2002财政年度国防授权法案第1438号会议报告[…]秒。3152年。能源部反间谍测谎项目。(a)需要新的反间谍测谎仪程序。-根据本节规定的规定,能源部长应为能源部实施一项新的反间谍测谎程序。新计划的目的是将机密数据、材料或信息泄露的可能性降到最低。(1)部长应根据《美国法典》第5编第5章第2节的规定(通常称为《行政程序法》),对第(a)节要求的新的反间谍测谎仪程序规定规章。(2)在制定新项目的规章时,秘书应考虑测谎检查的结果。(3)在获得测谎仪审查结果后不迟于6个月,秘书应就新项目的拟议规则制定发出通知。(c)废除现有测谎程序。——在部长向国会国防委员会提交部长证明(a)款所要求的新的反间谍测谎程序的最终规则已经完全实施的证书后30天生效,能源部设施保障,安全, and Counterintelligence Enhancement Act of 1999 (subtitle D of title XXXI of Public Law 106-65; 42 U.S.C. 7383h) is repealed. (d) Report on Further Enhancement of Personnel Security Program.--(1) Not later than January 1, 2003, the Administrator for Nuclear Security shall submit to Congress a report setting forth the recommendations of the Administrator for any legislative action that the Administrator considers appropriate in order to enhance the personnel security program of the Department of Energy. (2) Any recommendations under paragraph (1) regarding the use of polygraphs shall take into account the results of the Polygraph Review. (e) Polygraph Review Defined.--In this section, the term "Polygraph Review" means the review of the Committee to Review the Scientific Evidence on the Polygraph of the National Academy of Sciences.
