日历140号第113届国会参议院报告1会话113 - 77  ====================================================================== 国土安全部拨款法案,2014年7月18日,2013年。-命令列印_______拨款委员会Landrieu女士提交以下报告[与第2217号决议一并提交][…——在2013财年的基础上,将提供总计29,868,000美元,用于加强国务院与联邦、州和地方合作伙伴保护和共享机密信息的能力,并帮助阻止此类信息未经授权的泄露。在过去和最近公开披露关键的国家安全信息之后,此类保障措施对于确保有效控制以防止非法删除和传播机密信息至关重要。[...]SHARING AND SAFEGUARDING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION The recommendation includes a $29,868,000 increase to implement information sharing and safeguarding measures to protect classified national security information. This is necessary in order to be compliant with measures resulting from Executive Order 13587--Structural Reforms to Improve the Security of Classified Networks and the Responsible Sharing and Safeguarding of Classified Information. The OCIO is to brief the Committee by April 15, 2014, on the implementation strategy, development schedule, and milestones for improving the protection of national security information held by the Department. The Committee also expects any structural reforms to be consistent with appropriate protections for privacy and civil liberties. [...]