the Israeli Government finds itself in a vortex. This vortex must give the Israeli Government the choice of losing the support and sympathy of most of the external world, especially the West--support and sympathy that it cannot ignore--or reaching a just, possibly permanent, agreement with the Palestinians. Since it is not sufficient that the justness of this cause is glaringly evident and that the Palestinians are visibly the victims, it is essential to make sure that the justness of this cause is not distorted by deceitful information. And as this TV series shows, the key to starting any effective nonviolent activity is finding the confrontation point that must be a shameful, objectionable matter in no uncertain terms. This series may help us find this key and go back to our moral power in order to win this inequitable military struggle. The first episode of this series begins with the examples of Poland and South Africa. [Description of Source: Jerusalem Al-Quds in Arabic -- Independent, largest circulation Palestinian newspaper; supports Palestinian Authority and peace process;]