[联邦公报》:2006年5月12日(卷71,编号为92)][通知][27745页 ] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 国家情报总监办公室副主任国家情报收集;建筑机构:国家情报收集部副主任办公室。措施:会议通知。----------------------------------------------------------------------- 摘要:副国家情报总监办公室集合将举行一个信息会议,讨论的过程是与情报机构合作开发一个集成架构和预算路线图集合。会议将包括国家情报技术手段助理副主任的简报,然后是问答会议。会议的主要目的是为国家情报总监办公室为情报系统做出未来投资决策的方法提供透明度。本届会议不讨论与采购有关的资料。与会者被要求通过如下所述的许可来回复。会议将于2006年6月5日(星期一)上午9时至11时举行。地址:会议将在TASC Northrop Grumman遗产会议中心举行,位于弗吉尼亚州尚蒂伊斯通克罗夫大道4803号。 Security: The meeting will be classified at the SECRET level. Clearances: Attendees are asked to pass their clearances at the SECRET level by fax to TASC at 703-633-2222 and to mark clearly on the fax that the clearance is for the ``Collection Meeting.'' Clearances should be passed no later than 12 p.m. on Friday, June 2. Passing clearances will constitute the requested RSVP. Attendees must have valid photo identification to gain entrance. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The Heritage Conference Center, 703- 633-2200. Dated: April 19, 2006. Sandra L. Webster, Acting Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Technical Means. [FR Doc. 06-4182 Filed 5-3-06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3910-A7-P